I think I'd rather they left me alone

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Jun 2, 2005
South Dakota
Tickets For Good Driving
March 8, 2006, 11:04 PM CST
Dozens of Central Texas drivers got pulled over Thursday for doing absolutely nothing wrong.

Travis County deputies kicked off what has become a controversial reward program.

You know that heart stopping feeling you get when seeing the flashing red lights of law enforcement in the rear view mirror.

Well, you won't see that if you're a good driver, but you may get pulled over.

Getting pulled over for doing nothing wrong may not sound right to a lot of people.

Travis County Deputy Derrick Taylor says his job is to not only look for bad drivers, but reward and encourage friendly drivers.

"The big cargo truck that was in front of you and you allowed to get in front of you, that was a very nice thing you did and because it was a safe thing, we want to reward you with a Round Rock express baseball tickets," Taylor tells a good driver.

Free baseball tickets for good drivers - some like it and don't mind being pulled over like Erin.

"I was really surprised, but it's cool though. I thought I was like in trouble so a little nerve racking," driver Erin Baker said.

That's the problem with other drivers saying it's an inconvenience.

Deputy Taylor says they're not trying to scare anyone. Deputies will simply wave to good drivers and politely ask them to pull over to the side.

"What I'm trying to focus on and the only thing I'm trying to focus on is rewarding someone for good driving. There are going to be some people who are not going to like it cause the only experience they have with law enforcement is negative," Taylor said.

Drivers like Erin say they'll take this ticket over a traffic ticket any day.

"Yeah, I will probably go with my boyfriend or something," Baker said.

This program will last until this weekend, and it stems from one that worked well some 20 years ago except deputies were handing out money -- up to $50.

No one complained then until the money ran out.

Deputies will simply wave to good drivers and politely ask them to pull over to the side.
ASK them to pull over??? Does that mean you have the option of saying NO???

How does one go about telling a deputy to stick his worthless minor-league baseball tickets where the sun don't shine without getting cited for disorderly conduct or something? :mad:
I love the implicit assumption that you have nothing better to do than stand on the side of the road and jawjack with a cop.

Waste of both the time and money of the productive class.
What about when someone refuses to comply....taser them and tuck the tickets in their pocket? lol.
ebd10 said:
"Deputy Taylor says they're not trying to scare anyone. Deputies will simply wave to good drivers and politely ask them to pull over to the side."

This is absurd!

Where I live every car pulled over to the side of the road equals a mile long back-up in traffic from the rubber-neckers! I realize that Central Texas has more room but police shouldn't be pulling over law-abiders!!! Is their an infectious disease affecting police called stupidity? Nothing better to do at Dunkin Donuts???
Did'nt we go around on this sort of thing about a year or so ago? What happens when the "good chap" decides that he WILL NOT pull over? Does a high speed chase ensue?

This is a very stupid policy. Have the Tx policy makers been eating Datura?
I don't care if he's got a big friendly smile on his face, if a uniformed officer in a marked cruiser is motioning for me to pull over I'm not going to think it's optional!

They've got my tags. How'bout mailing me the reward?

Dare I also bring up the 4th Amendment here?
I love the implicit assumption that you have nothing better to do than stand on the side of the road and jawjack with a cop.

Waste of both the time and money of the productive class.

Cop bashing! And from a Moderator!:p

Why do you all hate cops so much?
Cops and baseball alike are both evil. Avoid at all costs. :evil:

How ironic would it be if one of the baseball players gave you a parking ticket? Pretty rare I'd say, because that's not their job either.

wow is this an excuse to pull more people over. Justin you said it right.......just let me go about my business so I can pay for your job. This has the feeling of police-state all over it. You sit a the car wondering and they have the power.

Just get the bad guys please........:rolleyes:
"I just wanted to let you know that we are rewarding safe drivers with these sports tickets and on behalf of the ...wait...what's that sticking out from under your seat?


I remember some years ago in Colorado Springs, the local LEOs were hauling around a group of "Welcome Wagon" volunteers pulling over people with out of state tags, asking if they were new to the area, and if so, they would hand out little gift packets. That didn't last too long because Colorado Springs is home to Fort Hood, Peterson AFB, the Air Force Academy, and at the time, NORAD. Just about every third car had out of state plates.

Our tax dollars at work.

Devonai said:
Dare I also bring up the 4th Amendment here?

Ding! Give than man a cookie!

I propose the following: How long will it be until people's vehicles are getting cursory inspections, licenses run, and backgrounds checked due to these stops getting cited as 'probable cause'?

You realize that the police are not going to engage in something that isn't profitable for them. Fully expect to see many more 'goodwill gestures' looking for things to bust people on near the end of the month when the department is looking to meet quota.

Mark my words.

