Kucinich drafting a ban on the purchase, sale, transfer, or possession of handguns

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Ten months old, and hasn't a whelk's chance in a supernova of passing.

Alas, this socialist traitor* "represents," if that's the word, my district. The RNC has never considered this district a priority; we had a couple terms of the RINO Martin Hoke sandwiched between two of the worst ever, Mary Rose Oakar and Dennis Kucinich. You wouldn't think it was a moonbat paradise to look at, but the evidence is incontrovertible (also, note to the RNC: you can't beat something with nothing, even when the something is patently appalling).

*All right, it may not be the strict definition of treason, but Kucinich is definitely an aggravated serial violator of his oath of office.
Dennis "Kook"-cinich...

A bigger embarassment (if that is even possible) than the recently Fed imprisoned former Youngstown, Ohio area rep Jim "Dead Possum for a Toupee" Trafficant. . . .

Who actually had almost enough write-in votes while in prison to win re-election..except for 1 minor detail...Since "Possum" Trafficant was in a Fed Pen in Pennsylvania, he didn't meet the residency requirement.

moonbat paradise

Hey....stop insulting Lunar Marsupials that way...
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