LEO Stops Me on My Evening Run:Asks "What Are You Packing?"

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I was never taught how to be a JBT or how to randomly victimize the public at large. It sickens me to think of all the the honest hard working people that I failed to harass or arrest due to my poor training.
They don't teach it at the academy. You have to be initiated into the secretive JBT society to be taught all the secrets. You start at the bottom and work your way up to 33rd degree JBT. Only when you attain 33rd degree JBT are you privy to all the JBT secrets and goals. :)
Colorado Kevin wrote:
Or he's looking for enough "evidence" to clear a BS dispatched call on his log sheet, so he can get back to eating the tacos that he just picked up from the corner stand. (ummm, hypothetically speaking... of course)

Or, he's bored to tears and wanted to talk to someone. (I think I have ADHD?)

LOL! You're a funny guy Kevin!!
But it also re-inforced to me that most LEO's,and this I've always known ,are on our side.

Except for the fact that theres a court ruling saying they are to serve and protect the community, not you.

I suppose the LEO's taking the guns away from those in New Orleans were on their sides as well?
I had a poor FTO. He taught me to wave and smile at people as we drove by. Treat everybody, even to less than desirables with respect.

Traffic stops often do not lead to tickets or treasure hunts. Mostly you point out the violation and let them slide if it is not serious.

It is much easier to Police your community of you have the respect of the populace.
I had a poor FTO. He taught me to wave and smile at people as we drove by. Treat everybody, even to less than desirables with respect.

Traffic stops often do not lead to tickets or treasure hunts. Mostly you point out the violation and let them slide if it is not serious.

It is much easier to Police your community of you have the respect of the populace.
You probably live in an area where police actually believe in the "serve and protect" thing, and act that way. Thats by no means a universal situation.
Wow...i'm kinda surprised this thread hasn't been locked yet. I don't have any personal problems with LEO's. But, I have to agree, it really is folly to approach the situation with carelessness. Remember, LEO encounter's can cost you everything short of your life. And don't give me any BS about how police aren't out to get you. How about Narcotics Units? They can and will arrest you for info on the "going's on's in town". If ALL police aren't out looking for arrest's, then why do they sit around for hours in unmarked vans waiting for offender's to stumble thier way?

I'm willing to bet the crowd here preaching about how cops just want to be your friend's have never been arrested. Trust me, when you've been arrested, the officer is the furthest thing from your friend. He wants to book you and get back out there, maybe question you for a bit on "local activities". After that, as long as you're an upstanding citizen, the judge will truly be your best friend then. Once you're booked, it's all in the hands of the judge.
I was going to tell about the County deputy who passed me during my morning walk a couple of days ago, and in spite of my openly carried Ruger, just waved and rode on by, but I'm sure someone would tell me I did something wrong, so I won't bother. (I did wave back.)

That's exactly what should have happened to the original poster. I think he handled the situation very well, but I also believe the encounter never should have happened. I don't think the cop had any legal reason to pull over and investigate Solo Flyer, so he should have just kept on going. But he saw something he wanted to check out, so he did. It's a fine line to balance though. You want the police to catch the bad guys, but us good guys get stopped and we want the police to respect our rights down to the last letter.
exar, so you're saying that when people who break the law and are too selfish to think about others than themselves get arrested by those who's job it is to enforce the law, it's actually the officer's fault and not the criminal?


I'd be willing to bet every gang member, meth head, and burglar out there hates cops too. But it ain't the cops that are the garbage of society.
Sergeant Sabre said:
I'm sure their academy training included laws regarding to weapons and contraband, including who is exempt from them. In a big city, a rookie cop is sure to have an experienced training officer by their side. But, if you DO get arrested for it (you won't) file a suit and enjoy your retirement at the city's expense.

Two words - Katrina - New Orleans.
Where were all the good natured training officers when all other LOE's were riding the fast train on the decent in to anarchy?

Where were the high fives and friendly waves when they were beating the hell out of little old 80 year old women Patricia Konney (sp?)


Jack booted thugs.
exar, so you're saying that when people who break the law and are too selfish to think about others than themselves get arrested by those who's job it is to enforce the law, it's actually the officer's fault and not the criminal?

Every situation is individual. If you're wandering around, in public, obviously intoxicated, then I can see an arrest maybe neccesary. I was responding to those who say police are not out to make arrest's and just want to be friends. I'll give you a little personal background.

