My 1911 is hurting my trigger finger - What is wrong with the way I am shooting?

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Aug 13, 2007
I have a 29oz. 1911 but have also shot other peoples full-weight models and the trigger serrations consistently bruise/rub the skin on my trigger finger to the point of being painful. What is wrong with the way I am shooting/gripping?

The contact point (thus the bruise point) is about 1/4" from the end of my trigger finger and offset towards the bottom of the finger - approximately where the overtravel-set-screw adjustment hole is when gripping the gun (there are no sharp burrs on the trigger.)
I used to get some trigger burns on my finger, but that was attributed to a sharp edge on the trigger. A quick debur fixed it. However, you did note that it was primarily where the trigger overtravel screw hole is located. I routinely receive a nice small blister on my lower edge of the finger pad from shooting my 1911s. It doesn't bother me much, since it's calloused a bit, but even after the deburring, this is where i still get the most irritation. It sounds like I'm receiving the same irritation as you, but so far I have not figured out the location as to why.

I'd be curious to hear other people's reports also.
The textured triggers that many 1911s now come with can have a really rough finish, especially near the overtravel screw hole. I wound up having someone put a bit of epoxy into the surface of my trigger and into the hole since I wasn't about to fiddle with that.

As far as technique goes, I've noted that some of the big name shooters have their trigger finger pretty high up on the trigger during shooting. Something you can do on a 1911 since the trigger goes straight back and it goes along with the high thumbs grip for keeping the gun low in the hand. I suspect that might help reduce the blisters.
I have never had a problem with any gun doing that, except Glocks.

My solution is to keep a box of small Band-Aids in the shooting gear, and put one on my finger when I shoot Glocks.

I felt slight discomfort from the trigger-safety-thing on a Glock .40, but much less than the 1911
The edge of the overtravel hole is like a little saw - the vertical serrations form little teeth which can nip at your finger under recoil. I have the same issue with those triggers, so I file each raised vertical serration down a little on both the upper and lower edge of the hole to blunt them.
You can try this

Disassemble the frame completely and pull out the trigger. Use a small pocket knife, insert in the adjustment hole in an angle and scrape all around the sharp parts in an angle. Dont overdo it though, just enough to take out the sharp angle in the hole. Let us know what happens. Good luck.
Just guessing, but is your finger flying off of the trigger during recoil? If it is, the trigger might be bruising your finger during recoil each time you shoot. Try being aware of holding the trigger back once it "breaks" and keep it there until your sights are back on the target.
Hunt, that is sound advice. Next trip to the range I will pay attention to what my finger does after shooting and try to keep it back as you describe.

As for the serrated edges, I had the edges polished/deburred a while ago and it only helped a little which is why I asked if anyone thinks there may be something wrong with my grip or shooting technique causing it.
Me too.

Hey There;
I too have never heard of this before. I have fire countless rounds in fast paced competative shooting and have never had Trigger bite. Sounds as if you may be squeezing too hard. Or that trigger needs to be sanded down.

I have seen soem with a gap at the bottom , between the trigger and the trigger guard. but still have not heard of this before.
Hammer bite ???? Yep. A stock 1911 without the wide beaver tail will eat my hand. But not the trigger.
My booger hook is sensitive too, and my Rock Island triggers are rough. I put a flap wheel in my Dremel and just removed the serrations/grooves completely on this RIA Tactical trigger. T'warn't hard, only took a couple minutes. Of course, it was going into the bluing tank anyway.

It's MUCH better now!

I sanded the trigger face smooth on the Dlask trigger I installed on my Colt Gold Cup as well. It had a serrated face that bugged me and I got rid of it.
Glad I am not alone on this, lol, when I had my trigger polished down slightly (not flat like RonDogs,) some random dude blurted out "you know, people pay to have the lines cut in"

Anyway, anyone else who can suggest a cause for this your assistance is much appreciated.
Your finger is not where it should be on the trigger and your grips is not holding the gun tightly enough to stabilize it.

I actually have a couple guns I've put skateboard tape on the trigger so the finger doesn't move under recoil. Never had an issue with any sort of discomfort.

But, the key here is having the physical and/or mental strength to keep the sights in the same place on the target after shooting the first round. Once you do that there won't be an issue with the trigger finger. It won't be moving under recoil so it won't cause a problem.

Most adult males can hold an auto tightly enough to not let it come more than an inch or two off target under recoil. It is more a mental issue than a physical problem.

Your trigger may have a flaw that is the source of your trouble, but if you fix a rough trigger because it makes your finger sore you won't improve your shooting technique.

If, OTOH, you really have such a crappy trigger it is cutting you no matter what you do, take it to a smith and ask him to polish the shoe to a smoother surface. It doesn't cost that much and will put an end to your issue.
The trigger moving under my finger may be the issue, but it is not due to the tightness of my grip as that is fairly solid and there is minimal barrel flip. The issue happens both on my own 29oz. 1911 with Hogue-rubber-wraparounds and deburred trigger as well as shooting other wood-gripped 40oz. 1911s with stock textures.

I think I may be pulling too hard back on the trigger. I paid attention to what I do after shooting and I am keeping the trigger depressed until post-recoil.

skateboard tape on the trigger
Assuming you have not done a .22 conversion to your 1911, this sounds really painful!
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