Activists working to 'paralyze' U.S.

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wage slavery is nearly as bad as slave slavery

The Mexican gov't is a corrupt, racist bog.
It shows how stupid the protesters are to protest our own
imperfect gov't, When the The Mexican gov't is nearly all lilly white European stock.
(as is the Mexican entertainment media) The Mexican gov't uses violent repression on it's southern border to keep other illegals from getting their own share of the American Pie.

Why can't these wannabe Maoist see that all they are doing is helping the Agri business and Hotel and Construction giants keep the prevailing illegal wage below subsistence?

Keeping illegal aliens in a slave like existence encourages crime and exacerbates misery.

The Democrats and RINO's beholden to big biz interest need to put on trial for perpetuating slavery.

Fox and most of Mexico's pampered political piggies have ignored the needs of the 40 percent of Mexico's 101 million people who exist in unforgiving poverty. Instead, the elite enjoy a sybaritic lifestyle nurtured by fat salaries, bountiful bonuses, generous perks and luxurious travel abroad.

the protesters need to go to Mexico and fix their own back yard and stop breaking our laws
The situation with the illegals burns me up too, but one thing that worries me about stirring this particular pot is the risk of unintended consequences, i.e. our outrage could be another stone paving the way to a Federal ID "Your papers please." state. If the issue is addressed by securing the border and/or prosecuting the people that hire illegals, fine. But I guess I see this issue, along with most other issues where "Something's gotta be done!" as an opportunity for the government to grab more power.

You aren't kidding about another power grab. It's pretty funny how F-troop suddenly decided that gunsmithing is manufacturing. While we were all looking at the illegal problem.
Actually, I think they're on to something. Minor modifications to the plan will really get the power elites attention.

Instead of the 5% illegal workers going on strike. How 'bout the 95% legal, taxpaying and voting workers strike. Then call their appropriate congressional representative and tell them they are on strike, why they are on strike, and what the rep is expected to do.

You wanna play power politics? As we say in the south, "Wha chiss"

Hardly. Jose and Ramon don't show up for work, there will be several college kids standing in line to get the job for minimum wage. Illegals do not do work others won't do, they steal jobs for an untennable wage. Our economy may cough for a few days, but don't worry, everything will be open again in a few days and your neighbors will have jobs again. Don't fall for the propaganda.
Frankly, I'm getting sick and tired of all this blowhard "day without a Mexican" nonsense.

How about a "day without anybody except for illegal immigrants" day? You wanna see real economic paralysis and chaos? Let the rest of us all take the same day off work.
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