Lee Pro 6000 unboxing and testing for OAL consistency

Sorry you missed out on your christmas special. You can supposedly get brand new green ones on Ebay for about $180.......but I'm not sure about them.....says they come from China. Knockoffs? A bit skiddish. Well, I just saw Summits on sale at Midway for $164....wow....even better.

If you ever get one, the print files for the conversion mods are free on this thread. https://www.thehighroad.org/index.p...ee-app-was-first-but-wont-be-the-last.909232/.
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Expanding sample size.

BTW, Federal cases have following headstamps: FC, . FC . and .FC. (I believe . FC . and .FC. headstamp cases are made in different plant from FC cases):


Loaded 20 unsorted FC/.FC./Blazer mixed range brass at random with following measurements of resized lengths and OALs:
  • FC .750" - 1.130"
  • FC .749" - 1.130"
  • FC .751" - 1.130"
  • FC .750" - 1.132"
  • FC .751" - 1.131"
  • .FC. .749" - 1.128"
  • .FC. .750" - 1.131"
  • .FC. .750" - 1.130"
  • .FC. .748" - 1.131"
  • .FC. .751" - 1.131"
  • Blazer .749" - 1.133"
  • Blazer .752" - 1.129"
  • Blazer .750" - 1.131"
  • Blazer .749" - 1.133"
  • Blazer .751" - 1.130"
  • Blazer .748" - 1.132"
  • Blazer .750" - 1.130"
  • Blazer .749" - 1.128"
  • Blazer .750" - 1.128"
  • Blazer .748" - 1.130"


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Federal cases have following headstamps: FC, . FC . and .FC. (I believe . FC . and .FC. headstamp cases are newer made in different plant from older FC cases)
I've noticed that the Federal cases for their Syntech ammo are headstamped FC (no periods)

I don't think I've seen the headstamp of the center pictured case (. FC .)...I'll keep an eye out
UPDATE: Progressive Mode compilation of OAL consistency (shellplate full) from Six Pack Pro/Pro 6000 loading sorted and unsorted mixed range brass:

NOTE: Calipers used were verified by pin gages and Brown & Sharpe micrometer - https://www.thehighroad.org/index.p...ks-for-digital-calibers.821135/#post-10545265
  • RMR 115 gr FMJ RN sized around .3555" were used
  • Case mouth was flared to .380" at Station #5 (Using .750" length resized case)
  • .378" taper crimp was used (Using .750" length resized case)
  • Bullets were seated and taper crimped in same step at Station #6
FYI, of interest is case wall thickness .200" below case mouth where most of neck tension is applied to the bullet base - https://www.thehighroad.org/index.p...nd-bullet-setback.830072/page-3#post-10713822
  • Blazer unsorted - (.010"-.012" average thickness) produced OAL of 1.128"-1.133" (.005" variance)
  • G.F.L. unsorted - (.012"-.014" average thickness) produced OAL of 1.129"-1.133" (.004" variance)
  • .FC. unsorted - (.011"-0.012" average thickness) produced OAL of 1.128"-1.131" (.003" variance) and FC unsorted 1.130"-1.132" (.002" variance)
  • R-P sorted by resized length - (.012"-.014" average thickness) produced OAL of 1.134"-1.137" (.003" variance)
  • WIN unsorted - (.012"-.014" average thickness) produced OAL of 1.131"-1.133" (.002" variance)
Running in Turret Mode (One case in shellplate) using R-P headstamp brass sorted by resized length of .750" produced following OAL variance (Essentially .001" variance from 1.125" to 1.126" with the exception of one):
  • 1 round at 1.124"
  • 19 rounds at 1.125"
  • 10 rounds at 1.126"
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Very well done friend. Far more depth than I have been brave enough to go on mine. I do think our chutes are different though... will try to remember to take a picture tomorrow but I thought mine has a metal pin where yours has the plastic tabs.
UPDATE: Expanding R-P case sample size

Looking at the progressive mode loaded R-P headstamp OALs, I noticed they were longer than other headstamps. Since R-P headstamp cases were what I started out with, decided to expand sample size to perhaps account for press "settling in" and load up some more R-P cases.

