Kalashnikov on colbert report

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Jul 12, 2009
anyone watching it on comedy central? colbert showed a breif of the history of the gun and the designer and he even had a real ak on his desk. anyone thats seen a few episodes of this show knows he is pro gun. i just happened to have it on accidentally and heard Kalashnikov so i had to watch it. it was for nov 10th when it was Mikhails birthday
I wouldn't call Stephen Colbert the person pro-gun, but his personality is slightly pro-gun.
anyone thats seen a few episodes of this show knows he is pro gun.

Satirically. The point of his show is to skewer politicians, primarily those on the right.

Not denying that it's entertaining, just trying to clarify.
Colbert Report and Daily Show, while definitely clever and funny at times, spend the majority of their time slamming any politicians who are right of center. I'd be very surprised if either of them ever suggested anything pro-gun, other than sarcastically.
Rob Riggle used to be on the Daily Show for a few years. He was formerly a Lieutenant Colonel in the Marines, and is very pro-2A. I recall Jon Stewart mentioning that he took the staff out to the shooting range once.

While I enjoyed the Kalashnikov segment on the Colbert Report, they were a bit late. His birthday was last week. :rolleyes:
Uh you guys realize that The Colbert Report is satire don’t you? That means that even if Stephen makes seemingly pro-gun statements they are not to be taken seriously. Gotta love what our media is doing to our impressionable electorate.
the daily show is anti gun also john stewart is a Democrat and supports hillyary clinton and the Brady campaign and Diane feinstein. the colbert report is pro gun he is also republican he didnt support obama till after he seen the fact that he wasnt gunna take our guns.
he didnt support obama till after he seen the fact that he wasnt gunna take our guns.
I don't know about Colberts politics but I have seen no reason for dropping my guard in regards to BHO. Can you elaborate on these "FACTS"
the guy has a gun on the wall on wall hangers on his show all the time. after seeing that wiki pedia im an really confused. so he is actually bashing the 2nd amendment this whole time?
Colbert mocks right wing pundits. That is the whole premise of his show. The guy is very liberal and made the tv show persona as a way to make a mockery of all things Conservative.

You can find Colbert's speech from a White House press dinner with Bush. The guy lays the sarcasm on thick and you can definitely tell that it made Bush uncomfortable.

I am amazed that people are incapable of seeing Colbert for what the show is supposed to represent haha.
I have been a colbert fan before he was even on the daily show...so that is some what 15 years? He is what I would call a liberal maybe a conservative liberal. He is no where near john stewart super liberal, but he is certainly not right wing. He show was created as a satire version of the O'riley report, the idea came up during a daily show skit.

So yes, he loves to mock all things conservative especially the 2nd amendment. I wouldn't necessarily call him anti-gun, but being a new yorker he probably is not pro-gun either.
I am amazed that people are incapable of seeing Colbert for what the show is supposed to represent haha.

I did not think this was possible. How could someone not understand his show and still watch it? What would they laugh at? Do they think it's like Bill O'Reilly? IT'S ON COMEDY CENTRAL for crying out loud.

Wow. Anyways, love his show, but I have never heard of him being pro-gun.
From what I have seen on The Daily Show, they are not anti-gun. They are very anti-politician though. They try to spread it around a bit but you have to admit that Rebulicans are just easier to laugh at a lot of the time. John Stewert did skewer Joe Biden pretty good the other day on the stimulous thing

Also did anyone see the Cobert Report the other day about "the bullet standard"? He was talking about the weakness in the confidence of the dollar since it is not backed by gold anymore. But since ammo is such a hot commodity now we should back our dollars with ammo. I dunno, go to Comedy Central and watch it, it was funny.

Yes, I have spelling problems.
hey im a new yorker and pro gun as it gets. im not from the city though i live in the woods upstate. but colbert isnt a new yorker he always said hes from south carolina unless he lying about that too.
ya ya i know he is from SC, but you will find that there are alot of NYC liberals who have never been around a gun in their life and are either anti-gun or at least very weary of them. This is pretty common for alot of people who live in major metropolitan cities. So you can apply this to people living in DC, chicago, detroit, etc.
The show wasn't anti-gun, just anti intellectual. Rather than describe the history of the gun they just made fun of the majority of it's current users. These guys make fun of politics, that's their show. You have to admit, it is much easier to make fun of conservative politicianss than liberal politicians. I still watch their shows from time to time, the daily show is usually very funny.
While I agree that Colbert and Stewart are not on our side when it comes to gun ownership I have to admit they are both very funny shows and enjoy watching them for a laugh.

The truth is I don't have any particular fondness for most politicians and politics in general so watching Colbert and Stewart poke fun at either doesn't really bother me. To be quite honest I find myself in agreeing with a lot of what they make fun of. The truth is a lot of what goes on in Washington and in the media is a joke, Colbert and Stewart just help point that out to us.

In the strange, twisted, ironic world we live in, Stewart and Colbert's comedy reports on politics are probably the only objective journalism on TV.
Uhh, you guys do realize that Colbert and Stewart are comedians and not real journalists, right?...and that they have staffs of comedy writers that write their material?
Uhh, you guys do realize that Colbert and Stewart are comedians and not real journalists, right?...and that they have staffs of comedy writers that write their material?

True they do have writers, but I would bet my bottom dollar that they are naturally funny guys who didn't get to where they are by riding on the backs of writers. Almost any comedy show has writers but they are they not what makes the show funny, it's how the actors pull it off that makes it funny.

As to whether they are journalist or not, both Colbert and Stewart have made it clear many times on the show that they are not, they are pundits.

Of course if you watch any of the news shows on CNN, FOX News or ABC you're basically seeing the same thing, only those people are actually considered journalists, sad as it may seem. I don't see much difference between what Glen Beck and O'Reilly do compared to Colbert and Stewart, they are just at opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of political views either way I would consider them all pundits.
The truth is often stranger than fiction therefore I watch MSNBC. They are a "real" news organization that is more rediculious than Stewart or Colbert ever could be.
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