Just heard on the news: Greensboro NC couple attacked by gang of 20.....

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Feb 21, 2007
North Carolina
Just heard this on the news before lunch. Apparently a couple was attacked and robbed on High Point Road in Greensboro, NC by a gang of approximately 20 individuals. The woman's computer was stolen and the man they believe suffered a broken jaw.

I post this because sitting here thinking about how I would respond to such overwhelming numbers gives me the creeps. Would they turn and run at the first shots fired?? Would they keep coming?? I guess either are possibilities.

Scary times I say.

Thoughts on how to handle such overwhelming odds??

My only thought is if they keep coming I don't want my weapon to still be loaded when they get to me.

If I can find a link to the story I'll post it.

EDITED: Here it is:


I notice the story says two women and then goes on to refer to one of them as Mr. Pao????
North Korean Marines advance into fire. Criminals are out to score without getting hurt. Obviously if I were psychic I would win the lottery, buy a Lotus Exige and give notice where I work. Now that we have established that I have no supernatural powers I admit I don't what a pack of sub humans would do if confronted by effective fire (good case for lotsa rounds in the mag), but after the first few hit the ground it's likely the rest would turn their thoughts to easier prey. Also a good case for maintaining situational awareness.
Seems some folks just look for trouble, and at 1:25 A.M., it'll find you most of the time.

"Thoughts on how to handle such overwhelming odds??" - Be aware of your surroundings, use your head, if it don't feel right it's because it's probably not!
The story as reported at the link above:

Group of 20 Men Attack, Rob Two Victims in Greensboro
Last Edited: Thursday, 10 Jul 2008, 7:33 AM EDT
Created: Thursday, 10 Jul 2008, 7:33 AM EDT
MyFox Local News

GREENSBORO, N.C. (WGHP) -- A group of approximately 20 black males allegedly attacked two woman on High Point Rd. early Wednesday morning.

Around 1:25 a.m., approximately 20 young black males approached Mingan Pao, 37, and Quinghua Lu, 18, near the intersection of High Point Rd. and Immanuel Rd.

According to police, the victims stole Ms. Lu's purse and laptop computer. Mr. Pao suffered cuts, bruises and a possible broken jaw.

Anyone with information about this case is asked to call Crimestoppers at 336-373-1000.

Wondering if the reporter and editor here are native speakers of English...

Your 'trying very hard not to be a spelling/grammar Nazi' moderator,

lpl/nc (but, sheesh... these people are supposed to be perfeshnuls...)
GREENSBORO, N.C. (WGHP) -- A group of approximately 20 black males allegedly attacked two woman on High Point Rd. early Wednesday morning.

Around 1:25 a.m., approximately 20 young black males approached Mingan Pao, 37, and Quinghua Lu, 18, near the intersection of High Point Rd. and Immanuel Rd.

According to police, the victims stole Ms. Lu's purse and laptop computer. Mr. Pao suffered cuts, bruises and a possible broken jaw.
I had the same thought Lee.

My wife was (until very recently) a student at UNCG. Graduated in May.

Things were getting so bad around campus (she took mostly night classes) that I would frequently (read just about always) drive her to her class and come back and pick her up. That way she did not have to walk to the parking decks.
An off topic bit of historical info, but perhaps relevant to the victims here...

Greensboro, NC is now the home of a sizeable minority population of Southeast Asian native peoples of various backgrounds. They came here as refugees after the war in Vietnam, and many were displaced because their people chose to side with the American military- especially Special Forces soldiers, who recruited thousands of those peoples known generically as 'montagnards.' ( http://montagnard-foundation.org/Press/?paged=3 ) Many who were not able to escape the region either were killed or still languish in refugee camps.

I have no certainty the people victimized here were montagnards, it's just a guess on my part. There are a good many Hmong (from Laos) in the area also. The Hmong also sided with the US, but that OGA mostly ran the war in Laos... so we can't talk about that. Search Vang Pao if you have more questions in that regard.

Now returning you to your thread, still in progress...

Stay on the gas till the wheels gum up so bad that they won't turn any more then get out and kill the rest.
This is what we decided to do while working in Israel years ago when the arabs were attacking any car with yellow lic. plates.
Never got to see how many it took to stop one of those little cars:mad:
Women attacked???

What the *&!!! were they doing on that road at that time anyhow?

How would I respond you ask? I would not be in that situation to begin with and not have to worry about how many rounds I would need.:confused:
20 people? Geez, if that's not a good incentive to have a car/truck gun on top of one's carry piece, there's not too much else that can possibly convince you.
I Would not be in that situation to begin with and not have to worry about how many rounds I would need...

Please explain how you are able to ensure that you will never be attacked by a gang. I would also like to be able to guarantee it will never happen to me. What's your secret?

CrimeStoppers? Uh, just a -little- late for that wouldn't ya say?

Somebody (a disgruntled girlfriend perhaps?) heard something. Info on any one of the creeps involved could go a long way toward preventing them from doing it again. One creep caught equals many creeps fingered and also caught. Obviously they can't stop a crime that has already occurred - but they may be able to stop the next attack by this gang.
Many people that emigrate here from different cultures have a hard time changing their mind set to living in a country that has a far different culture and different social and crime issues. Tough way to learn that lesson.

A little off topic, but when I lived in Minneapolis we had a large population of Hmong refugees. The police got a call of some people molesting Canadian Geese at a local lake. When they got there they found two guys just closing the trunk of their car and heard a real ruckus coming from the trunk. When the officer made them open the trunk there were 5 live Canadian geese inside. :what: Apparently the Hmong had no concept of game laws. If it was in the wild, looked good to eat, and you could catch it. it was fair game. :neener: They had to start printing the Minnesota fish and game laws in Laotian and Vietnamese.
Thoughts on how to handle such overwhelming odds??

