Liberals - "Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy,"

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The Democrat party has Ted Kennedy, Diane Feinstein, Clintons, Al Gore, Sarah Brady, Carolyn McCarthy, Charles Schumer, Frank Launtenberg, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Cynthia McKinney, Barbara Boxer, Maxine Waters, John Kerry, George Soros, Ray Nagin, Michael Moore at the helm.

The facts-> The jackass party is synonymous with gungrabbing and I didn't need a book to tell me that.
So, what was your opinion of "Rush Limbaugh is a big Fat Idiot" and "Lies and the Lying Liars that Tell Them?"

Both thoroughly researched and documented books by Al Franken

MarkDido: What's your beef with these works. I read them both.

He did a good job of breaking down some of the lies of the right. Real easy to understand, and to my knowledge, no one has been able to come out and de-bunk anything in Franken's books. He tear Rush a new one on a regular basis on his radio show.

Although, for him to come out with a book entitiled "The Truth (with Jokes)", he's setting himself as a target for the right to try to take him down (which they haven't yet). Although, they might be able to dispute whether or not his purported jokes are in fact funny. (However, just because the other party doesn't get it doesn't mean it's not satire.)
As someone who has been around for awhile it's fairly obvious that the power structure of the left is based upon and steeped in the rationale that the average citizen needs to be taken care of. The average guy mostly likes this idea. Why wouldn't he? Security, right? We need to be safe, right? And mostly we want others to make sure that happens. Creeping incremental tyranny is the result as Big Government is the vehicle for this "taking care of".
Hypocricy is evident among its illuminati.

Within the power structure on the right is the notion that each person can become a millionaire and take care of themselves given that government just needs to get out of the way and spend most of its time seeing to border issues and worldwide military might. The problem is, this notion is as scewed as the former because the power structure is more interested in talking about wealth creation but subverts it by not understanding that every man is not equally endowed with brains, ambition, etc. We need to be our brother's keeper at times. Each spectrum is also fully engaged in seeing to feathering its own nest at the expense of those they seem to represent. Tyranny exist here on the right as well. It pits the upper echelons of management of giant corporation against, well, everyone else, worker and consumer. Guess who the winner here is?

Now I realize my comments are an oversimplification, but one would be hard pressed to not see these dynamics at work. Government regulation/taxation (read gun control/welfare state et al) VS unfettered capitalism (read Enron Et al.)

So what's a person to do? It seems the power structure of each polarity is in a death struggle with the other. Look at the polarization that has occured amongst our citizens as a result of it. Conservatives think Lilbs are evil and vice versa. The fact is, both schools of thought have redeeming features but the polarization has obscured this reality. Again, what's a person to do?

I've been a Republican for many years. But I see that party not listening to itself and doing nothing; floundering inanely and accomplishing little. I was a Democrat before that, when I was young. Yet all I hear from them is shrillness and irrational nonsense; a notion that mankind is really just nice, we just need to exhange candy and we'll be fine as long as you pay a lot of taxes and let us tell you how to live. What's a person to do? Third parties are marginalized, not paid attention to, and filled with crackpots. What progress we have is stultified by government fiat and reasonable exploitation of our resources is confounded at every step because there are those that do not believe that resources are exactly that; resources. They should be exploited and used. Creativity results in that type of dynamic atmosphere. We don't need to kill critters and trample much grass to get oil, gas, wood, minerals etc etc. All we need to be is mindful.

In another thread, on another forum, APS, I think, I made mention that maybe the only salvation of our unity is to have some defining thing happen. But then, it did. Sept 11th. Since then we've grown further apart, fighting amongst ourselves while those that hate us use that as fuel for their insanity.
Rather than being united by Sept. 11th, our power structure of the left and right has used it to polarize us. Somehow that notion is despicable to me.

Right about now, I feel about as helpless as I have felt in my entire life when I think about the world that is being created for my grandchildren.
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