Interesting thing I noticed about our community here

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I stick almost exclusively to Gen and L&P for two reasons:

1. Keeping up with Gen and L&P takes enough time as it is! :)

2. I love guns, I love all the technical stuff about guns, but I try to keep my mouth shut for a reason. Though I might be able to throw a few posts into Shotguns now and then, I have so very little overall experience that I'd make myself look like an idiot every time I hit 'post'. I do that just fine in Gen and L&P, thank you. :D

This probably hurts me most though. I don't learn much about guns in Gen/L&P, and reading almost exclusively about the latest infringement on this right or that, about this gov't excess or that, etc. gets rather depressing. :(
I've noticed that those who post the most polemic and derisive posts don't seem to post in any forum but L&P and General, and often those they are in debate with (and who are maintaining the standards of The High Road) have a larger percentage of their posts in the more technical sections of THR then in L&P and General.

I shoot. I like to shoot. I own exactly one pistol.

I clean it, but I can't detail strip it.

I don't reload ammo.

I have a whopping three holsters.

And I post almost exclusively in General and L&P, although I have been known to make an appearance in S&T too.

People come here for many and varied reasons. Not being a gun collector, gunsmith, or otherwise enamored of the mechanics does not mean that I'm here to cause trouble.

I strongly advise judging people by the contents of their posts, not the locations where they post them.
whoa hang on...

Some of us here are offended for very little reason. Let's review logic and set theory... (/lecturer on/)

The "stirrers" appear to post almost exclusively in General and L&P. So the stirrers are a subset of the people who post in General and L&P.

But that does not imply the converse: that those postng almost exclusively in General and L&P are "stirrers".

The original observaton was that the "stirrers" appear to have little or no interest in techncal areas of ths forum as evidenced by their lac of posts n those areas. So this suggests a general lac of expertise on the part of the "stirrers". But in no way impugne on the now-hows of the people who mostly post in General and L&P. Evidence? Some of our more respected members mostly post in General and L&P as Jim March pointed out.

(/lecturer off/)
I, for one, am a shooter. Although I do not shoot often, I do hunt every so often. I am planning on going to the range more often and to work my way up to a regular basis. When I start doing that, and begin adding to my collection of firearms, I'm sure I'll have more to ask/comment on some of the other areas of The High Road.

However, I lurked here for about a year before I signed on. I am by no means a Democrat or republican.

There was a time when I more aligned with the liberal ideals, but of course I was ingnorant and uneducated about the ways of the world and the meaning of the US Constitution (public school).

Once I edumecated myself, I thought the republicans had my best interests in mind. I later learned I was wrong about that.

I consider myself a constitutional libertarian (for now).

But my support for the Second Amendment has not waivered throughout this time. I was not as strong a supporter originally because I did not realize the size of the threat against my and my fellow American's rights. The more I learned, the more I was concerned. I have been a member of the NRA for about 10 years now, and for about a year I have been a member of the Michigan Coalition of Responsible Gun Owners.

As for signing up for The High Road, it was primarily for the L&P discussions. Especially the "P" part. So if one does a search of my posts, he/she will find that the vast majority of my posts are in L&P, and by no coincidence, most of them have been closed because they usually involve the political discussions of the Bush Presidency and the WOT/Iraq War issues. To me, the best discussions always get closed, but then again, they are usually the most heated and people begin attacking each other. I do not like it when people attack each other because I know the thread will be closed shortly. If anyone cares, search my posts and see how many times I attacked a person instead of an argument.

Most threads I do not post in because I agree with what has already been said and have nothing to add.

I'm sure some people chose to "ignore" my posts when I first signed-on because I dove right into the Bush/WOT/Iraq thing immediately and many people automatically believe that anyone who disagrees with the WOT, War in Iraq, Bush's foreign policy, etc. is automatically a liberal DU member. I can assure everyone that I am not that!

Please note, I agree with just about everyone in L&P when it comes to human rights, 2A, etc. It is only the Bush/WOT/Iraq thing that I disagree with. If that makes me all those things I was accused of, then so be it. But I know I am not all those things.

Also, I thought about "ignoring" some posters and decided not to. Why? I think most people have too many involuntary blinders, including myself, and I did not want to add to my blindness.

(and for those of you who have chosen to "ignore" my posts - nevermind :neener: )
I think some of the more trollish newbies here missed this part of the Rules of Conduct:

Welcome to The High Road, an online discussion board dedicated to the discussion and advancement of responsible firearms ownership.

That doesn't seem to dovetail very well with, for instance, supporting the candidate with the 100% anti-gun-rights voting record, or attacking everyone who isn't that candidate... :scrutiny:

I mean, not being the outright ENEMY of the purpose of this forum leaves ALOT of room for wildly varying political discourse. Is that too much to ask? :confused:

Yes, agitators do show up and then the staff takes action.

Spamming the forum with almost nothing but cut-and-pastes of ideologically frothy articles (including by authors who oppose RKBA) doesn't constitute being an "agitator"? :uhoh:

I will say this, in the last couple months my killfile has grown more than it has in the last couple YEARS. :barf:

(P.S. that ain't a deadpool, it is from usenet slang: )
This board has more people I consider one of my "friends", than I actually hang around with in person, by far. I have learned more about firearms(all aspects) on TFL and here in 4 years than I learned in the previous 25 put together. (thank you Oleg, C.R.Sam, WESHOOT2, Jim March, Art Eatman, Dave McCracken, and literally hundreds of others). And I come from a BIG shooting family. I can only imagine what those with no outside support have gained here.

I actually like the fact that we can deviate into any area that actually concerns personal responsibility or any aspect of freedom. Sometimes it's good to be shown a particular viewpoint on something through the eyes of a non-shooter.

This board is my home away from home per se. We have so many from so many different backgrounds that we will have the occasional heated discussion. Fine. Being passionate in your convictions is an admirable trait. We just need to remember that heated is fine, uncivil is not. 'Sides if it didn't get a little heated now and again, we'd get bored, no?:D
The "stirrers" appear to post almost exclusively in General and L&P. So the stirrers are a subset of the people who post in General and L&P. But that does not imply the converse: that those posting almost exclusively in General and L&P are "stirrers".

Indeed, as Ian already pointed out, "Post hoc, ergo propter hoc" ("this comes after that, therefore this is caused by that" is a common fallacy.

I, for instance, own (well, my wife and I own) about 30 guns, mostly C&R rifles and pistols, we both have CCW's, both carry every day, and our last ammo order came by BBT at the "over 200lb" discount rate. :D

But I post almost exclusively in L&P, because that's where my greater interests lie. Go figure.

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