Jump on it. Public Radio tries to "cook" a poll

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It appears that this poll may not be as "cooked" as first thought. If you choose "No" it continues with arguements why the ban should be continued. If you choose "Yes" it continues with arguements why the ban should be ended.

Fairly even-handed for NPR it would appear.
It appears that this poll may not be as "cooked" as first thought.

Maybe so. However, the arguments used if you pick "Yes" are pretty weak, especially by our standards. Also, quoting people like Michael Bellesiles does not engender any confidence in me.
HAHAHAHAHAHA I'd say that's a resounding

Should the U.S. federal government continue the ban on assault weapons?

Yes 56 4%
No 1201 96%
HAHAHAHAHAHA I'd say that's a resounding "NO"

Should the U.S. federal government continue the ban on assault weapons?

Yes 56 4%
No 1201 96%
Dudes, this isn't a poll. It is a means to gather specific information about which arguments are more likely to change a participatants mind in the direction they want to go. Clumsy and inept as NPR is they are steadily refining the ways they psychologically manipulate their listeners.

Suggest the reader get a copy of Heinlein's "If This Goes On" to see what is the next step.
Lord knows there is a serious problem with criminals holding up liquor stores for their 200$ till with their near-priceless STG 44s
LOL, I loved their "assault weapon" picture choice too. Not only that, but it's a firearm not covered by the AWB.

So I wonder how much an STG-44 would go for now-a-day?
In his article "Get Rid of the Damned Things" in Time magazine, Roger Rosenblatt argued that the American tradition of pistol-packing heroes is a romantic legend, created by gun companies and Hollywood westerns. He explained that, according to historian Michael Bellesiles, until 1850, only about 10 percent of Americans owned guns; there are now approximately 80 million gun owners in the United States. In Western towns -- including Tombstone and Dodge City -- gun laws were strictly enforced and lawmen confiscated weapons at the city limits of Dodge.

It's astounding how often the hard-left extremists that make up so much of the American news media repeat this blatent lie. It's galling to see taxpayer money being used by this Public Broadcasting System station to repeat these lies.

By now, 4 years after Bellesiles work was found to be absolutely fraudulent, 4 years after all the awards he received for it were revoked, 4 years after he was forced to resign his tenured University position in disgrace over his falsified "research," the hard-left extremists in the news media must know full well that Bellesiles work is an absolute lie. Yet they continue to repeat it, chant it like a Hindu mantra.

Time Magazine seems to have taken to heart Nazi Propaganda Minister Goebbels idea about repeating a Big Lie often enough and it will be believed.
My e-mail to the President of KQEB:

To:[email protected]

Dear Sir:

I am writing to you in regard to an opinion poll which appeared on your
website on July 9, 2004. This poll was in regard to extending the current
Federal law banning certain types of semi-auto "assault weapons."

In the polling webpage, a "NO" vote brings up the following quote:

<quote>In his article "Get Rid of the Damned Things" in Time magazine, Roger Rosenblatt argued that the American tradition of pistol-packing heroes is a romantic legend, created by gun companies and Hollywood westerns. He explained that, according to historian Michael Bellesiles, until 1850, only about 10 percent of Americans owned guns; there are now approximately 80 million gun owners in the United States. In Western towns -- including Tombstone and Dodge City -- gun laws were strictly enforced and lawmen confiscated weapons at the city limits of Dodge.<unquote>

By now, 4 years after Bellesiles work was found to be absolutely fraudulent, 4 years after all the awards he received for it were revoked, 4 years after he was forced to resign his tenured University position in disgrace over his falsified "research," the hard-left extremists in the news media must know full well that Bellesiles work is an absolute lie. Yet they continue to repeat it, chant it like a Hindu mantra.

It's astounding how often the hard-left extremists that make up so much of
the American news media repeat this blatent lie. It's galling to see
taxpayer money being used by your Public Broadcasting System station to
repeat these lies.

Time Magazine's Rosenblatt seems to have taken to heart Nazi Propaganda
Minister Goebbels idea about repeating a Big Lie often enough and it will be

I am absolutely disgusted by your display of political propaganda.


And a follow-up e-mail:

To: [email protected]

Following up on my earlier e-mail:

A little digging reveals that Rosenblatt's essay: "Get rid of the Damned
Things" which was based on the fraudulent work of Bellesiles, appeared in
Time Magazine in 1999!

There is no excuse for KQED to be so sloppy as to quote Rosenblatt's very old essay without first checking on the now disgraced Bellesiles and his history of fraud and deception.

Apparently the truth doesn't even matter anymore to people such as you.

Still disgusted,
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Religious fundamentalists.

"...the hard-left extremists in the news media must know full well that Bellesiles work is an absolute lie. Yet they continue to repeat it, chant it like a Hindu mantra."

Naturally the hard left knows the lies that they grind out over and over. They are the same thing as any religious extremeists no matter if it's Christian fundamentalists blowing up abortion clinics, Islamic terrorists blowing up buildings or hard left fundamentalists tying to destroy the country. They are all cut from the same cloth. The weaving may be a bit different from one piece to the other, but that's it.

Facts, truth and logic are ignored by any religious fundamentalist. What's more, the left RFs don't believe a word of what they are saying. They are aiming their blather at the moron faction of this society. Thanx to government indoctrination centers melting our children's brains, the supply of fools is increasing.

It's all a part of the national suicide plan. Enjoy the ride.

Naturally the hard left knows the lies that they grind out over and over. They are the same thing as any religious extremeists no matter if it's Christian fundamentalists blowing up abortion clinics, Islamic terrorists blowing up buildings or hard left fundamentalists tying to destroy the country. They are all cut from the same cloth. The weaving may be a bit different from one piece to the other, but that's it.

Of the three groups, the fundamentalist leftists are by far the most dangerous enemy that our country faces. They solidly control the news media, the entertainment industry, the universities, the public schools, and the courts.

If there were ever to be a fundamentalist-Christian counterpart to the hard-left extremist Ruth Bader-Ginsberg on the Supreme Court it would have to be a senior member of the Christian Identity movement. A fundamentalist-Muslim on the Supreme Court would have to be a senior member of the Taliban in order to be as far out as Ginsberg.
If there were ever to be a fundamentalist-Christian counterpart to the hard-left extremist Ruth Bader-Ginsberg on the Supreme Court it would have to be a senior member of the Christian Identity movement.
Pardon, not debating theology here, but the Christian Identity movement is not a fundamentalist-Christian sect. It may be loosely based on Christianity, just as Christianity and Islam are loosely based on Judaism, but it is a separate religion. There ISN'T a fundamentalist-Christian counterpart to Ruth Bader-Ginsberg and there hasn't been since Cromwell took over England in the 1600's. Christianity has matured past such things.
Jump on it. Public Radio tries to "cook" a poll

Absolutely blatant about it!
You mean like what happens on the internet forums all the time? Like what you are doing by telling people to "jump on it?"

Shocking that anyone would behave that way.

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