mass form 1 suppressor disapprovals

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I have been meaning to do a form 1 build for a long time. I may have missed the boat. I will survive.

Still can, just not using any parts deemed contraband. Whether or not the redefining of contraband is gonna hold remains to be seen, but if you can make the parts yourself, you're good to go. You do have to declare that on the application now. Their current policy is that they're gonna deny applications that don't describe the method of manufacture as well as those which would use what they're considering contraband.
I have a tactical innovations fake silencer. I alway thought would make a cool silencer I might have to make that into a form 1 can.
I'm glad their doing this.
The more they abuse their rule changing deference so that it has as much effect as an actual law change the sooner silencers will be deregulated.
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