I shot a machine gun!

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Sep 27, 2003
Grand Rapids, MI
The local range let in some Class III dealers that had something like 20 toys for us to play with. For a fee of course.

Amazing... absolutely amazing. Sitting behind a tripod mounted M60 and ripping off a belt of ammo... well, you guys understand.

The best, though, were the two guys that just happened to stop in to do some pistol shooting. Upon hearing full auto gunfire and seeing a crowd of people waiting for their turn... well that got their interest. One of them practically ordered his buddy to try it out, on his dime. They asked the guy taking the money what would provide maximum fun and he pulls out a case of 250 linked rounds of 8mm something. I can't remeber what it was for, forgive me.

Well... while this fellow is rattling through the box of ammo his buddy is laughing about the situation. I had wondered why his buddy was so hesitant to shoot the thing and found out why. The guy hadn't shot a gun until 3 weeks ago! :what: He had taken him handgun shooting for the first time himself and the fellow promptly went out and got his own handgun the next day. Now, there he sits, experiencing belt fed bliss with a giant grin on his face giving a thumbs up to the crowd after the first 100 rounds.

I think he's hooked.

Me? I dumped a mag through a Krinkov, Glock 18, MP5, and 50 rounds through an M60.
Yup, I was there. I had a girlfriend that wanted a few pointers on handgun shooting so i took her along. But 50 bucks to get on the range and one mag of ammo, Give me a break. After 4 years as a 0331 machinegunner in the Marines, full auto just aint what it used to be.
This wouldn't happen to be Sheridan Armament, would it? They did the one in Midland.

I agree it is a lot of money, but they got to make money somehow. Last time I went, 3 people showed up. For them to bring all those guns and ammo from an hour away to let three people shoot was siomewhat of a waste on their part.

Other than that, great fun. Especially for us non-military folk.

Hail yeah I pay to play. Done it many times,and have never been the same. Exspensive yes, last 2 yrs did the fund raiser thing at a couple local ranges.
Well worth it for 1st timers.Probably will not this year tho.
class 3 license aint worth the hassle to me either.
Any one here go to Knob Creek and do the Machine Guns there? :cool:
But 50 bucks to get on the range and one mag of ammo, Give me a break.
Keep in mind you are putting some serious wear and tear on a $10K++ piece of machinery. Not to mention the parts on some of those have to be hard to come by. I'm positive that some guys just machine their own replacements somewhere along the line.
Keep in mind you are putting some serious wear and tear on a $10K++ piece of machinery.

Thats only because most people are a bunch of puss's with this 2 to 3 round burst BS and wear down a sear after 3000 rounds.
And when the receiver wears out that's one more civilian owned MG that's gone and can't be replaced. :(
It was "Tri-City" that brought the hardware, FYI.

Yes, I'm sure they made a lot of money. I went back after I wrote that post to shoot the new .22LR rifle I bought while I was there and they were running out of ammo!

At first I thought $30 was a bit much just to get into the range, then I realized that in just 5 minutes people were probably putting a whole lot of wear and tear in the backstop comparable to a couple of hours of normal shooting.

I would *LOVE* to try the Glock 18!
That was actually the only disappointment I had. With some serious practice I'd imagine you'd get good at using it but, man, that sucker was hard to control. I was shooting at a man-shaped target aiming for low COM and there's headshots on my target. Now, they actually look like they're intentional, but they're not! That bugger climbed FAST and I consider myself "fair" at keeping a Glock pistol down for rapid follow up shots in semi-auto mode. Neat "toy" but I don't think it's a valid concept. For whatever THAT's worth.

Now, the MP5 on the other hand made me look like I knew what I was doing or something. I did a couple of streams in 3 round burst mode then flipped it into full-auto mode shortly. Managed to keep 'em all in a nice group considering I had zero experience with the thing.... and I was shooting at 7 yards. :)

I should have worn my Molon Labe hat, Darkmind. I probably saw you at some point in the day. I was there from about 12:15 to 1:45 for the MG shoot and buying my rifle and again from 3:15 to 4:45 shooting it. Heck, for all I know you were the guy dropping .40S&W brass on my head as I shot. :)

M2 Carbine, these guys are Class III dealers with LE contracts. It looked like most of their stuff was pre '86 to me but not all of it. THEY can get replacements, we peons can't. Although, actually, I -thought- you could get a replacement receiver if there's somebody who still makes them provided you jump through the proper hopes. Now, given the pic and the handle "M2 Carbine" I figure you know a bunch more about this Titile II / Class III stuff than I do!
I should have worn my Molon Labe hat, Darkmind. I probably saw you at some point in the day. I was there from about 12:15 to 1:45 for the MG shoot and buying my rifle and again from 3:15 to 4:45 shooting it. Heck, for all I know you were the guy dropping .40S&W brass on my head as I shot.

