Jeb Bush talks gun control on Late Show

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In the Republican Party, the delegates chosen at local level are enough to nominate the candidate, regardless of what the others want.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but I don't believe the delegates chosen at the local level are prevented from changing their mind to choose who they want at the convention, it is only expected they will choose who they initially said they would choose before the convention.
Please correct me if I am wrong, but I don't believe the delegates chosen at the local level are prevented from changing their mind to choose who they want at the convention, it is only expected they will choose who they initially said they would choose before the convention.
Then it's up to us to vote for delegates who will not vote for anyone other than the man who won the primaries, isn't it?
Then it's up to us to vote for delegates who will not vote for anyone other than the man who won the primaries, isn't it?

That is a good strategy but not an infallible strategy. Perhaps the good luck in good faith will continue. At least the air has cleared a little with the exit of Perry.
Hard work is always a good strategy. Find a good candidate and back him with all you've got. Join the local County Committee and exercise some control over your local party.
How are they going to prevent it?
The people will decide who the nominee is (in the primaries)
In theory, yes. In practice...last time around:

--Santorum won the Iowa Caucuses, but it was reported that Romney won. Weeks later was it 14th page news that Santorum actually won. By then, Romney had the lead and a momentum that was never headed.

--The RNC stated that anyone who violated the "Primary Date" rule would lose 50% of their delegates. Florida violated said agreement...and retained all of their delegates...because Romney won Florida.

Those are only two examples of the hanky-panky that took place last time...and those are the ones we know about. How many more exist that we have never heard about?

More importantly, are we smart enough to keep them from doing it again?

As far as "the lesser of two evils"...I agree 110%. But I was also among the 19% who voted for Perot in 92, thus assuring us of 8 years of Bill Clinton. That worked out well...Not.
Learn from history or repeat it.
More importantly, are we smart enough to keep them from doing it again?
Are we members of our local Republican County Committee? Do we hold a position on that Committee? Are we qualified to vote at District and State level in party conventions?

If the answer to all that is "yes," then we can definitely stop it in our respective states.

If we want to take control of this country, we have to WORK at it.
In theory, yes. In practice...last time around:

--Santorum won the Iowa Caucuses, but it was reported that Romney won. Weeks later was it 14th page news that Santorum actually won. By then, Romney had the lead and a momentum that was never headed.

--The RNC stated that anyone who violated the "Primary Date" rule would lose 50% of their delegates. Florida violated said agreement...and retained all of their delegates...because Romney won Florida.

Those are only two examples of the hanky-panky that took place last time...and those are the ones we know about. How many more exist that we have never heard about?

More importantly, are we smart enough to keep them from doing it again?

As far as "the lesser of two evils"...I agree 110%. But I was also among the 19% who voted for Perot in 92, thus assuring us of 8 years of Bill Clinton. That worked out well...Not.
Learn from history or repeat it.
I think we all learned from Perot in '92, a third party merely guarantees a liberal Democrat win and that can only mean a loss of our second amendment rights.

If by this time next year the choice was between Bush and Clinton how can that be acceptable? Their both poor choices and neither have a good record on preserving or strengthening the second amendment. We just supposed to say, "Oh well, better luck in 2020 or 2024." or do we try to vote again for a third party choice?

BTW, I have absolute faith Trump will be the Republican nominee, I'm just saying that there are some choices where there is no lesser evil and Clinton-Bush is just that.
Teachu2 you are partly correct...

The sole difference is that we are a nation of armed and mostly "GOD
Fearing" people that can only be subdued to a certain level.

Have you been to Michigan lately ? Several parts are beginning to look
like Heathrow/London and the Muslim areas of Paris. Our "leader" wants
this here my friend.

I have not and will never sit out an election. Voting is a right but, it is
also a duty. I live in a state that absolutely hates most of what I believe
in with all of my heart!

It's much more than just my weapons. It's also the right to believe in
the bible as the TRUE WORD OF GOD. It's about raising my kids in a way
that I feel is moral and just (not the department of poor educations..)

