Law enforcement view on CCW

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I don't want to seem against LEO's but why should I care what they think or approve of? I have the right as do they and they should have no say whether I carry or not.

> why should I care what they think or approve of?

Lone wolves don't last long. It's good to make friends and influence the influential toward your way of thinking.
I would be willing to bet that in the more rural localities the LEOs are more comfortable with CCW than their counterparts in the more urban areas.
No proof, just a gut feeling. The higher the crime, the more potential threats around you, the more at ease I would think you would be with thinking that it might be good to reduce the number of guns around you--that coupled to the general more anti-gun attitude that there is in cities (it's just human nature to adopt the attitude of the majority of those around you).
Of course that would be generally, generally, there are always exceptions to the rule.
I know there are a few LEO's locally that shoot in IDPA with me, and they are quite comfortable with CCW's. Wish there were more, but damn glad there are some:D
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