Irate buyer

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I love it. Great story and I'd almost bet that guy was thinking "I'm gonna load up the Dana's in my truck with your help and then I am gonna pull a gun and leave."
It is impossible to say what you'd exactly do in any situation where you pull your firearm. Situations dictate how you react not a text book or on-line training. :)
I think I would have made the guy lay down on that nice warm Arizona pavement for a while until the cops came.
Good job on the pot metal.
It's a shame you don't have a video, would've made a great "worlds dummest wannabee's"

Thanks for the smile to go with my coffee :)
First off, since everything seems to have turned out perfectly, there's no need to wonder if you could've done anything better. An outcome like this means that you did everything right.

But knowing me, I would've done things a little differently.

I wouldn't have opened the screen door and closed the distance to disarm him right off the bat. That could've lead to grappling, which is a prospect I dislike all on its own, let alone with firearms in the situation. I would've simply raised my weapon and aimed it at him, ready to fire through the screen door. His reaction to that would dictate what happens next. Preferably, it'd make him compliant to verbal commands, namely to keep his hands up over his head, while I go out and disarm him, while the future-son-in-law with the shotgun keeps him covered.

And things could certainly turn out worse my way. Just no way of telling until it happens. You handled things great.
yep had all kinds of ideas how to do it different after a free moment and a beer or two, but hey thats hindsite, huh,.
all is well that ends well.
thanks for the pros and cons'
The way I see it, 'lucky' would apply no matter how he attempted to handle it, but the fact remains that his actions led directly to a favorable outcome. No point in wondering what you could've done different if it worked.
Bold moves like that are not what wanna be's expect & they likely have not even considered "what if?"
But that type of move has to be very deliberate to work. But yeah, lucky works too :)
First off, I'm glad that everyone's alright. I also agree that your daughter picked an excellent significant other, and I'm glad you live somewhere with a sense of community. Here in philly the neighbors would probably wait until someone was done mugging me, and then proceed to rob me of anything that the original mugger didn't take :barf:.


You're really acting childish. Certain people react in different ways to stress; its called fight or flight. I have always been one to act aggressively under duress, and its not because I'm a tough guy. I just react that way to fear, and yes I openly admit being scared half to death after certain incidents I've experienced. Some people run and escape, and others are more inclined to attack; afaik the predisposition is largely genetic. So as someone with no formal training when a knife was pulled on me I didn't know any fancy disarming moves or the best way to evade. In fact in that moment even if I had training I don't know if I could have utilized it. The entire incident is a blur in my mind, one second I'm demanding that a "friend" pay me the money he's owed me for 5 months, the next I see a knife flick out, and then next I have him by the throat with one hand and the knife hand's wrist with the other. After all was said and done I had a case of the shakes, but during the incident I almost had no conscious control of myself. For many it is not a conscious decision, but instinct/training.

Sorry that was rather long winded, but having shared a similar-ish experience I can completely relate to the OP.
Lucky the key word to all encounters, know fellas that spend hi dollars to do tactical training, just wondering if it all comes to roost when needed.
Well one things for sure, scared the dickens out of me after the fact.
But hey better men than me have done better and faster, or just talk about it.
hey happy weekend
You did well, the fact you were prepared before hand took all the steam out of the blow hard. Your neighbor is lucky he can explain to his wife "See I was stuck taking a ball bat to a almost gun fight!!!"" Hopefully she will take up the shooting lessons also.
Here in philly the neighbors would probably wait until someone was done mugging me, and then proceed to rob me of anything that the original mugger didn't take
hahahaha ain't that the truth.
but knockonit, i really enjoyed this story (even though it sucks that stuff like that happens) and i am glad everything turned out favorably. good job, i think you actually did a very good job taking control of the situation from the perp that thought he was in control. and cutting up his pistol was hilarious!
Too bad you don't have one of those front-door cameras. I'd love to see pics of this idiot.

Anyone know whether it's legal to own handcuffs and/or use them to detain someone until police arrive?
You're really acting childish.
Hey, I've been called worse things.

However, at the end of the original posting, the question posed was:
What would you have done??
I replied to that question.

Any other comments I have made here have admittedly been reacting to some of the "Oh yeah, I bad!" implications contained in the commentary that were part of the scenario.
he was crying?

this is interesting, because the outcome is quite positive. one less gun in the hands of bad guys and police know of warrant.

would i have done the same? not sure. i probably would have taken cover and closed the door. which gives the bad guy time to draw his gun and aim at me or run away with the gun. so maybe, your way turned out better.
Well, if I wasnt expecting someone, I wouldnt have gone to the door in the first place, but thats just me... The guy threatened you with a gun. You would have been justified in shooting him but you were able to avoid that which is a better outcome. :)
well I would ******* go beat his *** till he **** near couldn't ******* breathe.

expletives make it harder to contemplate sentences. That aside, I think you handled the situation OK. Additionally, I hope you have security cameras for when he comes back with his friends.
The guy brought a gun and nasty attitude to your house for a reason.

I think you did fine and one thug has learned a lesson without getting himself dead. Maybe he will stay home next weekend and try and get a little smarter.
You said one cop was serious?
Can you give more detail about that? Sounds like you were close to having some legal troubles? Just curious about whether he was on your side or not.
Hindsight is 20/20, but
1. Opening the security door a bad idea
2. Cutting up the gun a poor idea

Overall the situation was handled well.

On another note, I've dealt on CL more times that I can remember, and even for a few firearms. I've almost always had a very positive experience; heck I even dated a few women that I met as a result of a CL purchase/trade/sale. I know the dangers, but am always armed and wouldn't do CL if I were unarmed. It amazes me the number of people, particularly cute girls, that have no problem with coming into a strangers house to buy a mirror or chair or something. I bet most of them are completely unarmed and basically trusting and helpless. I would say that I have met at my place, their place or neutral places with about equal % of the time.

This is a good lesson and reminder to always try to meet people at neutral places when possible and always be armed and ready for this type of encounter. Rehearse it in your head. I read that last year a woman was raped and/or killed by a CL poster.

Frankly, no sale is REALLY worth inviting this type of trouble to your home. I'm guilty of it to, but will reconsider.
I don't see how you can question how the OP handled this, aside from the funny cutting of the gun part. The guy suddenly shows you his gun while he's in a fit of rage and you may only have a split second to decide how you are going to deal with him. Is it even a decision? Id say it's a reaction. Personally Id like to think Id take a proactive approach to defending my life in that situation as the OP did rather then some other less aggressive approach that involves hoping the other guy doesn't shoot.
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