J-frame Smith grips on a Taurus?

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Jan 9, 2004
I just bought a Taurus 85, and I like the gun, but want some smaller grips, like the original skinny grips on the Chiefs Specials/Model 36's....how far off are the two in terms of grip frame size..could I modify a set fo j-frame grips to work? Im not worried about aesthetics, just function.
I think there was an earlier thread on this subject that determined that S&W J-frame grips could be modified to fit the Taurus. However I believe there is a difference in where the screw is located, and obviously you can't put the screw through if the mainspring gets in the way.

Anyway, do a search and see if you can find out more then I've offered.
You can modify the Taurus grips to fit a S&W by drilling a new hole for the grip pin. I've put Taurus grips on several J frame S&W'S.

The S&W grips will fit the Taurus by doing the same mod to the grip pin. The problem is the hole in the frame of the Taurus (remove the grips and you'll see the hole on the left side of the frame) will be exposed with the S&W grips.
While we're on this subject I just got a Taurus 85 and tried to remove the grips.
After I took the screws out it seemed like it just wouldn't budge. Is there a trick?

There might be another option. Taurus make a laminated rosewood(?) grip along the lines of a boot grip with finger grooves. If the finger grooves and most of the wood under the trigger guard were taken off you would have the equivalent of the small S&W J-frame grips. A bit expensive, but I think it would work.
I think Ive decided to just buy a set of Barami Hip Grips..they have the rpofile I want, plus they have the clip device..and they are prett cheap @25.00 a pair.
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