More confusion from Hollywood...???

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Jul 30, 2007
Stalingrad, USA
I watched a couple of gun-related movies this weekend that threw me for a curve.

The first was "Lord of War" which was obviously put together by someone who knew their guns pretty well. However, at the beginning of the film, a guy took cover behind a 2" thick wooden dinner table from incoming full-auto AK fire. Apparently, the table stopped the bullets:scrutiny:, and the guy stood up and gunned down the 2 AK-armed men with a pistol. :what:

The second was "Lakeview Terrace". I couldn't tell if this movie was attempting to be pro or anti gun. At one point the guys father-in-law asks him "how do you intend to protect your family?". He replies sarcastically "I gonna get a huge arsenal of guns... lots of guns". But later on in the film when he realizes that he really needs a gun, he ridicules the 10-day CA grace period. :banghead:

Hence my confusion. I know that Hollywood is typically full of anti's that hypocritically glorify gun violence on the silver screen, and claim to support gun control off-screen. But lately, some of the films I am seeing are really sending mixed messages... both political messages, and messages about what guns can and cannot do.
Lakeview Terrace was definitely anti-gun.

They went through extensive measures to make sure that you understood the bad guy was a conservative, likely GOP-voting man, and that guns were only needed because of other gun-owning nuts. All the dialogue and contexts were anti-gun.
Lakeview Terrace was definitely anti-gun.

They went through extensive measures to make sure that you understood the bad guy was a conservative, likely GOP-voting man, and that guns were only needed because of other gun-owning nuts. All the dialogue and contexts were anti-gun.

That makes good sense... Sam Jackson (Able) was constantly complaining about how his neighbors were "liberalizing" his kids. The whole thing seemed very Hollywood typical if you catch my drift.
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