losing hunting buddies.

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While I realize that leasing a ranch for the usual Sep1 - Jan 2 Texas main hunting time can be expensive, a group can easily establish their own code of yeas and nays about how they hunt. Some weekends, if few were going to come and hunt, I'd take my wife and maybe a friend to just meddle around the 7,000 acres for the casual fun of it. Long time back, when leasing fees were more affordable.

We had a topo map of the ranch with all the stands marked. Each hunter had a stick pin with his name on a little flag. During the evening before a morning hunt, each guy would flag a stand. No problem, since we had more stands than hunters. Most folks left a stand an hour or two after sun-up and began walking hunting.
I hunt alone. I prefer it that way. I've brought along girlfriends more than once to sit in the stand with me but regretted it everytime. There's something about hunting alone in the woods with your thoughts that puts things into perspective. Therapeutic.
I hunt alone. I prefer it that way. I've brought along girlfriends more than once to sit in the stand with me but regretted it everytime. There's something about hunting alone in the woods with your thoughts that puts things into perspective. Therapeutic.
Very much so. But it's also nice to have buddies out there. 1) It's safer. 2) You can give each other reports about what your seeing (or not seeing). And 3) If you or they get one, you can share in the joy and have help dragging it out.
While I prefer the actual hunting to be a solo deal, it was always thoroughly enjoyable to gather up around a campfire with a few others for gossip about the day's hunts or about hunts from bygone years. I always felt that all that was a tie to previous generations. Really, not a lot different from others' social sessions through hundreds and thousands of years.
Very much so. But it's also nice to have buddies out there. 1) It's safer. 2) You can give each other reports about what your seeing (or not seeing). And 3) If you or they get one, you can share in the joy and have help dragging it out.
For 3 weekends out of the year during whitetail season, I retire about a mile back to a hunting party that consists of my dad and uncles and my grandfather who is pushing 90 years old. Beers and homemade buck stew from the whitetail shot the previous season. I love it. Been hearing great stories since I was 12 years old sitting around deer camp. During the week and all other game, I hunt alone. I love that too. Comradery is a great part of hunting. But there's also something to be said about hunting solo. Its hard to compare the two for me.
It's occasionally fun to work up a valley with a few other guys. One or two on each of the hillsides, and one or two down low. It's fun when some little forkhorn jumps up and everybody starts yelling, "Shoot 'im! Shoot 'im!" And somebody's nerve breaks and he actually shoots the little buck.

Then the others gather around and mournfully ask, "Now, why in the world did you actually go and shoot that pitiful little thing?"

And sometimes Ol' Braggin' Buck jumps out. :D
Its mostly the help dragging I like....unfortunately I seem to end up on the help side of the equation.....
Shot a BIG 11 point a fair distance back in a thicket and rounded up two friends to help retrieve it. It took all three of us an hour to get it to the field where we could get the 4X4. The next year I was on the same stand and shot 2 bucks. No one came out to road as I drove back to the house. It was a little more than a mile and a half. I would stop and honk, drive another quarter mile and honk. No one came out to help. Finally, after an hour of fruitless search, I went back and drug both deer out. Memo to self: Hunt closer to the truck.
Shot a BIG 11 point a fair distance back in a thicket and rounded up two friends to help retrieve it. It took all three of us an hour to get it to the field where we could get the 4X4. The next year I was on the same stand and shot 2 bucks. No one came out to road as I drove back to the house. It was a little more than a mile and a half. I would stop and honk, drive another quarter mile and honk. No one came out to help. Finally, after an hour of fruitless search, I went back and drug both deer out. Memo to self: Hunt closer to the truck.

Last August I had a bypass operation. In December I went on a NWR hunt where you could kill 2 does or a doe and a buck. I saw 2 does together so shot them both. My truck was only 350 yards away but dragging those two back was a bit of a chore. That's when I wish for someone to come by and say, "Need a hand?" Of course, that never happens. :confused:
My wife is my hunting partner

Yeah, mine too – has been since 1971. Unfortunately, she’s had some atrial fibrillation going on for about a year now, and last deer season, she couldn’t walk but about 50 yards from the truck.

