L.E.O.s : Would you confiscate?

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LOL. I like to think of Jim affectionately as our resident borderline-JBT. THR welcomes all types, and it would make for a lot of one-sided discussions without him around.

Jim's not a JBT, just a lot more "establishment" than a lot of folks here. I don't agree with most of what Jim says. But he's on our side, and I like him.
Most of the time, anyway.;)
The clowns on the Dallas City Council passed a no-smoking ban in the city. It is obeyed in roughly the same proportion as the speed limits. Now, restaurants that used to have smoking/non-smoking sections are all smoking all the time. I don't smoke, but when I smell tobacco smoke in a bar/restaurant in Dallas, it is the smell of freedom. There is some hope yet burning in the form of a Camel Unfiltered.


Most LEOs & service members would comply and confiscate, even those who believe in RKBA. It would take more intestinal fortitude than most have to resist. Are they going to put their freedom, livilihood, and family on the line for some "gun nut?" Don't bet on it. No slam on LEOs, just a slam on current culture in USA, of which they are a part.

Some jurisdictions would not enforce such confiscation and would quickly find their LEO establishment replaced by "team players." You can always find folks to oppress their neighbors.

As to what I'd do in the event...this ain't the forum to discuss such fun & games. I did, however, swear an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution from all its enemies. I don't recall anything on my DD214 releasing me from that oath.
Are we under martial law?


I was going to start a new thread with this question, but this might be the place to start, because it makes a difference regarding the whole confiscation issue.

I'm not an attorney, judge, or law enforcer. I just happen to have heard some interesting legal explanations as to how and why our Republic is in the shape it's in, and some of the theories would explain some of the behaviors of federal judges and presidents, so I'm left wondering how valid they are.

For example, I was told that the gold fringe you see around the US flag flown in federal courthouses denotes the war flag. I've also heard that the Civil War was never officially declared over. Anybody have anything interesting to add to prove or disprove whether we are under martial law or not?

Warning: tinfoil hat zone - these are a few sites I found just now while googling "martial law" (there were many, many more):


Inquiring minds want to know.
pax said:

But it's okay. In the soi-distant future, when the goon squads are coming door-to-door to gather up guns, suddenly all the gun owners in America will grow a set of balls twice as big as the ones they had before.

Unfortunately, two times zero is still zero.


I guess we'll just have to depend on the female gun owners amoungst us. Probably for the best, they usually shoot better anyway.:D
:( I think it's already started. When I was born (1965) you could order a rifle through the mail. I grew up in a rural area where a 22 and a shotgun were rites of passage for a boy growing up.

Today, I live in the suburbs of Chicago. My kids are taught at school that guns are bad. Violence -- of any kind, even in the defence of right -- is bad. Mothers see their kids pick up a toy rifle and almost scream -- they quickly run over to take the rifle from their children's hands and tell them that good kids don't play with guns.

No, our rights won't be taken away from us. They've already been taken away from our children through methodical social engineering and brainwashing.

I for one am going to make sure my 3 suburban kids grow up knowing the fun, joy and seriousness of firearms and right of defense...I fear, however, that they will be seen as outcasts.

Very depressing...I think I better move to Idaho.
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