lets change the language, start calling them "undocumented handguns"

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May 8, 2003
Reno, Nevada
Since they are so found of referring to illegal aliens as undocumented workers it is time we called so called "illegal guns" "undocumented handguns"

Lets change the debate a bit by changing the words a bit...the press loves to shove "undocumented" down our throats so much...why not give it back!?
I prefer to call the ones in the hands of criminals, obtained illegally, "illegal". I am fine with that since that implies all the other ones are fine. "Undocumented" I would think would tend to make unknowledgable people think all handguns are supposed to be documented (or registered) somehow.

If I buy a private sale gun, it's not illegal and not "documented".
I am uncomfortable with referring to "illegally possessed" handguns as "undocumented handguns", as that would seem to indicate that only those that are "properly registered" are okay. Let's find a better term.
KnottHead hit it on the head

Several of my firearms are "undocumented" because they were purchased or given as gifts from private individuals.

Illegal immigrants are illegal, just like illegal firearms are illegal, no point in calling a dog "kitty".
There are no illegal guns, only prohibited owners.
Really? Then go get a machine gun. Then phone the BATF, tell them you have machine gun, and see what they do.
There are no illegal guns, only prohibited owners.

Really? Then go get a machine gun. Then phone the BATF, tell them you have machine gun, and see what they do.

BATF already knows about my machine guns. They're on Form 4's.

Also legal for a FFL w/ 07/02 SOT to manufacture his own or have post-86 dealer samples if he's got the LE letter.

Now, for members of John Q Public without the proper tax stamps and paperwork, yes, it would be a problem. Those are prohibited owners; nothing wrong with the guns.
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