My home defense rifle set-up.

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Must be a bunch of terrible marksmen...
I feel fine with a .357 revolver and a lever action 30-30 close at hand.
I feel perfectly safe armed with my anger and a stick. (Of course I just had some stolen from me this week and I am stilll seething).
I pay for an AC-130 Spectre gunship to circle my property and watch the perimeter with thermal detection. Anyone who crosses my property line without a strobing light is gone, unfortunately.
Russian suitcase nuke planted under the house. Rigged to a dead man's switch, carried clinched in one of my fists at all times. Flaming oil jets covering the front porch, and three rear doors, none of which are real. I usually enter or exit through a tunnel I dug over into the neighbor's basement. Caltrops randomly sprinkled on my yard, and that of all neighbors within a one block radius, which makes lawn maintenance quite the adventure. I've got some L9 anti-tank mines that I plan on laying across the subdivision's busy intersections/avenues of approach, then I think I'm good.

Darn it. I forgot to buy a gun. I hear good things about .22 LR as an SD round. Opinions?
my vote goes for the rocket propelled chainsaw.
and if that doesn't stop them, i have knife fighting lobsters and flying sharks in the moat around the house.
A bright light to illuminate the person (family?) is the first objective.

A security alarm goes off in our house for no reason, and it is brand-new.
Not kidding about any of this.
The rest of one's life will seem like an eternity if a tragic mistake is made.
You are all small potatoes except for the B-52's (too slow for emergencies) and the Russian suitcase nuke
(isn't that likely to cause overpenetration?; lawyers would grill you for that).

RPG? Pppfffttt.

I use one of these as my bedside table, pointed at the bedroom door.
The original poster asks a valid question and you guys make fun like school children, you should be damn ashamed of yourselves!!

I'm thinking that I need a 7.62x51 rifle with a 90 round drum magazine for patrolling my hallway.

I decided on the same thing and went with a highly modified FAL that is actually chambered in .338 Lapua Magnum and uses a modified drum magazine from the AA12 shotgun this allows me to have a semi auto rifle chambered in a decent man killing round, and having 60 rounds on tap. But also plan to use the new mini fin stabilized warheads that socoms developed for the .338 Lapua Magnum, obviously these are not available to the general public but I have a friend who is a Navy SEA LION and he has promised he will get me some for my HD needs.

To run in the opposite direction...

You gentlemen have it all wrong. It's about mindset and shot placement!!

You just have to develop nerves of steel, and shoot 1,000 practice rounds per day through your Cobra chambered in .32 ACP. :D

Oh, and duct tape some extra ballistic-grade ceramic plates to your back. :neener:
I like Matrix187's idea, nothing says protection like a 105mm cannon, (2) 20mm vulcans and (2) 40mm bofors all airborne and ready to make hamburger out of any trespassers! Plus there is no over penetration issues, the ground is their back drop and I don't think even a 105mm cannon will penetrate all the way to China.
I don't believe in the use of firearms for killing. I have a small pack of wolves (7 of them) and 2 large tigers that patrol my home while I sleep.

I live in a really bad neighborhood, so they never go hungry

In the event that we are raided by some PH from Africa, and he makes it past my first lines of defense, there is a squad sized element of Spec Ops trained ferrets that sleep in a net in the corner above my bedroom door. They are both for companionship, and defense.


The sight of a groggy, unshaven Shear Stress sporting a pair of Wal-Mart boxers is more than enough to make all but the most determined intruder turn tail. Plan B: board with a nail in it.

Even if that mental image isn't enough to haunt you till the end of your days, it's probably enough to lock this thread.
In addition to the home defense rifle I also have two Glock 28s (one for each hand) with 40 round magazines in mattress holsters for access while laying in the bed. I have a pair of Gerber fighting knives with 8" blades (again, two hands, folks) and on the nightstand is a set of brass knuckles (actually, I'm pretty sure they are made of aluminum). I used to keep a bullet-proof vest hanging on the bedpost to don when arising to investigate noises in the dark but I realized that takes too long so now I just sleep in it.

I have lights strung throughout the house and in case invaders cut the power and I have a 5,000 watt generator in the corner of the bedroom to power them. But when I start the 10 horse power engine on the generator it makes so much noise I have trouble listening for sounds of movement. I will have to work on this problem.
I don't try to go overboard with caliber, so I just stay in the 40 watt range

live in a rough little rural community. Pulled together a few buddies and a couple cases of PBR and threw this little number together out of some spare farm equipment one weekend.


We are working on an IR detection/tracking system out of some X10 Components. Remember when you were a kid and wanted a remote control lawn mower.....
Oh -- this thread is satire...I get it now! :D

I was afraid for a moment that the O.P. was serious about confronting home invaders with such anemic hardware. In my neighborhood, where meth-crazed, steroid-injected bodybuilding psycho-killers are as plentiful as weeds, the quad-.50 is the only way to go -- backed up by a nice, portable Howdah pistol in .600 Nitro Express, of course...
the Russian suitcase nuke
(isn't that likely to cause overpenetration?; lawyers would grill you for that).
Lawyers? You should have seen how far up my butt the EPA was when I tested fired one. Have to say the rangemaster was none too happy either. But you never test your life to a weapon you're not proficient with and who's function you have not tested.

Also, the reloads are a genuine PITA to get.
I'm actually having trouble deciding. Though I have class VIV armor as well as a missile-defense system to put on my firearm, I can't decide on the gun. Should I use the full-auto 40mm with or a bolt-action 17hm2 and just worry about shot placement?
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