I was there from 11 to about 1245 with a friend of mine, she did really well for her first time shooting a pistol. I was wearing a red hat, black hoddie, black leather jacket, and jeans.

You wouldent have been shooting on lane 2 were you? We were on lane 1. :)
Keep in mind you are putting some serious wear and tear on a $10K++ piece of machinery. Not to mention the parts on some of those have to be hard to come by. I'm positive that some guys just machine their own replacements somewhere along the line.

I seriously doubt the Class III dealers would rent out transferable machineguns to individuals. Dealers in my area rent out post-samples which are a lot cheaper to tear up.

Kenneth Lew
Thats only because most people are a bunch of puss's with this 2 to 3 round burst BS and wear down a sear after 3000 rounds.
Interesting. I don't think I've heard anyone refer to trigger control that way.
MG's are fun - I just got my first one, an Uzi, and met guys who shoot out in the desert all the time. Today we shot my Uzi, then the Uzi with a .22 kit in it, and a AK and a M16, and the M16 with a 9mm upper. Haven't shot a belt-fed yet, but it's coming. :)

Anyone wants to shoot my Uzi for $50, hell I'll give you 3 mags! :D
trigger control

Trigger control goes along with breathing, sight alignment, site picture, stance, and grip for well placed shots. And MGs are not made for well placed shots. When dealing with MGs trigger control is used to keep your rates of fire consistent.

Why would you want to put unneeded ware and stress on an MG sear doing 2 to 3 round when 2 to 3 round bursts kill the sear 10 times quicker. Just up your rate of fire to 6 to 8 round bursts or even 10 to 12 round bursts. Doing that = less wear and break down on the sear and sear notch.
Thats only because most people are a bunch of puss's with this 2 to 3 round burst BS and wear down a sear after 3000 rounds.

I've worn down sears, so what? It can be replaced. The only thing I care about my MGs are the receivers. Anything else can be replaced. Mag dumps are a fun till you have a squib load going at 1200 rpm. I've experienced that. :what:

Kenneth Lew
I would *LOVE* to try the Glock 18!

I've been forunate to have shot two glock 18's. It is a fun gun to shoot. A bit uncontrolable at first. Didn't take long to get used to how it shoots. I think everyone at the range that night put a few holes in the ceiling. :D

It was "Tri-City" that brought the hardware, FYI.

Same group of people, IIRC they are an alliance of a couple stores (or something like that). They were preetty nice.

When I went, I shot an MP5, MAC-10, M4 and .30 MG (1919?). My friend shot a Glock 18, and put some holes in the range roof :p

Its just fun to go to these and watch people shoot. One guy acted all big and tuff, stepped up with the AK, and hit the carrier and the cieling. Then again, one kid must have been about 6, and put the micro-uzi silenced right on the paper every shot!
Isn't that 60 AWESOME!!!!

I just wish we could have shot them at realistic ranges when I was in the air force....we shot them at about 15 yards....at 4 inch targets....it was still a blast. until we had to clean them...LOL.....at least I now know how to tear one apart! ;P
Why would you want to put unneeded ware and stress on an MG sear doing 2 to 3 round when 2 to 3 round bursts kill the sear 10 times quicker. Just up your rate of fire to 6 to 8 round bursts or even 10 to 12 round bursts. Doing that = less wear and break down on the sear and sear notch.
Sure go ahead and burn out that barrel just be sure and save that sear.

A sear is a sear whether it's in a semi auto or a full auto.
The parts are moving at the same speed whether it's one shot fired or one hundred.
I think he's referring to the fact that pulling the trigger for only 2-3 shots = more trigger pulls for any given belt of ammo. More trigger pulls equals more wear and tear on the sear surfaces? :confused:
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