We’re figuring on getting her Cardiologist to sign off on a Disabled Hunting Permit. And were hoping to get an ATV (a 2-seater) of some kind real soon. In Idaho, with a Disabled Hunting Permit, a person can legally shoot from a motor vehicle if it’s not moving or on a public road.

I myself, though not quite ready for a Disabled Hunting Permit, walk with a limp. Two years ago, I slipped in the mud coming down a slope while out pheasant hunting on Thanksgiving Morning. I was by myself, but made it back to the truck okay (it was only about a hundred yards) by using my shotgun as sort of a staff to lean on. I’d broken my right ankle on both sides and put a spiral break up my right fibula. It ruined Thanksgiving Dinner for my family as well as for the Orthopedic Surgeon (and his family) that the hospital called in to put me back together. It required 2 surgeries, months of physical therapy, and about a bushel of money. And I still walk with a limp!

So, as much as we used to gripe about big game hunters on ATVs, my wife and I are probably going to become ones ourselves pretty soon. We’re just not quite ready yet to start buying all our meat at the supermarket.:)
Wuz talking to a rancher about deer hunting. He allowed that he was just a meat hunter, so the only deer he'd shoot had to be standing in the jeep trail. :)
Yeah, id have to agree with him. Ill take the doe on the road over the buck on the ridge every time.
Course im usually not alone, and I get to help carry the buck on the ridge also.....
Well I made another attempt for him to go get slips signed with me and he says can't! Working all day! Funny thing is he only works till 2pm on Saturday and off Sunday so I said go after work or Sunday. He says no and he's selling everything if I want to buy it. I said quit screwing around lol you know you enjoy it your just oissed at work. He says no not really. Never did.

Why spend all that money, time, etc on something you don't like to do? I was trying to hold back a little but oh well.

He's about 35yo and lately quit talking to all of us and started hanging out with 19-25yo that party 5 days a week, guys never smoked but now smokes, probably doing other stuff too. The rest of us are strait shooters so looks like we aren't his crowd anymore. So pretty much only reason he began deer hunting with us was to fit in. well not only looks like I lost a hunting buddy. I'll try the solo thing.
Well I made another attempt for him to go get slips signed with me and he says can't! Working all day! Funny thing is he only works till 2pm on Saturday and off Sunday so I said go after work or Sunday. He says no and he's selling everything if I want to buy it. I said quit screwing around lol you know you enjoy it your just oissed at work. He says no not really. Never did.

Why spend all that money, time, etc on something you don't like to do? I was trying to hold back a little but oh well.

He's about 35yo and lately quit talking to all of us and started hanging out with 19-25yo that party 5 days a week, guys never smoked but now smokes, probably doing other stuff too. The rest of us are strait shooters so looks like we aren't his crowd anymore. So pretty much only reason he began deer hunting with us was to fit in. well not only looks like I lost a hunting buddy. I'll try the solo thing.
You did the right thing and made the attempt. Now, get a killer deal on all his stuff.
I am in a "Hunt Club" by name but I rarely see anyone else on our club. It is 4000 acres of Carolina pine forest with 22 members. I hunt Mondays and Tuesdays(Nature of being a chef) and rarely see anyone. I do have a buddy that we tend stands together. He mainly hunts weekends but we cross paths hunting at least once a year. We have 5 between box blinds, towers and tree stands. No confrontation or incidents in 4 years. My oldest son is my good luck charm. He has been in the blind with me for the two biggest bucks i have killed. You never know.

It has got to work for you.
Well today shed some light on things. I called to find out what the deal was with "not hunting anymore" and ask to get the 3d target and stands. I told him I was going to swing by a couple of the farms to go with me and he said no. I said well lets go tomorrow and he said no he's busy. I was curious so I asked the other guy who he was drinking with at 2pm if he hunts, etc and he said nope. I asked what they do for fun and he said jam in a band a drink beer. I might like the solo thing. I sure hate losing someone to hunt with and no fun doing deer camp with 2 of us so ive gotta make a game plan this year.

Ive got another buddy who hunts but he gets all ancy and doesn't practice with his recurve/long bow and flint lock and ends up wounding stuff. I'm still debating bringing him into the private lands but I think ill try solo this year.
I mostly hunt alone, and like it that way. No matter how hard a hunting trip was, i come out of the woods refreshed. It is therapeutic. Been there done that, hunting buddies come and go. Not everyones priorities are the same, and people change.

