Most overated Handgun?

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Sure are a lot of replies about Glocks. I've never had any major problems with mine. Both my Glock 22 .40 S&W, and my Glock 17 9mm shoot very well, though the grip does tend to hurt my hands, after extended periods of shooting.
I'd have to say any of the custom shop 45's. First one that comes to my mind would be the wilsons then the night hawk. I don't own either but I can't really justify the cost of one either. If you like any weapon then it's never overated to you.

Price?, durability? reliability?

There are a few guns that have stood the test of time, use in duty and abuse. Some have withstood torture tests that no civilian would inflict on a personally owned gun. Three makers; Beretta, H&K, and Sig have proven their guns are made extremely well. Most of the people rating these are doing so by price. I don't think that was the question.

The 1911 has taken many hits, probably because there are so many of them, made by almost every gunmaker in the world. But the 1911 is a proven design.

The Glock may be next in hits, but Glocks have always been a love it or hate it design. But they are time tested and proven.

To me the most overrated gun is the Bersa .380. Constantly compared to others as a "great buy". That may be, but it is not a great, or even average gun in my opinion. Price removed as a consideration, how many people would choose a Bersa over a Sig 230, or a PPK, or a HK K3, a Beretta 84? Price consideration removed do you pick a Lexus or a Yugo? I'll take the Lexus...thank you.
1911s are overrated. Too picky. Too many things can mess them up. Bad magazines, bad recoil springs, why is there a grip safety? The Hi Power should have been re-designed for .45 acp and the 1911 discontinued.
Will this thread never die!!

please, for the love of He Who Must not be Named, close this thread. It serves nio useful purpose. Kind of like Roseanne Barr.

I'm begging you all, stop posting to this thread. We all know that every gun ever mentioned will have those who think it is most overated.

Now, avoid the temptation, walk away, simply walk away. And lets start posting on something of interest.
Glock overrated? You have got to be kidding me!

Innovative polymer design, internal safties and trigger safety heavily copied by many other gun makers.

Incredibly tough, simple and reliable guns.

If anything, Glocks are UNDERRATED.
Indeed, with over 8,000 views and 188 posts - I do think this has been beaten to death. I doubt anything much has been omitted and in many cases it is rehashing old ground.

Thx to all who contributed.
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