MN to NY state move, CCW questions

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The message wasn't meant so much for New Yorkers (either your congressional rep is on-board or isn't) as it was for the other states that can help bring this important legislation to a vote.
Well, I've moved in. I wound up in Tompkins County. Admittedly, I didn't leave all my firearms behind...

I do wonder if a Tompkins County judge will grant me an unrestricted permit--I work for a company that works for NASA, DARPA, USN, etc., and like I said before, the stuff on my laptop isn't exactly blog bookmarks and YouTube downloads.

This state is gorgeous! The wilderness here has an almost jungle-like density, and the rolling hills and lakes are spectacular. It's really a shame NY's politics are the way they are.
It is all up to the judge...some are very permissive, some not so. Try calling the County Clerk and asking how the judges usually proceed.
Well, I've moved in. I wound up in Tompkins County. Admittedly, I didn't leave all my firearms behind...

As long as you did not bring any post-sunset AWs and any handguns, you're OK.

New York may not be perfect but, it IS my home...I'll stay and fight.

Agreed. Thankfully I don't have to worry about getting full-carry in this county, but everywhere to the south of me is restricted in one form or another. I think electing pro-carry judges should be a short term priority, with a long-term fix of eliminating the no-NYC-carry provision of §400.00(6) being a close second.
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