losing hunting buddies.

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To me, an ideal hunt camp would be a half-dozen or so companionable people, ranging in age from teens on up to Certified Olde Pharts. The old guys could serve as school teachers to pass along what they've learned through the decades. Sure, learn by doing, but it doesn't hurt to have some help and tips on the how-to.

Insofar as the actual hunting, solo guys can easily do their thing in their own way.
To me, an ideal hunt camp would be a half-dozen or so companionable people, ranging in age from teens on up to Certified Olde Pharts. The old guys could serve as school teachers to pass along what they've learned through the decades. Sure, learn by doing, but it doesn't hurt to have some help and tips on the how-to.

Insofar as the actual hunting, solo guys can easily do their thing in their own way.
it used to be 3 of us and then some other guys camping in a national forest for about a week. tents, campers, fire, and canned food and coolers cause towns 30min away. the other guys quit coming around and one guy in my group is ill so cant make the trip so for a few years it would be just me and the buddy in the posts above and sometimes another buddy when his wife would let him go. we never missed a deer gun week since 2005 until 2yrs ago the place just became overrun with out of state hunters causing issues for us and slinging lead at anything that moved so we stuck up north on some private land. this year it would have been myself, buddy above and 2 other guys. I would be like a kid on Christmas eve on the 3hr drive down Saturday morning. take the week off work and hunt until Thursday or Friday and then hunt around the house or just relax but now with the buddy above not going his cousin wont go so now it will be me and another buddy if we decide to do it.
I'm fortunate that I still hunt with the same core group of 6 guys that I've been hunting with for 30+ years. Most of them I only get to see during hunting season, but every time we get together it's like we were never apart.
I lost my deer camp when we found out my Grandpa had Alziemers. He was pretty much the life blood of the camp of 20 or so members. The camp just dissolved after he went down. I didn't hunt for about 7 years after he got sick. He's been gone for 5 years now, and I miss him dearly when the leaves start turning.
I "got back on the horse" last year (solo) and ended up killing a good buck.
This year I joined a camp with some of the members of the old camp and I'm looking forward to using what my Grandpa and Daddy taught me through the years this season.
I'll enjoy the memories as myself and Daddy get to hunt together again.
Good luck to all of you and chareish your time with each other!

Enjoy the trip, tell the stories, and make new ones.
Old hunters never die, thier legends just grow........
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