I once dated a nice girl back in high school. Her house was raided by Marshalls, Sheriffs, and city police. Of course, you would assume her family was scum and deserved it, right? After all, if you did nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear. Right? Her families phone was tapped. Patrol's watched her house for two months. The Marshalls decided to bust in wearing full battle rattle, sub-gun's and all. The warrant was for the arrest of an individual that had nothing to do with them(police admitted it later). The real reason, we found out in court, was because there was "alot of traffic". Yeah, I guess there was. Five teenager's lived there and ,well, you know, actually have friends. Once the police were in there and realized they had nothing, they tried charging adults and others with possession of prescription meds. Those med's came from a family friend in the Army who committed suicide and was left over from the clean out of the house. The police also lied about evidence that they "knew was inside so you should just fess up now and save yourself more trouble".

They never could produce this "evidence" during court.
I gotta say, I'm a little astounded at the amount of cop haters here. I bear no excessive amount of love for Cops, as I've found myself on the wrong side of them a few times(Minor things, Drinking underage a few years ago, and the like.) But my Granddad was a state Trooper, My Father is Sherrifs Deputy, and my Kid Brother just graduated the Academy. My Brother and Father are both pro gun, as was my Grandfather, and if any one of them had asked, "What are you Packing?" it would have been along the lines of a friendly chat. Same as you or I might ask someone at the range what they're gonna be shooting. I absolutely agree that the cop was looking for something, but you know what? That's his job, and if you're not doing anything wrong, he's not going to find anything, right? And if he does freak out, because he's a Rookie Cop, so be it. As long as I don't get shot(And even then, as long as it's not fatal or maiming) I don't give a damn how much they freak out. One bad apple doesn't have to spoil the bunch guys. Just because you've met some shady cops doesn't mean you should be a jerk to the rest of them. I applaud how the OP reacted. Greet smiles with smiles. The cop turns nasty, clam up, and ask for your lawyer.
I'll throw this dirty little gem out there, too. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away I was young and dumb. I had less than a gram of pot on me and was smoking with a buddy on break in my parked car in the lot at work. As soon as we finished, the Narc Unit rolled up with lights on and arrested us. I fessed up to it all(possession of paraphernelia and possession of less than 30g). When we were being grilled at the station I knew it was my first offense and were just a couple of misdomeanors. I told 'em it was mine, slap me on the wrist and get this done with. They were adamant about me not taking the charges and passing it off to my buddy. I knew what they were doing. He had a prior record and they wanted me to lie and say it was his so they could press felony charges for being a repeat offender.

I didn't go along with it and made it clear it was mine and i'm stickin' to it. They said "OK, fine, take the heat then". They charged my buddy with my stuff as well and he was too tired and dumb to fight it. They had nothing on him and still charged him. Dirty, dirty, dirty. They couldn't be happy with just me. Remember, if they don't show results (arrest's) then budgets get cut next year and that can't be allowed.
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As long as I don't get shot(And even then, as long as it's not fatal or maiming) I don't give a damn how much they freak out

If anyone on here agree's with this sentiment, then you obviously have no problem living in your police state.
You don't know if he called for another car. In a small town such as the original poster's, it's not uncommon for two cops to be near each other

I based the statement that the cop called for back up on the fact that the OP said that the cop called for back up, unlike some I actually read the OP.
I guess I am a moderate in this debate. I don't want to be bothered by anyone while I am out and about, including cops, peddlers, and religious types trying to convert me. I wish to be left to my own devices. If someone wants to engage me in conversation, they are free to do so. If I do not wish to converse with them, I will make that known.

I just do not understand the deference some people feel is due to LE simply because of the badge.
And don't give me any BS about how police aren't out to get you.
All cops are certainly not out to get everyone.

Its also certainly true that for various reasons, sometimes cops are "more zealous" than warranted.

Part of human nature is wanting to get the approval of one's peers and supervisors. Cops get it, at least in part, by writing tickets and making arrests. Thats not all bad.
Its also certainly true that for various reasons, sometimes cops are "more zealous" than warranted.

Part of human nature is wanting to get the approval of one's peers and supervisors. Cops get it, at least in part, by writing tickets and making arrests. Thats not all bad.

Thanks, you said it a bit more eloquently than I could. I know they aren't ALL OUT TO GET ME OH NOEZZZ!!!111. But you are dead on, some are more zealous than other's at mine or another's expense.
quoted from bobbarker
and if any one of them had asked, "What are you Packing?" it would have been along the lines of a friendly chat. Same as you or I might ask someone at the range what they're gonna be shooting.

But this wasn't at the range. It was on the street, while jogging.

