If guns were ever banned, what would you do?

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I like guns

Mar 14, 2006
If all private ownership of firearms was banned, federally, what would you do or where would you go? Canada would be a bad place since they would have probaly banned guns too, by then. What country would be desireable to live in which has little gun control?

Depening on my personal situation, I would move to a gun friendly country in mid europe (if possible to move my guns there) and then move back if the ban was repealed.
This scenario is why we have the Second Amendment. If guns were banned, then the rest of the Rights are in danger. It has been shown time and again in polls that when any individual constitutional right in the BoR is threatened, Americans overwhelmingly support keeping all of them inviolate. We cherish or Rights and when any talk of curtailing them is espoused, we stand up and support them. In essence, we like them the way they are and don't want them altered.
I think there are many states in this Union that would not ban guns in the foreseeable future. It is simple redistribution - many people would move to areas where they feel more comfortable culturally. For those of us who are too young to take a career hit, there are temporary options available, including but not limited to bows and throwing knives.

Haven't you guys heard of Broom-Fu :evil:

It is only sad because it is true...

Weirding modules come to mind too...
i think by the time something like that would ever happen, so much other s**t would already have hit the fan. if it happened slowly over time like it seems to be, i would just be breaking the law.....i'd hold on to them, somehow. if somehow it happened suddenly, like i said, so much upheaval would have preceded it, i'd have already been brushing up on my guerilla warfare tactics and taken it to the streets yo!
Damn, a burglar that looks sort of like Alex Trebek broke in and stole them all 2 days ago.
I'd cry.

Afterward, i'd consider the ramifications of breaking federal law, keeping a long gun and some ammo for a SHTF-type situation, possibly buried in the backyard.

"If Possible" meaning depending on the penalties, and depending on the enforcement of course. If i'm going to go to jail for 99 years, I would grugingly give my stuff up. If it's just a fine and a slap on the wrist, I might risk it. It all depends.

Ive got lots of ammo. I gave an oath to defend this country and it still stands.
MOLOM LABE:cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:
I was recently called all sorts of terrible things in another thread for saying I would break a specific law, but here we go again. :cool:

Law says I can't own firearms? Damn the law.
What part of " SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" dont you get,SENATOR S**t for brains.

Card, you left flank me right flank . Keep moven keep firen.
Remember folks... the War on Guns will be just about as effective as the War on Drugs .... :rolleyes:

(actually, if you have a big enough stash, you might consider profiteering a bit - since I reckon the black market price will go pretty high;) )

I don't reckon I will do much of anything, unless somebody comes around to take them, and then ... well, we're not supposed to discuss that here on THR:p
1st post... "I_like_guns" as a name... eigh... Gotta try better than that, but then again, by noting this I discredit my own position by the implication that I would have something to hide... I dunno.


They'll never be banned, just regulated. People arn't stupid, America would follow in the footprints of England/Australia, and would wind up like Mexico unarmed, defenseless, wrought with corruption and murderous gangs/drug cartels.
I would have to believe that if that happens; the Government, to which I owe my allegiance, would no longer exist. That being the case, Ragnarök, Armageddon. Well, you get the idea.
If the government banned all guns I would either

A) Revolt if there is a revolution
B) f$%k it move to a gun friendly nation like somolia :evil: $6 full auto ak boy will i need it :evil:
If guns were banned?

=>You can take my toothbrush from my cold dead hands!

=>There would be mighty interesting knifefights!

=>Automatic staplers would be highly prized!

=>Security guards would be redundant!

=>eBay would do a bonaza business on leather holsters!

=>Crime would increase exponentially!

ive thought about this..

i guess i would rather be dead than without my guns. i wouldnt just lay down and die though.

Kinda the same thing as "live free or die", or, "i would rather die on my feet than live on my knees".

Never have been able to understand the reliance and trust that some lefties have in the government and law enforcement to be able to protect them. Nor do i understand the people who think that if one is a victim of crime that it is their duty to go along with whatever the criminal has in mind for you, and then report it later.

Pacifists make me quite ill. I would like to talk to people who were pacifists that have been victims of violent crime, i.e. home invasion, rape, assault, etc, and if they were truely honest about their thoughts, if they wished while it was happening, that they had a gun. what goes through the mind of a wife or daughter thats being sexually assaulted while thier pacifist, anti-gun husband /father is forced to watch and could do nothing to protect them?

Law enforcement is an honorable and much needed service in a civilized society and i thank them for their service. However, they have no mandate to guarrenttee your safety and in most cases only show up after the fact of a crime. It is up to each and every individual to assure their, and their loved ones' safety and be their own first line of defense. If there are no "Great Equalizers," then there can truely be no safety for law abiding citizens.

If you dont have means to protect your rights, you wont have rights, history is littered with examples of this philosophy: Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, Communist China, Cuba, Mexico... If the government fears your guns, its time to fear your government.

Thanks for letting me rant. -Eric
Well my buddy has a few acres up in Maine... And we did make plans for a bunker one time :D
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