lets say im at wal mart and some crazy person.....

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Oct 29, 2006
whips out a gun and yells at the service desk "give me all the money!"

im standing nearby, i have a ccw and a kel tec pf-9 in my pocket with 7 rounds of powerball +p 9mm.

best thing to do is lay low out of his site but get my pf-9 out of my pocket at the ready?

if i lay low he may kill someone. would i be justified in shooting him before he shoots someone? this is what im not sure of.

i would indeed put 3 quick rounds in his chest if he did start shooting. am i right to shoot him even if he never pointed a gun at me? i would think so.
If I honestly thought he was going to kill/injure someone, I would have to fire. In NC, I'm 99.99% sure shooting would be [legally] justified - you're allowed to defend others as you would yourself here (assuming the other did not instigate/start the situation).
I was tempted to lock this, but I moved it to S&T.

Listen, there is no right answer. You describe a situation that has a million variables.

Everybody that comes along and answers is going to answer according to their own perspective.

Keep in mind that what is legal in my state, may not be legal in yours. That is going to color your perceptions also.

Every poster here has a different level of skill, knowledge, training, ability, and committment. What is the right answer for me may be a lot different than you.

Anybody who's answer is all about how brave and awesome they are, and gives you a pat action movie answer is either clueless, or full of crap.

What you need to do is seek out good instruction in your area. You need to familiarize yourself with the use of force laws for your state. I teach this stuff, but I teach it in Utah, according to Utah law. It changes drastically as you go.
Whoops. Actually Justin was locking it as I was moving it. He's the mod for GD, so his decision stands.

But seriously read what I wrote, talk to the professionals who know how the use of force laws in your area work.
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