NOTE: R-P cases loaded up so far has been the R-P with "." to the right that have rounded rim. Out of curiosity, I also loaded up 5 test cases of R-P cases without "." or rounded rim


15 unsorted R-P/R-P"." mixed range brass at random with following measurements of resized lengths and OALs:
  1. R-P .749" - 1.134"
  2. R-P .748" - 1.134"
  3. R-P .749" - 1.133"
  4. R-P .750" - 1.133"
  5. R-P .749" - 1.133"
  1. R-P"." .750" - 1.134"
  2. R-P"." .749" - 1.135"
  3. R-P"." .750" - 1.134"
  4. R-P"." .749" - 1.134"
  5. R-P"." .750" - 1.134"
  6. R-P"." .750" - 1.135"
  7. R-P"." .749" - 1.134"
  8. R-P"." .750" - 1.135"
  9. R-P"." .749" - 1.135"
  10. R-P"." .749" - 1.135"


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Update to unsorted (by resized length) mixed range brass Progressive Mode compilation of OAL consistency (shellplate full) - https://www.thehighroad.org/index.p...r-oal-consistency.911743/page-3#post-12446074

NOTE: Calipers used were verified by pin gages and Brown & Sharpe micrometer - https://www.thehighroad.org/index.p...ks-for-digital-calibers.821135/#post-10545265
  • RMR 115 gr FMJ RN sized around .3555" were used
  • Case mouth was flared to .380" at Station #5 (Using .750" length resized case)
  • .378" taper crimp was used (Using .750" length resized case)
  • Bullets were seated and taper crimped in same step at Station #6
  • Blazer unsorted - OAL of 1.128"-1.133" (.005" variance)
  • G.F.L. unsorted - OAL of 1.129"-1.133" (.004" variance)
  • .FC. unsorted - OAL of 1.128"-1.131" (.003" variance)
  • FC unsorted - OAL of 1.130"-1.132" (.002" variance)
  • WIN unsorted - OAL of 1.131"-1.133" (.002" variance)
  • R-P unsorted - OAL of 1.133"-1.134" (.001" variance)
  • R-P "." unsorted - OAL of 1.134"-1.135" (.001" variance)
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live life, question for you.

I received my 6000 and am setting up several calibers in breach locks, etc.

When setting the resizing die 1/3 turn down after shell plate contact like Lee says the end of travel feels mushy, for lack of a better term. I have set the resizing die at touch plus next to nothing and the factory crimp die, I use them on 100% of pistol calibers, set the same in the adjoining station, #6, the press operation feels rock solid by using the dies and press travel stops at same time for end of travel.

How have you been setting the resizing die? And since this is my first press with offset from center of shell plate ram, is this common?


What a fantastic wright up and review, great work
Great write up and pics!!
Thanks for posting all this info
+1, 2, and 3 on GREAT WRITE UP and Pictures!!! Thanks @LiveLife for all the detailed information!!!

Very comprehensive look at the press and COL for the brass used.
Thank you for such a detailed review.
WOW! A great deal of work in what you're posting and sharing!!! As I said earlier, very comprehensive and very detailed! Keep up the GREAT work!!!

Thanks @LiveLife, your work is truly appreciated by all who visit here!!!
I’ll echo EMC45s comment…nice write up. REALLY appreciate the extra effort of disassembly for the detailed views of a new to the market press.
I've be remiss in not also extending my thanks for your efforts and detail in exploring the new press.

My heartfelt thanks for the great work
LiveLife! Great writeup....lots of trouble, but very worthwhile!
Thank you very much for kind words and you are very welcome ... Glad to have done the review, particularly full disassembly for THR members who may be considering Six Pack Pro/Pro 6000 as there aren't many reviews available currently.

After selling my Dillon 650 with case feeder, I thought about replacing it with 750 and even considered FA X-10 (Which is still MIA). But since Lee released Pro 6000 and had a chance to reload on it, I may change my mind about considering 750/X-10 for retirement.

I have 550 with 3 caliber conversions and two powder measures that I planned on using with ABLP for pistol calibers and 550/C-H 502 powder measure for rifle calibers. But ABLP got PIF to my BIL and since Pro 6000 can do both all pistol and rifle calibers with quick and easy caliber/primer change, I may even rethink about keeping 550 now.

I do believe Lee has a winner on their hands with SPP/Pro 6000 and at retail price point of $239 and $339 for the kit, may be a "no-brainer" choice for many reloaders and end up being a game changer for the progressive reloading market, particularly novice match shooters looking to load consistent match rounds.
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How have you been setting the resizing die? And since this is my first press with offset from center of shell plate ram, is this common?
Regardless of progressive brand, I have done the same for setting the resizing die:
  • I initially adjust the resizing die while resizing a case until I do not see daylight between bottom of die and top of shellplate with bottom of die barely "kissing" the top of shellplate. (I know this is different from Lee instructions but I was taught by a seasoned bullseye match shooter and kinda OCD myself ... And have a desire to be more precise)
  • Then after setting up other dies with shellplate full, I readjust resizing die if I see daylight between bottom of die and top of shellplate due to any shellplate tilt/deflection. (Of course, if I make any adjustment to the resizing die, I recheck the OAL/taper crimp amount)
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Regardless of progressive brand, I have done the same for setting the resizing die:
That process is also the one I use.

