Items With the Old CZ Logo

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Dec 22, 2012
Where might one obtain caps and/or t-shirts with the old Česká zbrojovka CZ logo (not the new stylized "pistol" emblem)?
Actually, that brings up yet another question. There was one logo which consisted of a "Z" within a ring of rifling marks. There was another (the one which I was thinking about) which was a "z" within a "C" with a small "v" at the top. I'm wondering which of the two would be "period-correct" for a CZ vz.82.
Yeah, that goofy-looking block pistol whatever-it-is that they're using now definitely ain't it. I'm thinking that the first one (Z-inside-C-with-small-v) would be the right one, too.

Meanwhile, I think that I'll go have another Pilsner Urquell and mumble curses against Reinhard Heydrich. ;)
Yes, the old pistol in a bore logo from CZ-UB is being discontinued, which is why we got written permission to use it on t-shirts.


Best keep in mind the MANY different incarnations of the CZ logo over the very many years, as Czeska Zjborjovka merely means "Arms Factory", so is relatively un-trademarkable.
I think I remember seeing the "v" mark on a European made SiG clone in the lst ten years or so, might be wrong.
That old logo rocks:cool:, would pay for hats an shirts if we're available
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