It's about understanding that the many countries that I have been to
do not have to speak to me in English- as here English should be our
sole/legal/official language only.

In my opinion - America needs a true Conservative leader to once again
become great. We have had a Socialist/1960's Communist that hates what
we are. As his wife said--"For the first time in my adult life I am truly
proud of America". On this we should take her at her word.

Rino's are not the answer to America's needs. True leadership is not
achieved in half-steps by milk toast / pantie waists.
TruthTellers- I hope that you are correct....

While I can not say that Trump would be my first choice- by any
metric. He is not a "Pantie waist" and not "Milk toast" at all. I would
gladly vote for him and maybe the RNC will even allow it?
A solid move would be to pick Dr. Ben Carson as his running mate. If
he did this one act alone; he could nearly lock up this election.
How are they going to prevent it?
Here's one example...
The Kochs freeze out Trump
Continued stiff-arming by the powerful Koch network could limit Trump’s ability to build a professional campaign operation.

I believe they also banned Kasich along with Trump from their recent shindig.

The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, (and who knows how many others) are trying their darndest to steer us toward the anointed one as being the only Republican capable of winning.
I sure do hope that he doesn't get the nomination.
While I'm certainly no Trump fan, that doesn't mean I wouldn't vote for him.

He's not your usual politician, which is what we need (the political class has done nothing but screw things up).

AFA a few reasons why I'm warming on Trump:

1. He's a businessman, and has negotiated deals throughout his life with HIS money. Since he had his money on the line, no doubt he's learned how to become a hard nosed negotiator / dealer. These political clowns we have these days negotiate deals with OUR money - if they negotiate a lousy deal, no skin off their nose as we'll be the ones paying for their mistakes. Hopefully Trump will be a much more hard nosed, common sense negotiator than we've had in a long while.

2. The way he handled Jorge Ramos - I wouldn't have let him back in the room, or would have severely dressed him down letting him know he could only come back in if he respected his fellow journalists and conducted himself with a degree of decorum.

3. Anchor Babies - he's not going to be PC - why use a ten word "description" when two words will suffice? Don't we have enough bureaucrats now that needlessly overcomplicate things (like wanting to use a ten word description when two will do)? Hopefully he will take this no PC attitude to Washington.

4. He knows how to leverage (part of his negotiating skills) - look what he did to the powers that be in the Republican party by threatening to run 3rd party unless they treated him fairly.

5. He gets into folks' heads - look at what he's doing to Bush (and others) - he's really screwed with JEB!'s psyche. This is the type of person I want negotiating with Putin, Iran, etc.

I was more a Rand Paul, then Ted Cruz person, but it looks like the political elites are not going to allow them to be nominated, so Trump may be my choice as it doesn't look like they're going to be able to stop him?
Act Local.

There has been a quiet Libertarian revolution on local levels, especially in the West. If freedom-first advocates keep installing Libertarian or Libertarian-leaning representatives at local levels, then it matters a lot less what the two statist parties do at the federal level. Libertarians don't need "infallible" strategies, they just need to participate. Chasing after "infallible" strategies is tilting at windmills - just get to work.

To keep this on topic, our best advocates on a Federal level are the SAF and NRA-ILA. Keep the donations flowing, lead by example, emphasize in every conversation that you can, how ineffective Federal "solutions" are for local/regional issues. Manhattan is not even remotely the same as Albuquerque, not just for guns, but for pretty much every issue one can imagine.

Don't "Fight the Power," on a local level, instead "Ignore the Power" and remove your consent.
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Act Local.

There has been a quiet Libertarian revolution on local levels, especially in the West. If freedom-first advocates keep installing Libertarian or Libertarian-leaning representatives at local levels, then it matters a lot less what the two statist parties do at the federal level. Libertarians don't need "infallible" strategies, they just need to participate. Chasing after "infallible" strategies is tilting at windmills - just get to work.