The Resizing die goes all the way down to touch the shellplate, re-adjust after the shellplate is full

if I make any adjustment to the resizing die, I recheck the OAL/taper crimp amount)
This is where my Redding Competition Seating die comes in handy. Seat, measure, and dial in the required adjustment
That process is also the one I use.

The Resizing die goes all the way down to touch the shellplate, re-adjust after the shellplate is full

This is where my Redding Competition Seating die comes in handy. Seat, measure, and dial in the required adjustment

I don't have a competition seating die and just use my dial caliper to measure any adjustment of any seating die.

That and knowing the thread pitch of the seating stem will tell you what a half/quarter or eighth turn will shorten the overall length.
All you need to do is scratch or file a reference line on the seating die.
OP: Sorry for the drift
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Regardless of progressive brand, I have done the same for setting the resizing die:
  • I initially adjust the resizing die while resizing a case until I do not see daylight between bottom of die and top of shellplate with bottom of die barely "kissing" the top of shellplate. (I know this is different from Lee instructions but I was taught by a seasoned bullseye match shooter and kinda OCD myself ... And have a desire to be more precise)
  • Then after setting up other dies with shellplate full, I readjust resizing die if I see daylight between bottom of die and top of shellplate due to any shellplate tilt/deflection. (Of course, if I make any adjustment to the resizing die, I recheck the OAL/taper crimp amount)

That is what I did on the 6000 but on previous progressive I always had top of travel positive stops to adjust sizing die to when shell plate was at positive up stop.
I will continue with this method on this one as I learn new machine.

Primed a bunch of 44 mag new Starline brass as a test and all worked well and depth came out same as bench prime so, so far so good.

perhaps, we ... should do something for you for all your sharing and dedicated work!!!
THR members already got together to send me a requested gift that I use on a regular basis ... medium sized MidwayUSA range bag to go with large MidwayUSA range bag I already had. And a bunch THR members sent me reloading items to "Pay It Forward" (including rcmodel) and they have all been PIF to new reloaders in kit forms with reloading component supplies.



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I don't have a competition seating die and just use my dial caliper to measure any adjustment of any seating die.

That and knowing the thread pitch of the seating stem will tell you what a half/quarter or eighth turn will shorten the overall length.
All you need to do is scratch or file a reference line on the seating die.

OP: Sorry for the drift

When I worked for a living and had access to the machine shop, I made an adapter for Lee seating dies.

Works well.

IMG_1381.JPG IMG_1382.JPG

I just ran 50 each, 44 mag, not priming as did a bunch as a test earlier, with +- 0.0015 OAL, good enough for me. I lube with light lanolin spray even in carbide dies and finished with a FDC roll crimp on these.

New Starline Brass, xtreme plated flat points.

When I worked for a living and had access to the machine shop, I made an adapter for Lee seating dies.

Works well.

View attachment 1111777 View attachment 1111778

I just ran 50 each, 44 mag, not priming as did a bunch as a test earlier, with +- 0.0015 OAL, good enough for me. I lube with light lanolin spray even in carbide dies and finished with a FDC roll crimp on these.

New Starline Brass, xtreme plated flat points.

I also had access to machinery and have made many tools for reloading and other hobbies, but don't post about them because they cannot be duplicated by the average reloader who does not have machinery to use.

So, you are not using the pez dispenser for priming?
That priming system is the reason I never bought that press, as it required the user to manually operate that primer dispenser.

Funny, I pre-lube cases too, but not by spraying because that could put lube inside the case.
That may not matter to most, but I moisten a 30-cal. patch with lube, put in in a plastic container with the cases and shake it around to lube the outside of the cases.
What are you guys thinking of your presses by now?
I wish Lee released Pro 6000 before I bought my 550 with 3 caliber conversions and 2 powder measures. :)

By the way, thank you for all the work.
You are welcome.

I would have done it to satisfy my curiosity anyways but glad to share with THR members and for those considering buying Pro 6000 to get a detailed impression and run through.
So, you are not using the pez dispenser for priming?.

Never had a press with that kind of thing.

I have run at least 100 cases of each pistol caliber, six, I reload through the new 6000 press just priming, no dies installed, to check case feeding and priming. New machine, I need to learn and get comfortable with. I decap only on another progressive, tumble in SS and then am ready to load but this time I needed to go through the pre-primed testers, thus did not prime on that short run.
