Main Spring Housing

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Jammer Six

Oct 2, 2003
Okay, I'm replacing the main spring housing on my new Milspec.

I remember that the hammer strut broke on my old milspec, and so my question is this: when replacing the mainspring, cap and pin, and mainspring housing, is there any fitting necessary with the strut?

Can it put too much stress on the strut?

I'm wondering if I contributed to the old strut breaking, because I did the same operation on that weapon.

Thank you!
Jammer, I don't think that even you could mess up a mainspring strut ...

If I remember correctly, the reason the other strut broke was because it was a trash-grade part. Hopefully Springer has seen fit to upgrade it, but who knows???

Sometimes you have too do a little minor fitting the get the mainspring housing to slip up into the frame, but you shouldn't have do do anything to the retainer, spring and cap - or the litttle pin that holds everything together.

I think real-steel Colt struts are still pretty inexpensive, and the USGI kind even more so. If this was my Springer I'd buy a new strut and eliminate any question.

Edited to add: I forgot about that ding-bat "for the children" safety they have in the Springer mainspring housing. I think the cap is O.K., but you might have to get a standard mainnspring, retainer, and maybe the pin. Fortunately this stuff doesn't cost much.
Old Man, I guess you don't know me after all... :D

I can screw ANYTHING up.

Thanks, though. That's what I figured.

I have a new, real steel strut just sitting here. I figure I'll wait until the one made of sand breaks, and then replace it.
Just make sure it doen't break at the wrong time. If it does the pistol is totally disabled, and I might have to train somebody new ...
Make darn sure your new strut clears the grip safety or you will be doing it again........

Also make sure the curvature of the strut doesn't hit the mouth of the mainspring housing or you will be doing it again........

Just rumors I felt the need to repeat, nothing I have run across in my own personal gunsmithing education or anything like that...........
"Just rumors I felt the need to repeat, nothing I have run across in my own personal gunsmithing education or anything like that........"

You know, I've "heard" MANY of those very same rumors. :D
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