Obviously Libertarians, and other political parties, do not need nor should they chase “infallible strategies”. Infallibility implies a perfection which humans are incapable of in creating strategies. What Libertarians, and other political parties, need are realistic strategies for the realities of the 21st century. The Republicans and Libertarians can, as Vern Humphrey and Supernaut have claimed as necessary, work hard but working hard is not the same as working smart. Many political causes have failed despite supporters working harder than their smarter working opponents. It is very important to “Act Local” but unfortunately too many people believe strategies and policies that work locally will be just as efficacious nationally and internationally. Just like the design of the M1911 cannot be scaled-up to make a effective .50 BMG, local usually does not scale-up well to national and international effectiveness. Thinking it does is as absurd as thinking you can operate a national economy using the principles of maintaining a household budget.

To keep this on topic, our best advocates on a Federal level are the SAF and NRA-ILA. Keep the donations flowing, lead by example, emphasize in every conversation that you can, how ineffective Federal "solutions" are for local/regional issues. Manhattan is not even remotely the same as Albuquerque, not just for guns, but for pretty much every issue one can imagine.

I agree that SAF and NRA-ILA are the best advocates at the Federal level. I am after all a life member of both the SAF and NRA. I disagree that all Federal “solutions” are ineffective for local/regional issues. When local/regional issues have local/regional laws that conflict with rights Federal law defends, Federal solutions have proven to be very effective.

Don't "Fight the Power," on a local level, instead "Ignore the Power" and remove your consent.

Yaaaaa, you go ahead and ignore and remove your consent of the power of the law and “Go directly to Jail, do not pass Go, do not collect $200” :evil:. Libertarians are 226 years too late for making the United States the paradise of individual freedom they think they can create. The Founding Fathers continuous moved toward the reality that anything remotely like what Libertarians strive for would be the doom of the nation. Articles of Confederation - nope not workable, defense of the nation by reliance on State militias - nope not reliable enough, State authority superseding Federal authority on issues that effect the nation - nope that ain’t working as evidenced by even the most libertarian leaning President, Thomas Jefferson, striving to increase Presidential and Federal power, States having the power of “Nullification” - well that ultimately did not workout as demonstrated by the traitorous political leaders who created the Confederate States of America soon discovering that lack of compliance from the governments of individual States within the Confederacy to the authority of the National government of the Confederacy was a major factor in the destruction of the Confederacy. The principles of Libertarianism dominating the nation would quickly create a nation that would be very easy for a foreign power with a strong national government to dominate and possibly destroy by conquest. China and Russia would be thrilled to have the United States devolve into libertarianism.
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Nom de Forum said:
That is a good strategy but not an infallible strategy.

Nom de Forum said:
Obviously Libertarians, and other political parties, do not need nor should they chase “infallible strategies”. Infallibility implies a perfection which humans are incapable of in creating strategies.

SuperNaut said:
^Completely off-topic political rant.

I agree, but it was entertaining. :what: Specially this part:

Nom de Forum said:
States having the power of “Nullification” - well that ultimately did not workout as demonstrated by the traitorous political leaders who created the Confederate States of America soon discovering that lack of compliance from the governments of individual States within the Confederacy to the authority of the National government of the Confederacy was a major factor in the destruction of the Confederacy.

SuperNaut and Redwing,

Those were such elegant,cogent, and erudite rebuttals!:neener:

If you two are going to dish it (libertarian and right-wing rhetoric) out, you better learn to make a more elegant, cogent, and erudite reply to it being challenged or you just appear to be intellectually impotent.

If you don't think that failure of individual States to comply and cooperate sufficiently with the National Government of the C.F.A. did not significantly contribute to the defeat of the C.F.A., read what Shelby Foote has to say about it. Mr. Foote cannot be accused of having Yankee historian bias, he was from the South.:neener:
Sigh... I guess this thread will be closed shortly....

It had reached that threshold long before my posts on page 4. Bringing God and Libertarianism in to the discussion pushed over the first domino that can make a thread fall down never to get up again.
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