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If you're gonna do something dumb, why not videotape it...

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The level of immaturity is profound. None of them should be allowed to have firearms for a while.

One man's opinion.
Cool, I learned from the Interweb that I should use concrete backstops at a perpendicular angle to myself to deflect bullets should they miss.

I also learned ballistic gel tests with test materials in front are not reliable tests. You can only depend on test materials draped over live human targets.

I'm all for the 2A, but I'm still under the strict opinion some people shouldn't breed or own firearms.
That's quite possibly one of the most Darwinian things I've ever seen, if you know what I mean.

Cesiumsponge, +1 for the breeding comment. Too bad he couldn't have rendered him sterile.

As I've said before, one of these problems will usually solve the other.

Unfortunately, using a firearm to render oneself sterile or no longer of this planet can result in innocents getting hurt in the process of said stupidity.

...though it looks like everyone in that video was on the genetic ladder that lead to the septic tank.
I am a harsh critic - (un?)fortunately no one was killed.

"Don't try this at home kids"? Yeah, they were such brave men and experiemced adults :rolleyes:
Who do you know who you would trust to shoot you? I don't think I would trust myself to do that.
I have now realized why government encroachment on most aspects of our lives is extremely undesirable. Thanks to government health care, safety laws, and other extraneous junk that we have foisted upon us, stupid people are living longer, which allows them more than ample time to breed, thereby passing their moron genes to more generations. This ultimately lowers the intelligence quotient of mankind as a whole and will eventually dumb down society to a level where total government intrusion is necessary since most folks won't have the common sense necessary to take care of themselves. :banghead:

Other people's kids, I tell ya... :cuss:
Sometimes, despite myself, I think "You know, there should be a law..."

I don't like that thinking but cripes, this is... stupid. The macho-CS intro, shooting with no hearing protection other than their hands, lack of a decent backstop, SHOOTING A PERSON! It could have been worse by far but... *sigh*. How some people breath and walk at the same time is beyond me. :banghead:

I am not too surprised, however. A bunch of teenaged males gathered together, most are bound to be irresponsible, some stupid. I'm a member of the teenage male class, and no paragon of virtue, but... I wouldn't shoot at another person wearing a level IV trauma plate and plate mail! (Unless he was a criminal threatening life and limb. Though, wearing all that, I'd almost be willing to give him a few 20s just for his effort.)
wow! not sure where to start on this one. a bullet resistant vest should be used as a means of protection in the event of a shtf scenario. they should NOT be used for entertainment purposes for a myriad of reasons.
What really freaks me out is....

Did they KNOW it was a bulletproof vest?

There's so much crap I've seen at gun shows... Low bidder flak vests, etc... If it had been less than a stelllar performer, well.... Can anyone say "arraignment?"
I could be wrong, but that did look like just a flak jac to me. That was alot of backface signature and resulting wound from a .22! :what:

I have fired some hot .22 rounds, from a rifle, at a mere 1/8 inch stack (or less) of aramid fibers taken from a soft trauma "plate". The immediate backstop was sheetrock. The round was stopped and the impact left barely a dimple in the wallboard.

Hopefully those kids have chosen to remain virgins for the rest of thier (probably SHORT) lives.
comments on

comments on the general bad ideaness of the whole affair aside.... i did enjoy watching it. i've always wondered if a flak vest would stop even a .22... i was always of the persuasion that it wouldn't stop anything stronger than flying glass or, well, flak.

that even a .22 (hp, at that) left such a wound suggests that a flak vest is terrible choice of protection. then again, it also proves my sgt's belief that having a flak vest in teh back of his car provides SOME protection.

that said, if it was my kid i'd spank him silly. course, here in ca everyone gets all riled up about "child abuse"....
Paintball. Ouch!!!
I thought I had some bad ones as a teen when I played with a friend...
The REAL PAIN and 8" round bloody bruising on the inside of my thigh came from multiple well-placed shots from a barricaded firearms instructor. Cover and concealment course??? There was no cover! :eek:
Padded suits are useless when they aim for where the plates meet together! :banghead:
I'll never forget it- inner thigh, armpits, knuckles and backs of hands. All purple and black... I wish I had the pictures :fire: :D
Idiots like that give us all a black eye. Don’t they realize that footage like that just gives the gun grabbers more ammunition? Hopefully they will change their ways before one of them gets seriously hurt or killed. I don’t really care about them, it is the potential media backlash that worries me.
Kids this stupid don't care about anyone but themselves. political effect, fallout on others, no worries, not us, who cares? A flak vest against a pistol bullet? Inconcievably stupid. I can only hope they never breed...
I did like the full outo pics..

of the southern family outing.Even the youngsters were rocking and rolling. :D
The iditots in the first clip could sure take lessons from the Southern kids.sheesh.
Why videotape your participation is stupid events? It'll be useful evidence at your trial, perhaps saving the rest of us taxpayers some money by shortening the proceedings.

Merde! Scratch that, it'll also has the need for us taxpayers to warehouse your sorry @$$ or pay for your treatment :barf:

Paging Mr. Darwin. Paging Mr. Darwin.
I have to say, that when I was 15, I can definitely definitely see me and my buddies and brother's buddies doing this, had we had a vest. We did some quite similar "Jackass" type things. I would have been the one wearing it getting shot for sure - I was 'adventuresome' that way. So take hope; the future is not lost; I am a *very* responsible shooter and citizen now, thankfully.
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