Mall Ninja videos

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I found this about a year ago. I thought it was funny and the first thing i thought was...mall ninja...

Enjoy...I know you will...

Well, his knife technique is identical to the animation in Counter Strike (the hard hitting right click which does double damage as noted in his video), and he is aware how utterly ineffective a handgun is, but... I dunno... the shotgun just isn't tacticool enough. Not sure he's the real thing...

Edit: Just kidding, found this comment under his video. I'm convinced he's totally legit.
"EliteTeamFighting (uploader) If you drop to prone, you are doing two things, making yourself smaller a target, and increasing your shooting effectiveness. Kneeling is half ass, half to prone, half the effectiveness. Being physically fit is more important than given notice. You should bounce off the ground from sheer solid muscle to do this **** right. I'm not big, but there is no fat on this. 8 months ago"
He dumps a Glock 23 in an ankle holster and wears it to the office/mall. No one could ever compare.
You guys making fun of Elitest Team Fighting (pointing at you, Skillet) realize that is satire making fun of the original right?
As an aside, I've been stalking Gecko45 on facebook, and I'm not convinced the guy is serious... maybe he's been playing this game for years, suckering the lot of us into thinking he takes himself seriously, and is getting a big kick out of being infamous...
This part of the forums is for things that are off topic in all the other areas isnt it?
Only if the topic relates to real guns, and fosters the mission statement of THR (as stated in the first sentence of the forum rules):
Welcome to The High Road, an online discussion board dedicated to the discussion and advancement of responsible firearms ownership. It is the declared mission of this board to achieve and provide the highest quality of firearms discussion on the Internet, a standard set by the discussion board "The Firing Line" in 1998.

Poking fun at others isn't really on The High Road, and discussion of airsoft isn't really appropriate here either....
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