The one exception to hunting solo now is my 4 year old son, i take small game hunting with me. It doesnt bother me that he wants to throw sticks or rocks and scare game half the time. Nothing gets him more excited than hearing we are going hunting, and i love seeing his excitement. Hopefully when hes older he will cherish the hunt as much as i do.

It is never fun to lose a friend, but you may find you like solo hunting more. Good luck this season.
Ive got another buddy who hunts but he gets all ancy and doesn't practice with his recurve/long bow and flint lock and ends up wounding stuff. I'm still debating bringing him into the private lands but I think ill try solo this year.

Do everyone a favor and don't take that guy with you. He will wind up getting you kicked out of the private property you have permission to hunt.
If he's like you say, he could wind up being dangerous. We had a guy like that in our club. He shot his hunting partner because he "thought" he was a turkey.
Here is a variation on this theme: I've come down with a medical condition that may interfere with my hunting this year and cause my long-time hunt companions to go without me, and me to miss much of the seasons. It's causing me to particularly look forward to the seasons this fall, the possibility that I may be unable to participate as I'd like in future years. So, as you go out, keep in mind that the changes to the way it's always been, can arise in different ways.
Here is a variation on this theme: I've come down with a medical condition that may interfere with my hunting this year and cause my long-time hunt companions to go without me, and me to miss much of the seasons. It's causing me to particularly look forward to the seasons this fall, the possibility that I may be unable to participate as I'd like in future years. So, as you go out, keep in mind that the changes to the way it's always been, can arise in different ways.

If he had a good reason like you i wouldn't be so pissed but as 2 other buddies brought up he seems to follow the in thing. me and another guy who's not part of our group began coyote hunting so the buddy who ditched me goes and buys a rifle cause now he's going to coyote hunt but never went. it seems if its the "in or cool" thing to do he does it. ive come to realize the other guy is just an idiot! the other day when i went to get my stands and stuff he was drinking at 12pm with another guy and smoking. now mind you hes about 34yo and these other guys hes hanging with aren't over 25yo. i said ive know you 11yrs since when do you smoke? he says since they started making fun of me for not. i just shook my head and thought your a moron! when i asked him why he didn't want to hunt anymore he said hes too busy now. i said doing what and his kid friend says drinking beer and smoking cigarrets and they both laughed. i grabbed my stuff and said if you change your mind im going tomorrow to get slips signed your welcome to come. he didn't answer the phone the next morning cause he was probably drunk in someones moms basement. i don't have time for kids or losers so im moving on.

ive come to realize that friends come and go over the years and there are people i was really close too i haven't seen or spoken too in years and i don't think twice about it.

oh and i was told we couldn't hunt a certain patch of woods now that i let him use my sticks and hangon so now i get to take it all down by myself so i don't lose my stuff i let him use.
Here is a variation on this theme: I've come down with a medical condition that may interfere with my hunting this year and cause my long-time hunt companions to go without me, and me to miss much of the seasons. It's causing me to particularly look forward to the seasons this fall, the possibility that I may be unable to participate as I'd like in future years. So, as you go out, keep in mind that the changes to the way it's always been, can arise in different ways.
Sorry to hear about you medical problem..Even a problem with a spouse can have an impact on a season. Two years ago my bitter, uh, better half, fell and fractured a vertebrae. Had to have a rib removed and three vertebrae fused. Made me miss the first 5 days of gun deer season. How inconsiderate can you get?

Just goes to show you. There is always something that can happen.
I lost my deer camp when we found out my Grandpa had Alziemers. He was pretty much the life blood of the camp of 20 or so members. The camp just dissolved after he went down. I didn't hunt for about 7 years after he got sick. He's been gone for 5 years now, and I miss him dearly when the leaves start turning.
I "got back on the horse" last year (solo) and ended up killing a good buck.
This year I joined a camp with some of the members of the old camp and I'm looking forward to using what my Grandpa and Daddy taught me through the years this season.
I'll enjoy the memories as myself and Daddy get to hunt together again.
Good luck to all of you and chareish your time with each other!
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