Michael Berg, Boy Scouts, Handguns

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It's a bummer he got his head chopped off, no doubt. It's a bummer he didnt leave Iraq when he was offered the opportunity, no doubt.

If he was looking for an excuse to leave the BS, any excuse would do. Maybe I will encourage my son to leave BSA because they wont let homosexuals be leaders.:rolleyes: Or not.:neener:
Just to get rid of any doubts, I am currently in the Boy Scouts. No pistol merit badge, or I would have taken it.
Rifles are .22 single shot bolts and shotguns are 12 gauge single shot breech loaders.

And after taking shotgun, you can't feel the .22 go off at all. Its almost disorienting.
I have staffed Boy Scout range trips, and did a stint in Shooting Sports at TISR.

The official Boy Scout policy on handguns is that Scouts are FORBIDDEN to shoot handguns as part of a Scouting program. There is no official reason given, but when questioned, my SM said it was because "handguns are designed only to kill people, not for hunting or sporting use". It was a good thing he didn't realize that the various battle rifles on the line weren't designed for deer hunting either, I guess.


Venture Scouts ARE allowed to shoot handguns, I got this straight from the TI Shooting Sports Director. I never got the chance to work with the Venture program, so I don't know what they do with them.
Eagle Scout 2000 here.

At our local camp we had a 10-stall or so range with .22 bolt action rifles. They also had a trap area set up for doing the shotgun merit badge. I went to philmont in 1999 and at one of our camps we reloaded and shot .30-06 rifles. The shooting at philmont was what really got me into guns, I think.
A lot depends on the interests of the scout leaders and the community. Miles Pickens up in Ft Payne Ala. did machine gun demos for the scout troups there. In this area, 40 years ago, the scouts were more interested in Baseball than shooting and that's mainly what they did.

Back in the 1920s, Osa and Martin Johnson ran a contest that ended up with two boy scouts going on safari with them. At that time, there was a blanket scout prohibition of " harming wildlife" and it was generally taken as a prohibition of hunting. They got some sort of dispensation for their scouts so they could take some african game.

Osa Johnson wrote several books about their photographic safaris - one titled Boy Scouts in Africa. The most dangerous thing these two kids did was to catch a baboon. Nobody got bit and I don't see how they avoided it.

The Johnson books are great if they can be found. Titles include the Boy Scout thing, " I Married Adventure" and "Congorilla". There were others about africa and the amazon. The books were full of pictures. Martin would get as close as possible to a pride of lions and while he was cranking away with his hand operated movie camera, Osa would be standing off to the side with a military stock, 03 springfield in case one of the lions decided to charge.
Handguns have NOTHING to do with "official" BSA business. Nothing I ever had in scouts had anything to do with Handguns, and even at that age, I wondered WTH their problem was with them. :scrutiny:

Regardless, they do introduce many people to guns (even if they are biased against those evil handguns), which eventually leads them to enjoying it as a regular hobby, as many of us do.

Mr. Berg is a petty, aelf important, left wing idealogue and a total jerk to use the tragic and criminal death of his son to further his personal set of agendas which his son may or may not have shared.
Amen to that. Each time this buffoon is interviewed, he manages to drag his own politics into the tragic death of his son. His son , for God's sake! What a lowlife. I'm surprised he hasn't said that his son was there to help improve the environment, which is being ruined by the oil companies (all owned of course by GWB's friends). :cuss: What an empty, pathetic person this guy is. Surely there is a member of the Berg family that at some point will tell him to knock it off and shut up.
You guys are being overly polite and decent. Guy is a poser, probably hoping for a Darwin award by proxy.
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