Listing firearms in signature

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Feb 5, 2006
Portland, OR
I noticed awhile back that some people list their firearms (or their favorite ones if they are one of those lucky bastages that own to many to list) in their forum signature. I decided to do this myself. Since then I have received three e-mails from people asking about firearms I own (advice on handling, appearance, size, etc.). I think this is a great resource to others who may be considering a weapon we already own. I am sure some people will see a down side to doing this. Like maybe letting people know what is in your personal arsenal but I feel with the relative anonymity of the internet that it is an acceptable practice. I may be wrong but I think it is a good practice and wish more did it. I also like when people post pics of their new "babies". I post alot on a knife forum and people are always posting pics of their collections and new purchases. :)
There are several government employee's cruising all these gun forums and documenting in the Big Book of loose firearms and cannons.

Your shtf strategy and list of guns is known to those who would thwart your freedom loving ways.

I don't list anything because I'm in California and Can'thavenuthingood anyway.

I actually prefer that people don't list their firearms. Mainly because it takes space. I dont want to be reading the list of firearms in everyone of the person's post if he happens to reply in the thread multiple times.
guess i always viewed the lists of firearms in the sig lines as being done by folks who either: have very few guns or are new to the scene.

at any rate, i am no different than over half of thr'ers, i'm sure, when i can honestly say that i have far too many guns to list (most are remingtons, as anybody who has read very many of my posts can tell).

as far as worried about government agents and such... nah, don't care if they know. not worried they're coming after my few dozen guns when i know there are fellas on here w/ gun accumulations that number in the few hundred...
Lists in sigs tend to screw up the search function. If you want to search for post about Mariln Guide Gun but someone has it in their sig you find every post they have ever written instead of posts about 45-70 lever guns.

If you made and image with the list and IMG tagged it into your sig then it wouldn't screw up the search. Images in everyones sig will slow the page load down for some people but you can turn them off.
Can'thavenuthingood said:
There are several government employee's cruising all these gun forums and documenting in the Big Book of loose firearms and cannons.

Your shtf strategy and list of guns is known to those who would thwart your freedom loving ways.

I don't list anything because I'm in California and Can'thavenuthingood anyway.

It's okay, your in California, so the state knows what you have anyways:barf:
If you've got to brag about what you've got, you don't have very much

No matter how extensive you're collection is, there's somebody here that's got more (or better)

Personally, I look at guys that list their stuff and usually kinda laugh, but maybe it's just me
Another idea: Start a "list" thread. Each person posts their list, then clicks on the little "#xyz" in the upper right hand corner of their post, and saves that link, then puts it in their signature. Can be short and sweet and easy to get to. Plus, you can just go back to the list thread and post again or edit your old one when you update your collection.

EDIT: Observe in this post: there's a "#9" in the corner. I click it and save the resulting URL:

and then I can put a link to it wherever:
Like so.

Hi All-

Enormous signature lines are very tedious to read...especially in a long thread. A list of firearms would be better on a profile page.

~ Blue Jays ~
Putting all my guns in the signature would take a lot of space(I guess I am one of the lucky bastages:neener: ) so I put my latest purchase in my signature. What I think would be cool is if there was a firearms list and everybody that owned the firearm or had shot the firearm could rate it and tell what they liked or did not like about it.
a follow-up...

when I first got internet (maybe 8 years ago), I was told not to mention anything that you didn't want everyone in the world to know about, because they can find out

This lady was a librarian. She was in one of the ever popular (at that time at least) chat rooms. One of the other members with which she had frequent on-line meetings said that she'd never figure out who he was....anonymous and all that

took her about 3 hours to figure he lived in Belgium, his wife's name, where he worked

I think you're a total fool if you type anything that you consider private.

Yeah, "secure link", little gold padlock, all that crap.

Just think...if the FBI or CIA wanted to break into your computer they could do it. If they can, anybody can that has enough smarts.

You may be proud of your stuff, but I read somewhere "Pride cometh before the fall"
I half agree with the original poster in this thread. I don't think people should list EVERY firearm they have, but because this is a firearms forum, some people will benefit from having the weapons listed. Self discipline really pays off here though... Perfect example, I own a JC Higgins 16-gauge bolt action shotty, but I don't list it because I don't think anyone will be able to benefit from that knowledge. However, I list my Sig and my Spas because I think if someone has questions about these weapons, I would want them to feel free to ask me anything and I'll do my best to assist.

That, and I recognize people by signature, not my screenname. I scan through these forums fairly quickly, and I don't always pay attention to the post author at any place in a thread. Some people I've learned to recognize base off their signatures though.
I don't list mine because half of the members here would envy me and the other half would pity me.:neener:
What guns?

I just signed up to use this site for reference, read LawDog stories and ...hey wait a doggone minute... I never got my secret decoder ring for a being a plankowner.

My sig...I read Read Ruark as a kid, I liked the book and could spell the title. TFL closed and THR took me in from the cold.

What guns?
Not to change the subject, but Halffast..great book. I really enjoyed it. I had not seen the total compilation until I found the link in your signiture line.


On subject. I don't see how anyone can benifit from knowledge of what I own. Although that might not be true if I owned something truly excotic...which I don' looking. :eek:

Personally, I don't think it's anybody's business as to what I own. If I feel the need to discuss it, I will. Not trying to be snotty or anything, just not an advertiser.
I'm with some of the others on large signatures. It's a pain to download alot of that repeatedly for everyone. However, you could list your stash in your profile, and put a small link to that in your post, like this. I don't have much of it populated, but I updated it as an example.

I have my own website, and I'm free to write up whatever I choose. I've considered posting a list as other users have and linking to that.

i see your point with the sharing of information, and i think thats valid, however, i dont know if any more info can be taken from that method then if the individual just did a search function or just started a new thread saying "tell me about such and such" then you can pm from there.

as for govt reading my posts, i really dont care, i dont do anything wrong, i dont own anything cool, or even outlandish, let alone illegal. and if you do work for the government, and you are reading this, please PM me so i can have an application to do your job and just read gun forums all day, i do that for free; and since im graduating in a year i could really use some career planning. do you guys get dental?
I don't think I want anyone visiting the forum to know what I have in case they are shopping. You never know what criminals will think of next.
To me it looks like bragging. At one point I listed some guns in my sig then took them out a few weeks later when I realized that I WAS bragging - and yep I was new to carrying and 1911's and that's why I did it. Huge signatures take up too much room anyway, and who cares who owns what?
It doesn't bother me if people list their whole collection in their sig line. Sure it takes up space, but I have long since mastered the scroll function on my computer and therefore I don't have to burden myself with reading every list every time it pops up :rolleyes:

As someone else stated above, if I feel the need to discuss something I own, I will. I see no real purpose in listing everything I have.
This is a forum for firearm discussion; I don't see why its a stretch to think that some people might want to list their firearms (or just their favorites for those fortunate enough to have large collections) in a sig?:confused:

For those that are scared of the government learning about you: If they ever have to resort to gathering info from an internet forum, just the fact that you have an account here tells them that you own guns. You aren't really hiding anything.
Any signature more than a line or four is annoying. Don't be a warlord!
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I don't list guns as a signature. I notice that many will not even list the state in which they reside let alone city. Just a lot of extra clutter. And I hold to the rule that I would not post anything at an internet site that I would want to keep private. Hence, I do not post pictures of guns that I own.
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