I notice now most of us older guys (50+)

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I was chatting with my Nephew a while back and he asked me what I thought a good first pistol would be,glock 9mm. , or another auto loader? I told him a revolver was probably a good choice for several reasons. first being simplicity no magizien to loose with a lot of the new auto loaders if you loose the mag. you are done you now have an expensive hammer. secondly a revolver is simple to take care of and keep clean. third you wont use up as much amunition while practicing because a revolver is a bit slower to re load not as much of a spray and pray unlike the auto loaders and finaly I mentioned that you arent throwing empty brass all over the place
Especially when you have to buy brass to replace all the brass that bounces off the shooting lane dividers and lands in front of the line/bench.
If you're a handloader like me, anyway.

My revolvers dump empties where I tell them to.
My autos are willful little brats that fling it where they want to.
As a result, I've given my autos a time out while I shoot my revolvers.
C.R.- Have you suggested a single action .22LR revolver to you nephew? Its what I started with. It builds disipline.
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