Don't these guys have criminals to catch?
In my old hometown of Visalia, CA, every summer, the local cops pull over some out-of-state tourist in an RV and give them the keys to the city. The hiway is the main route to Sequoia Nat'l Park, so the Chamber of Commerce, along with the city, pull over the un-expecting tourist. The tourist get free lodging, meals, goodies, tickets to the local "A" league ball game, etc.

What's kinda funny, is that sometimes they pull over those "Rental RV", and they are always driven mostly by Europeans, be it Germans, Swiss, Brits, etc. Talk about a surprise to them, and most just dont or cant figure out just what these "yankee's" are doing, ha. :neener:

I do agree, these "stops" are a inderence to traffic, as the traffic always slows down to a crawl, as the space off road is mighty narrow. :cuss:

Oh well.... I guess it makes the city dads feel good.
Dasmi hit it on the head. Fishing expedition in an innocent guise. The question was asked why do we hate cops so much, it's not "hate" for cops but it's strong dislike for this kind of stunt.
Wow! How could anyone actually take this at face value? This is nothing more than a shameless attempt to pull over more people without an exscuse. Legal snooping for Probable cause.

Brother in Arms
Have they considered that people who are driving might actually have someplace to be? I know I don't generally have an extra ten minutes to gab with an officer for no reason. And, as others have brought up, what if the person does not stop?
I with most here--it's a fishing expedition in sheep's clothing. They disguise it like this so if you run, they can say "Hey dude, we just wanted to give you baseball tickets." Seems friendly enough. Why run if you got nothing to hide, right?

Pretty sad. I hope a large public outcry sees it go the way of the Dodo.
Lord luv a duk!!!

Some PR type comes up with a trivial little feel-good notion that's tied to traffic safety, and here are a bunch of THR folks going stark, raving bonkers over it!

About 20 years back, Austintatious, Tayuxess, had this deal with the city cops. A buddy of mine got pulled over; he commented to me, "You're not gonna believe this! A cop stopped me for being a good driver! I got a $5 certificate!"

So he bought the first round.

I don't see what this has to do with anything remotely connected to THR. Unless "Silly Public Relations Ideas" is now an appropriate topic.

:(, Art
I'll tell you how, Art.

The cop no longer needs any reason to pull you over, not even an alleged "broken brakelight."

This removes all accountability for the harrassment of citizens on their way to work. Pull someone over; if you can't find any reason to justify doing so, after giving them a once-over, give them a gift certificate to Starbuck's.

Have you never been pulled over while doing nothing wrong, and wondered why? I have. It's NOT cool. At best, it wasted 10 minutes of my life. At least they had to make up a story about my taillight. Oh yeah, then I wasted at least a half-hour getting it signed off again, and another half hour and $10 taking the signed-off ticket to the courthouse, and if I didn't do it soon enough, I'd get a REAL fine, all for doing NOTHING WRONG.

My family lived in a police state. A lot of Americans have no appreciation for what that means. I only do from their firsthand stories; that's good enough for me.

Blindly trusting the police is one of the most dangerous impulses of some conservatives.
I got pulled over one time because the cop said he ran my plate and no record of it came back. Two days later my corvette was stolen out of my driveway I dont think it was a coidince.
Sorry, ArmedBear, I justcan't make the connection between being pulled over for bad driving, being pulled over for a mechanical problem or being pulled over for a reward for good driving with anything inimical.

That you are stopped for being exemplary, and rewarded, has no connection with any sort of police misbehavior. None.

Don't anybody try to tell me about outrageous behavior with respect to traffic, on the part of cops and tanktown judges. I drove sports cars in the 1950s/1960s. Think, "Four-wheeled target of opportunity."

And lemme say that anybody who gets upset about "wasting ten minutes" obviously isn't married. :D

You can't see that a cop no longer needs to have any reason whatsoever to randomly pull over anyone he feels like, if he has a built-in alibi of handing out coffee cards?

You can't see that there's any problem with this? That this eliminates all accountability when a cop pulls people over? That power without accountability is the enemy of liberty?

Do you not understand that the power we give to police officers to pull cars over on the highway is a power that can be misused, sometimes in the most horrible ways?

Have you ever heard of Cara Knott?

Nobody believes the police are doing this out of the goodness of their heart.
If they are it's a waste of my tax dollars. Wasn't anyone raped or murdered asoung here today?
I also bet a study of the profiles of who gets stopped for a "thank you set of tickets" would be enlightening. I wish they would stop me for "being a good driver" and visual inspection for coffee cans, I'd waste equal time of theirs asking stupid questions until they want to tazer me.
This story made national headlined today and Sheppard Smith (sp?) on Fox talked about it. I get the impression he doesn't buy it either....
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