I absolutely agree that the cop was looking for something, but you know what? That's his job, and if you're not doing anything wrong, he's not going to find anything, right?

So it's his job to assume someone has something illegal and detain them to find out without any evidence at all? Maybe we should all let the police come into our homes anytime they want and just look around through our stuff. After all, if I'm not doing anything wrong they won't find anything. Right?

And if he does freak out, because he's a Rookie Cop, so be it. As long as I don't get shot(And even then, as long as it's not fatal or maiming) I don't give a damn how much they freak out.

So you don't mind being arrested because the rookie cop doesn't know the law?

I applaud how the OP reacted. Greet smiles with smiles.

I agree. But I still think the stop should never have occured.
I gotta say, I'm a little astounded at the amount of cop haters here.

I applaud how the OP reacted. Greet smiles with smiles. The cop turns nasty, clam up, and ask for your lawyer.

Thank you,bobbarker.And you are correct.
After being away over 4 hours ,celebrating the birth of a new grand -daughter(7lb ,7 oz)I find the cop bashing has indeed continued.
And it makes me realize even more, how difficult it most be to pin on that badge everyday,head out the door and go to work.And the anxiety for your wife and family.
But hey,somebody's got to do it, right?And to re-iterate I have been packing on these streets for 14 years and have never been stopped.It was,again,a young ,super cautious rookie in a small burg.
But this continuous malignment again,IMO,for people who the MAJORITY of are on our side, and are just out there to protect and serve, as much of a cliche as it may be ,is just not right.Remember what 'HSO' is constantly reminding us:attack the argument or the circumstances,not the individual.
That is the mission statement of THR.
I may be sounding trite, but I truly believe that is what puts us a step above most of the Internet forum universe.
Thanks,Kevin,Sabre ,ALL you LE guys on this forum for what you do for us every day.:)
I once dated a nice girl back in high school. Her house was raided by Marshalls, Sheriffs, and city police. Of course, you would assume her family was scum and deserved it, right? After all, if you did nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear. Right? Her families phone was tapped. Patrol's watched her house for two months. The Marshalls decided to bust in wearing full battle rattle, sub-gun's and all. The warrant was for the arrest of an individual that had nothing to do with them(police admitted it later). The real reason, we found out in court, was because there was "alot of traffic". Yeah, I guess there was. Five teenager's lived there and ,well, you know, actually have friends. Once the police were in there and realized they had nothing, they tried charging adults and others with possession of prescription meds. Those med's came from a family friend in the Army who committed suicide and was left over from the clean out of the house. The police also lied about evidence that they "knew was inside so you should just fess up now and save yourself more trouble

I'll throw this dirty little gem out there, too. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away I was young and dumb. I had less than a gram of pot on me and was smoking with a buddy on break in my parked car in the lot at work. As soon as we finished, the Narc Unit rolled up with lights on and arrested us. I fessed up to it all(possession of paraphernelia and possession of less than 30g). When we were being grilled at the station I knew it was my first offense and were just a couple of misdomeanors. I told 'em it was mine, slap me on the wrist and get this done with. They were adamant about me not taking the charges and passing it off to my buddy. I knew what they were doing. He had a prior record and they wanted me to lie and say it was his so they could press felony charges for being a repeat offender.

I didn't go along with it and made it clear it was mine and i'm stickin' to it. They said "OK, fine, take the heat then". They charged my buddy with my stuff as well and he was too tired and dumb to fight it. They had nothing on him and still charged him. Dirty, dirty, dirty. They couldn't be happy with just me. Remember, if they don't show results (arrest's) then budgets get cut next year and that can't be allowed

LEO: "Hi,what are you packing?"
SOLO:"Is that a personal question?"
LEO: "No,what you got in your back pocket?" (SOLO pulls out umbrella, sticks it through the cruiser window.)
LEO: "Aha!"
SOLO: "Now ,do you want to know what I'm really packing?"
LEO: "Now,thats not necessary."
SOLO: "If I'm nearby and you need any back up, you know you got it."

From this condensed version of the OP's post, it's a little more clear what may have transpired. LEO sees something under SOLO's shirt, and perhaps he thought it was a paint can... SOLO makes the "personal question" comment, adding a degree of naughtiness, displays his umbrella, then asks if LEO wants to see what he's really packing...

Could just be me, but I'm seeing some statements here that could be misconstrued between strangers... :eek:

The police I've interacted with were certainly not on our side. That does not mean others in other areas are not, but based on my experiences, I view the police with suspicion and they only have my respect if they earn it. Like it or not it's in everyone's best interest to do so.
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