Figure out who the leader is and cap em. Can't find the leader, shoot the one in front. Then shoot another target for good measure.

If they still keep coming keep shooting. One shot each target to conserve ammo till empty. Reload. Shoot till empty. Reload. Shoot till empty or all targets down/fled. If they still keep coming when empty at least I did as much damage as I could before I go down.

For me that's 42 rounds (3 mags at 14 shots each) for 20 targets. Chances are I'm gonna be down in the 25% or lower hit rate in a situation like that so that's 10 hits on 20 targets. Better make the hits count.

Even a drill scenario using standard every day carry loadouts would be messy.
if that's not a good incentive to have a car/truck gun on top of one's carry piece

I had the same thought while driving home from work this afternoon, after posting this thread.

My typical carry guns are either of one of the following:

a 6+1 .380
an 8+1 .45
or a 5 shot .357

Neither of the 3 has enough ammo to stop a determined mob without at least one and probably several reloads.

I do keep a truck gun though, usually.
What I would do? Carry a sidearm with a mag capacity of at least 17 or 18 and a few spare magazines. Don't allow them to come up and me. If they somehow do, unload and don't stop shooting. 51+ rounds of 9mm is a lot of firepower.

Of course it's hard to prepare for such a situation. Here in Illinois, I would be dead.

What the *&!!! were they doing on that road at that time anyhow

Back in my teenage years a friend and I were driving home from downtown Fayetteville at around 9:30 one night. A group of 6 or 7 misunderstood youths walked into the road to get me to stop my car. I'm assuming they wanted to tell me about Jesus and the path to Salvation, I can't imagine they would have had any other intent.

Anyways, having already been saved and baptised I didn't feel the need to stop and discuss Jesus with them, so I floored the pedal and parted them like the Red Sea. At least one drew a weapon as he was scrambling from the road as I saw a glint of steel and a spit of flame. I'm assuming it was a relatively small caliber. Looked like it. Didn't hear any report over the screaming engine or the blood pounding in my ears. No holes in me, my friend, or my car. No blood or guts on my bumper either.

What were we doing in said neighborhood at said time you ask?? We were on our way home from the downtown branch of the library where we'd been researching a school project. This was in the days predating the internet when you actually had to go to libraries and such.

My point I guess is that sometimes we find ourselves in situations we would normally avoid, but can't.
How would I respond you ask? I would not be in that situation to begin with and not have to worry about how many rounds I would need.


That's why I cancelled my life insurance, burial insurance, health insurance, fire insurance, and automobile insurance. Years ago I decided not to die, get sick, have my house burn, or get into a car accident.

If these wimpy people who get hurt would only be more careful and think positive thoughts they wouldn't have any problems.

You and I know that positive thinking and great care do away with any need to have a firearm.

It's the victims' fault. We're better than they are.
17 rounds of .45 here. Let's say you kill the first three.

This isn't the Persian army at Thermopylae or the Marines at Suribachi. They're cowards (why else would they fight 20 on 2?) and they're not going to keep fighting when they start taking casualties.

If they do then you'd better learn to hit and move quickly.

Kill the most dangerous/closest threats first. He has a gun drawn? Kill him first. He has a knife? Kill him second. He's right on top of you? Kill him now.
Women Attacked????

Gentlemen... Have any of you ever read "In the Gravest Extreme"? Massad Ayoob is a very wise man. Is it not always the better course of action to avoid the confrontation if possible and/or stay out of situations such as that to begin with? How much is the taking of another life worth to you? Now having been somewhat philosophical about this, if there were no way to avoid this situation and imminent death or serious bodily injury were about to result and there were no other choice... start shooting, and moving, beginning with the closest individual and don't stop until there are 20 corpses or the ones I don't shoot get smart and run away! Regardless of the outcome, no one should ever feel good about the taking of another human life. Ask someone who has actually killed before and how it has effected them. Now I am rambling... sorry I'll stop.:eek:
I don't think anyone here has the "killemallletGodsortemout" attitude going on. And you're point was a good one if a bit overstated. We can't always avoid situations like this no matter how hard we try.

FWIW, the two times I've had to rely on my concealed carry weapon, no shots were fired and once I didn't even draw. My hand on it was enough to show my intent to the other fellow. Both of those situations happened in broad daylight in populated areas though.
rantingreneck, I agree. I have been fortunate enough to only have show my weapon one time. Situation ended right there. And as you had stated mine was also in broad daylight in a place you would never suspect.
stay out of situations such as that to begin with

Keeping it short and leaving a LOT of details out:

4 gang bangers vs me. Lunch break. One of the busiest intersections in town. At lunch. Less then a mile from the police station, less then a mile from my place of work at the time. In broad daylight at lunch in the busiest section of town. LOTS of witnesses. Notice how much I emphasized time and place.

Draw gun, no shots fired, gang bangers run like hell. Police called by one of the probably hundreds of witnesses (if they were paying attention). Someone was though.

You can't always "stay out of situations such as that to begin with".

Best case scenario I and the police figure I probably would have ended up with some broken ribs and some missing teeth if I hadn't have drawn on them. Worst case well who knows and I don't want to think about it.
Not directly relevant to the topic at hand, but indirectly so is the fact that the Greensboro PD has been in the news a good bit lately and they have not been painted in a very good light. Basically understaffed and mismanaged according to the news. This of course affects their response times and patrol coverage. FWIW to the discussion.........
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