Moving to a new place that doesn't allow firearms

What should I do?

  • Violate lease agreement and keep my pistol in my house/vehicle

    Votes: 160 78.4%
  • Follow lease agreement and put my pistol in storage or with someone I trust

    Votes: 8 3.9%
  • Other (please specify in post)

    Votes: 36 17.6%

  • Total voters
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Alphazulu, "Don't agree to something and then not do it. Integrity, integrity, integrity."

I guess some peoples integrity is worth less than free government cheese.
read it close if it says Illegal Fire arms and you have a CCW or for no other reasons are forbidden to have one then no sweat the Low income housing here in Florida tried and the courts shot it down on the 2A
> So, the solution to someone putting terms you dont agree with when tehy rent their property to you, is to tell them what the terms are going to be by using a lawyer?

Are you one of thise people who believe that, just because it's in a contract, it's enforcable?
Did you know that the bottom 20% of income earning households get back over $8 in government spending for every dollar they paid in taxes?

And using your source, did you know middle income families get back $1.30? You have stated pretty clearly that you are in the middle class, and still you reap some reward. Three points, and then this thread will get likely get locked for being OT: First, for someone who plainly disagrees with government handouts, I think that your integrity, which is worth more than government cheese, should demand of you to cut a check back to Uncle Sam for your surplus, government-supplied income. Second, how do you suppose the upper class got rich to begin with? Aside from those who inherited their riches, the vast majority went to college and bettered themselves. Call it a scam if you want, but there is an obvious correllation between college degrees and improved economic status. Finally, in the case of the OP, he has made it pretty clear that it is not a federal low-income housing operation, rendering your argument moot, at least as regards the OP.
Don't violate any laws in a fatal shooting of a B&E or personal threat. Other than that stay away from smoke, boozin', or don't bring alarm to yourself with your firearm.

Arm any residence you want to if your not a felon. Be prepared to move out, (so what) if you violate a lease.

If anyone trys to indite you on charges....

That is what lawyers are for.
Just because someone puts something in a lease doesn't mean it is legal or constitutional.not allowing someone to have a means of protection in their "castle" is not going to fly.I'd say keep your mouth shut and be prepared to defend yourself in your home.
What are the consequences if you get caught? What if you have an ND?

Remember, maintenance people might be able to enter the house...and they might just decide to look around.
There is not enough information to take a position. What is the consequence?! If it is a federal housing program, the management may be arguing "federal property". Because I'm not a lawyer, and you're not a lawyer, you need to check the implications. Right?

If it's just some anti-gun fool trying to contractually disarm America, that is a different matter. There are attorneys nation-wide who do pro-bono work. Use one Make an informed decision...that is THR-way!

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