Looks like I work with a good company for gunnies!

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Sep 27, 2003
Grand Rapids, MI
I took employment with this company 3 weeks ago, but I've been contracting there for about 11 months. At this point it's rather alarming just how gunny friendly the place is.

It's not too large, about 60 people in all I gather, half of them in the manufacturing plant and half of us are white collar types in a different building doing computer geek and engineering stuff. It's been in existance since the 30's and honestly most of the employees, at least on the geek side, are getting up their in years. Maybe this has something to do with the conservative attitude of the place.

The actual software engineering group that I work in comprises 11 people. In that we have:
- Well, me.
- A CCW assistant instructor (I've known him for a while from a previous job)
- An older engineer who has a shot up target in his cube. Never asked him much about shooting though.
- A programmer who wears an NRA jacket and is a member of the NRA on principle only. Not a gun owner apparently himself.
- Another guy, who upon seeing my desktop background (firearms) asked me if I was pro-2A. When I said yes, he said he was too. Not a gunny himself, but an imporant issue to him as a conservative I gather.
- Found out today that the "new guy" is a trap/skeet shooter and duck/geese hunter. How I found that out is fun, more on that.

Things I've seen:
- Signs advertising the company "Big Buck" contest. Buy a slot in it by date X and the winner is the guy that bags the deer with the most points.
- A guy's truck next to me when I pulled in one morning with: Hunter orange vest, bow, and arros. That'd get you FIRED at some companies.

Today's conversation while discussing a problem that's rather high priority:
Tech A: Okay, if you can get it done that's good, but if not I've been told I gotta come up with a hack that'll get around the problem by tomorrow.
Me: Pretty sure this will work, and it'll cause less problems if we do it by the book.
Tech A: Well, I've got that whole "it must be done" thing looming over my head.
Me: Me too, and I get those requests 3 times a day, so I understand. Don't worry, we'll get it done.
Tech A: Ya know, you should just go postal one day for like 5 minutes, freak out and leave. See if they offer you more money or something. (he's joking)
Me: No way. If I went off the hinge all our managers would freak out and start wearing bullet resistant vests or something. (I'm also joking)
Tech B: So you're a sportsman?
Me: Ehhh.. not exactly. More of just a shooter really.
Tech B: Pistol, rifle, shotgun?
Me: All of 'em, not so much on shotguns though, mostly rifle and pistol.
Tech B: Oh, so you're not in a sportsman's club?
Me: Oh, I am, but I just use it for rifle and pistol, not clays. Only time I've shot them is in somebody's back yard with a hand thrower.

I then explain that our range has a bar, and the guys that shoot clay sometimes have a drink between rounds. He eyes pop open, and understands why I don't venture out there. I don't know anybody personally that shoots clays in a "formal" setting I explain -- so he invites me to check out his range sometime when he goes.


Honestly, I don't think there's a single "anti" in the company I work in at this point. It's just: no opinion, pro 2A, gun owner, hunter, or rabid pro-2A.

I think I'm going to like this place.
grumble grumle damn aol bought out my company grumble...

Really, Jealousy Happy for you... ;-)

From what I've heard, AOL is going to downsize jobs. Ergo, don't bend over, do walk with your back to the wall, don't answer leading questions forthrightly, etc. Good luck.

Luckily aol is a seperate business unit. (lowercase is intentional) They are loosing their business. My division is actually a money maker. (Turner, which makes money, which is under time Warner which makes money, which is under aol, which is a waste of bandwidth.)
You are a lucky man!

I am also fairly lucky, in the same way. I started a new job 2 weeks ago, and most of my coworkers seem to be gun friendly, including one who I believe has an FFL. Also, almost all of them seem to be conservatives, so we have had some good discussions going on in the workplace, especially during the election. It sure beats my last job, in which I was completely surrounded by liberals...

Sometimes we just get lucky, I guess... :D
My company rents deer leases, and owns an exotic game preserve.

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You're joking, right?

Nope.. was sitting there one day enjoying a beer after a range session (AFTER the range session!) and a one of the guys in talking with his buddies (who all appeared to be a bit loaded) said: "Hey, I got a flare gun, wanna check it out?"

They did. Nothing bad came of it, thankfully.

This is why I don't venture out into the shotgunning areas.
"I worked for an NBC affiliate. Need i say more?"

MrMurphy, I know exactly what you mean. I work for a CBS affiliate.
You know the company you work for is pro gun when they let you build a shooting range on thier property and even donate the materials to do it!

I may just have the best job around!
My Boss lives next to the shop,Has a range(350 Yards) for rifle,shotgun and handguns.
After work he gets out whatever I want to shoot that day and supply' s the ammo.
Some days we have over a dozen handguns sitting on the bench :D .
Sorry Matt,
I like my job, And don't intend to give it up anytime soon :D
I get payed to fix and build coustom Harley's.
The worst part of it is that I have to ride them home and put some miles onto them before the owners get them back!!
I just HATE THAT!! :neener:
About a month after taking my current job, my boss and about 4 others (including myself) had a discussion in the airport about deer rifle buying strategies (buy them after Christmas when people have to pawn their rifle to pay the bills, also buy your tools at the pawn shops the week before deer season starts). :D

GigaBuist said:
Nope.. was sitting there one day enjoying a beer after a range session (AFTER the range session!) and a one of the guys in talking with his buddies (who all appeared to be a bit loaded) said: "Hey, I got a flare gun, wanna check it out?"

They did. Nothing bad came of it, thankfully.

This is why I don't venture out into the shotgunning areas.

Hey gigabBuist,

I'm thinking of joining the West Walker Sportsman's Club. I hope that you are not talking about this club? :uhoh:
Hey gigabBuist,

I'm thinking of joining the West Walker Sportsman's Club. I hope that you are not talking about this club?

Nope! I've been to West Walker all of once for a CCW class so I don't have much of an opinion on it, but it seems okay to me.

7 days a week, $45 membership dues / year, right? Seemed like a deal to me at the time, but I live/work on the other end of town.
GigaBuist said:
Nope! I've been to West Walker all of once for a CCW class so I don't have much of an opinion on it, but it seems okay to me.

7 days a week, $45 membership dues / year, right? Seemed like a deal to me at the time, but I live/work on the other end of town.

$50 per year for family. I work near Franklin & Fuller but travel near West Walker Sportsman Club to get home (White Cloud) and could stop there on the way home whenever I feel like punching some holes in paper.... :)
I then explain that our range has a bar, and the guys that shoot clay sometimes have a drink between rounds.
Hmmm......something about that "Alcohol and firearms don't mix" line comes to mind! :uhoh: :( :eek: :scrutiny:

And I want to work with the guy that has the range on company property. You all know where I (and half my salary) will be on lunch break! :cool: ;) :D :neener:
Part of my job is Widlife Hazard Management. Which means some days I get paid to hunt everything form morning doves to whitetail deer. No bag limit, spotlighting is legal, gun and ammunition provided. Life is good. :neener:
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