My Katrina eyewitness account.

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Feb 5, 2004
Mobile, AL
I live in Mobile, AL and hunkered down for Katrina.

I'll keep this brief, as I'm on a generator right now for power, but let me put it to you this way, the pictures are only a small percentage of how bad it really is.

It is a literal SHTF situation right now in New Orleans, and I'm afraid that the panic is starting to spread east towards our town. I'm 110 miles or so east of New Orleans, and even we were leveled, with much worse damage than we recieved during Ivan.

FEMA is able to bring in enough food daily to feed about 75,000 people. At the distribution centers today, about 350,000 showed up. Do the math. It's going to get ugly really quickly if we don't get power and some sort of transit system setup in this city alone, not even considering the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

I'm going to sit it out for another week or so and see how things go. If it doesn't improve dramatically, I'm packing up and heading north for a week or two.

Supposedly there are roving bands of armed men in New Orleans that are just looting, pillaging, etc. their way across the city. The National Guard really needs to step up quick, because even though NO is a lost cause, there's still alot of people in the surrounding areas just yet.
I'm going to sit it out for another week or so and see how things go. If it doesn't improve dramatically, I'm packing up and heading north for a week or two.

I know I speak for everyone else here when I say our prayers are with you, firstly.

And secondly, don't wait to see how bad it gets because by then it may be too late. Give some serious consideration to saddling up the horses and gettin' outta Dodge right now.

Thanks for checking in. Either the news is being carefully edited or the scope of the whole thing isn't sinking in as we aren't hearing much (through the local media) other than the power is out, people are stuck on roofs, & that there is minor looting. Browsing around the internet though is a completely different story :scrutiny: . However I try not to claim conspiracy when plain incompetence is the answer :D .

If you want to make it this far north I can clear off some couch/floor space for a while. Of course there is the 3 kids & 4 dogs that you would have to put up with as well :uhoh: .

Good luck
There's lots of stuff you aren't seeing.

For one, the death toll is going to be STAGGERING. Think 9/11 all over again, possibly x10.
Wow, this is 9/11 scale? That is nuts. Prayers to all those down there. This is definatly a SHTF scenario.
Wow! I knew that Mobile wasn't a good place to go. My sister in law lives in New Orleans and Mobile was one of the places they were told to head toward. With that said, the population of Mobile must have increased significantly because it was a recommended place to go.

Be safe, take your time and gather your thoughts and gear and head out!!
Prayers with you, my friend.
Remember, your safety, and the safety of your loved ones comes first. Consider getting out now, before Mobile becomes New Orleans.
Remember, your stuff isn't worth dying over (unless you've got REALLY good stuff). Best of luck to you!
Pack up what you can and get out now. Things are going to get worse before they get better. Fresh water is going to be the biggest problem.

We are going to see Cholera and all kinds of public health problems that Americans think of as "Third World" issues.

Good Luck.
keep your shotgun next to you at ALL TIMES and make sure to be armed if you "get the hell outa dodge".

Fox news is reporting that NO police are saying looters are stepping over people's corpses and looting their homes. NO police are saying they want to shoot those kinds of looters on site and hang a looter sign on them and leave them lay. Holy crap!
Thanks for the update. Prayers going out to you and the others dealing with this unimaginable disaster.

Get your stuff together and get out now. The health problems are just starting down there and things are going to get UGLY (ok....uglier than they already are).

Please keep us updated to your situation.
Thanks for the update, prayers with you, my friend.

REMEMBER, everything is replaceable except you! Stay locked and loaded, and get ready to move.
Here's another report from some friends of mine that flew over the area today in a private plane. They live in Baton Rouge and have boats and places in other parts of LA. They took some video and will send it to me later.
I have known all these guys for years, the names mentioned in the email.

OK, here it is from the horse's mouth - I flew co pilot. We flew from BTR (a zoo being the closes operational airport to the worst areas) south down over Houma, La. then east just behind Grand Isle. The north (bay) side of the island looked intact, and the causeway to the island is standing. Most of the long piers out into the bay are intact. We then flew further east to Port Sulphur, then south along the west side of the river. From Empire (the high rise bridge) south everything is flooded. There are two 200 foot pogie boats in the road at Empire. The water inside the levees at Venice appears to be about 6-8 feet deep and lots of damage. Venice Marina is totally destroyed and all boats and houseboats are either missing or destroyed. Garry, we may have seen your houseboat across Tiger Pass in the woods upside down, but study of the video will confirm. All the boat sheds are gone, including the one Andre's Whaler was in. Cypress Cove a little better, but every boat destroyed. Port Eads is totally destroyed for all intents and purposes. Every houseboat missing, including Andre's. Wayne and another guy were staying on the Taj, a 130 foot steel barge houseboat by the fuel dock. It is still there, but the house part is gone, it's just a barge. Wayne's boat is tied up to it. A seaplane landed there yesterday and looked for them, but no sign. We fear they are dead.

New Orleans airspace is restricted below 5,000 feet, and we flew directly over the Industrial Canal from south to north about the same time as Air Force One carrying our prez. The hi-dry storage building housing AJ is untouched and did not have any water around it since it's outside the flood protection levees. I'm encouraged that AJ is unscathed. The rest of N.O. is totally, and I mean totally flooded. The city will never recover, never.

Flew over my camp and it's fine other than some water in the downstairs, and this was confirmed by camp neighbor who was there yesterday.

A flight of a lifetime, hope never to see this again. If the death toll is not in the many thousands it will be a true miracle.

Still no power or net at home,(Baton Rouge) but saw some utility trucks in the neighborhood. Genset still chugging along altho one of the saftey shutdowns failed and had to bypass it.

EVIL5LITER, God be with you and your family. Get out now, I have space, if you need it, pm/email for directions. Stay Safe.
I heard the same thing on FOX and I am all for the LEO's being given full authority to shoot looters on site no questions asked.
I'm truly hoping that power being restored will be enough to right the ship. I don't want to have to abandon my home and my job. I have places to go, but for how long? What will I do?

Trust me when I say I won't wait until the last possible minute, but I'm going to give it a little time to work it's way out just yet. The roads heading north are for the most part clear, and I have enough gas in the Mustang to get my probably 300 or so miles before having to fill up.
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