Marchers say gringos, not illegals, have to go

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Go back and read GrammatonCleric's post. He refers to all the Hispanics in his workplace as wetbacks... he doesnt know if they are illegal or not.. just suspects they are.

But this isnt about race right? :uhoh:
yeah, wikipedia is such a reputable scholarly source
Main Entry: wet·back
Pronunciation: 'wet-"bak
Function: noun
Etymology: from the practice of wading or swimming the Rio Grande where it forms the U.S.-Mexico border
usually offensive : a Mexican who enters the U.S. illegally

That's from Merriam-Webster
Can you even read?

EDIT: Mabye you'll believe Cambridge.*1+0
[Show phonetics]
a Mexican worker who illegally crosses the border to get work in the US
This is an offensive word.

So dont tell me it isnt a racial slur.. it is. If you want to use racial slurs, dont try and justify their usage. Just man up and use them.

If calling people racist is all you got, you may as well give up.

I'd prefer to be rid of everyone that is in this country illegally. Mexican nationals are just the biggest population. Deport them home once. Second time, drop them off in international water.

We should get our terminology clear, SS. Mexican denotes a nationality, not race. After all, being called an American doesn't indicate a race, does it?
Again, wetback indicates an offensive action - crossing our border illegally. Most Americans find that action offensive so we refer to the offender with an offensive noun.
Where's the problem with that?

We should get our terminology clear, SS. Mexican denotes a nationality, not race. After all, being called an American doesn't indicate a race, does it?
Again, wetback indicates an offensive action - crossing our border illegally. Most Americans find that action offensive so we refer to the offender with an offensive noun.
Where's the problem with that?


Yea.. ok.. justify it all you want. I just thought this was supposed to be "The High Road" .. I thought insults and such were a no go here.
C'mon man, no need to get all huffy, we'll just have to agree to disagree.
Fair enough?
I guess so. Whenever I have heard the term wetback used, it has been in a disparing and offensive manner. When I look it up in the dictionary, it's listed as offensive language. When used in this thread, it was used an a pejorative.

Back on topic though.. La Raza and groups like them are on the extreme fringe. You'd be seriously mistaken if you truly think Hispanic people in general believe their crap about creating this magical Aztlan place.
Perhaps SS, but it seems to be a meme that many Mexicans in America view the SW as theirs as evidenced by the 1000s of bumperstickers reading "F*** YOU! This is still Mexico" I saw in LA and the number of houses that fly the Mexican flag on Cinco de Mayo but never fly American flags on Independance day to name a couple of examples.
I can attest to the fact that people often fly Mexican flags here. Honestly it really doesnt bother me that much. There's no law against one being proud of their heritage. There's no law that says everyone has to show allegiance to the US.

I have family in the South.. When I visit I notice a lot of people there flying Confederate battle flags. The Confederacy were enemies of the United States.. yet people still proudly display the flag.

Do you have a problem with people plastering confederate battle flags all over their pickups? It's their heritage and they have the right to express themselves correct?
Ah, but the Confederate flag folk are Americans with an allegiance to America, not a foreign country. Big difference.
Ignore crazed_ss; he's trying to get this thread locked.
yeah crazed, real mature little smily there :rolleyes:

as for the confederate flag those were americans that used it protecting their livelihoods, economy, way of life, etc. The civil war wasn't about slavery it was about states rights being violated and responding to the federal goverment. Slavery is a horrible institution and I'm not saying it was right, heck many southerners of the time understood slavery would eventually burn itself out. Ol' Abe didn't even free the slaves untill AFTER the civil war began. And you ask anyone of them good ol boys where they are from and it will either be their state or america, it sure wont be mexico or anywhere outside of this country.

Illegals have no right to be here. Immigration is fine, uncheked illegal immigration is not. You invade this country and I could care less what rights you think you have I'm not going to shed a tear or bat an eyelash if those rights you think you have. People have no right to immigrate here, it is a privlage. Don't like home fix it. You want to come here fine, but understand this is America and your new home not the old one you came from. This is what all previous immigrant populations understood and accepted whether it be the germans irish or italians, and what the hispanics fail to get and what so inflames americans. My ancestors came here legaly, they learned the language in fact if you spoke italian or albanian when people were around who weren't able to understand it you got a sharp smack upside the head and told to respect your new neighbors and country, they also learned the ways of this country.

Go into little italy and you will see plenty of italian things, but they also understand they are Americans.
last GASP or ICU?

GASP? That's the Great American Suicide Plan. Relax folks. Everything is going according to the "plan."

It seems that an invasion by barbarians had a lot to do with the end of Rome. But Rome's downfall was from within. They committed suicide just as we are doing.

Somebody pointed out that our national policy is that we don't take action until it's too late. True. We seem to be trying to do something about Islamic Extremism before it's too late, but there seems to be great opposition to that action everyday.

Apparently the rise and suicide of great societies is as natural as climate change. We try to do something about it, but it happens naturally.

Just as soon as "they" take over the SW and wreck the money trees that the gringoes have planted and tended, "they" will be going home because "they" are starving here.

Enjoy our last GASP.

I prefer the biological model to the some kind of Toynbee-esque arc of inevitability. There is nothing "written" that automatically condemns the USA to some kind of entropy, much less doom. But I do believe we have a serious immune system problem and we are now experiencing a high fever. The question is what to do to heal ourselves. We need to identify our inner weakness and outer threats and take decisive systemic action. But maybe the first step for a sick patient is rest? Maybe we should simply demand a moratorium on all fate-changing legislation until we get our strength back? That would mean suspending any hasty "solution" to the immigration problem and instead insisting on building up our defenses (borders) first. Then we need to look hard at the causes that gotten us sick: poor education, runaway government, fiscal irresponsibility, lax enforcement of laws, failure to show true allegiance to our own citizenry and deep American values, growing dependence on hand-outs, self-defeating notions of "entitlement," et al. Certainly we need to pay very close attention to whomever is proposing a "cure," lest the cure be worse than the disease.

One thing we are in desperate need of right now is a careful and honest disgnosis. In other words, hard facts. We keep hearing about the crying need for illegal alien labor but we are never given credible data about the "problem." Let's say we had a temporary guest worker program in agriculture. How many workers do we really need? How much would they have to be paid? What is the impact on consumer pricing? How does that affect foreign exports, in exact dollar terms? Which companies benefit and how much? Instead all we get is obfuscation from Congress and homilies from our President. If these people were doctors they would plainly be cashiered as quacks and know-nothings. We need not only second but third opinions and all "deliberate haste."
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