Mall Ninja?

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The ultimate wannabe;replete with a truckload of tacticool-bubba'd gear.
Usually seen in malls(BAD NINJA!-I SAW YOU!)...
Think of a 25 year ol dguy in 1989....wearing old jungle cammies....and talking about is service 'Nam.
Pretending to be a war hero and/or survivor makes you scum, but not necessarily a mall ninja.

I take them to be anyone without any military or law enforcement connection who feels the need to have tactical/spec ops/special forces gear/accessories/attachments.

A few gadgets here and there are admittedly cool, but too much makes you kind of a .... wannabe.
gecko 45 cannot be real. whoever made up this clown should write fiction for a living. if this guy is real he is the biggest a**wipe i have ever heard of.what a waste of flesh
No cyclops --to be a real mall ninja you have to have at least one duct taped on trauma plate and a tactical Golf Cart.
No...but tricking it completely out and making up stories about that time you took out some Hajis in 'the Box' would. Mall Ninjas are the guys who think that gear makes up for a lack of training, training, training.
I'm almost sorry I asked...I could have gone the rest of my life and not "known" about the "swat mall cops". I have met people like that but Gecko_45 takes the cake. Thanks for the education.
Think Dufus.

A mall ninja hasnt got the paperwork or skills to back up his claims.
He needs to be challanged, embarassed, and in most cases given a wedgy, swirly, and have his swat pants run up a flag pole
A mall ninja hasnt got the paperwork or skills to back up his claims.
He needs to be challanged, embarassed, and in most cases given a wedgy, swirly, and have his swat pants run up a flag pole

No, that's what turned the poor sap into a mall ninja.

A mall ninja is anyone with tacticool gear they will never be close to needing but believe they do. Accompanied by lies to justify this belief.

Just because someone has cool tactical gear or firearms doesn't make them a mall ninja just a collector. As long as they understand the difference between want and need.
I always think of the "Mall Ninja" when I see Dog the Bounty Hunter and his crew. They're like a Delta Force wannabe team with all of the crazy crap they carry. Dog's gunslinger pepper spray rig looks like he's sporting two fire extinguishers on his hips.
A mall ninja is anyone with tacticool gear they will never be close to needing but believe they do. Accompanied by lies to justify this belief.

Or the A-hole who buys every round off the shelf at Wally World because he thinks the world is coming to an end and he wants to be prepared, or that ammo will become non-existant....

Seems like there are more mall ninjas around then care to out themselves.....

Or are these the Zombie hunters? Either way, please show up at the next IDPA shoot in my area... I need ammo.
Perfect definition:

" Dog the Bounty Hunter and his crew. They're like a Delta Force
wannabe team with all of the crazy crap they carry. Dog's gunslinger
pepper spray rig looks like he's sporting two fire extinguishers on his hips."
Because every Mall-Ninja I've ever seen has, deep in its heart, wanted to be "made." I've heard that since Cur Bounty-man is a very convicted felon, he cannot even TOUCH a weapon -- not even handcuffs. So it MAY JUST REALLY BE fire extinguishers in his jodphurs. He is not even allowed to drive legally, but is more than happy that his M-Ninja status has been revealed. And how about the airsoft "machine" guns his troopers carry? Here is my description of one local Mall Ninja (but he also haunts the public library teen-room "looking to bust up drug deals.") He is just out of high school, heavily bearded all over his exposed skin, wears 'Nam jungle-boots with laced-in zippers, well shined, O.D. wool-sox, always pulled up high and then rolled down, all-black clothes, usually "great white hunter" shorts and "tactical" shirt with at least 8 pockets in each, all stuffed with hard, small unidentifiable objects, and a PLO/Arafat shmagh either around his neck, or sometimes wrapped on top of his head. No goggles tho'. Completes it with a 2-water-bladder backpack in desert-sand camo. packed full of (I think) MRES and books and manuals on how to E&E any invading forces. Takes the longest strides possible when walking, and hits the heels real hard. Has a scabbard without knIfe strapped on the INSIDE OF EACH CALF. And wears HUGE watch-type contraptions on each wrist. If I'm quick I'll get a shot of him from the back and post it.
I was going to post a sweet pic of my bullet proof 98 ranger that I equipped with 2 .50 cals in the bed this weekend but now I'm pissed so I'm going to do 1 arm pushups wearing a weight vest while watching reruns of resident evil!
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