My local AMC Theater's new sign??

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Feb 3, 2009
So. Illinois
Went to see the "Avengers" tonight, and found a sign just like this one that wasn't there a few weeks ago.


Found it a little odd, since we don't have CC in Illinois yet.
Nope, we're working hard for CC, but currently have no real form of carrying of a loaded gun.
I saw the same sign at an AMC in NJ a few weeks ago. No real carry for average citizens here either, so I had a little chuckle about it, then unclipped my knife, stuck it in my pocket and entered.
I've seen them on theaters downtown but I can't remember what company owned the theater. I'm suppposed to go to the amc theater at the mall tonight I will keep am eye open for a sign.

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I'll have to check the one near where I live. It'll suck if they have it, cuz those are comfy seats!
I used to work at an AMC theater, and the company policy while I was there (2 or 3 years ago) was to have "no guns allowed" signs up. The one I worked at had some trouble with gangs and such and had signs up before AMC bought out the original theater.
Went to see the "Avengers" tonight, and found a sign just like this one that wasn't there a few weeks ago.


Found it a little odd, since we don't have CC in Illinois yet.

Where's the confusion? They simply want potential criminals to know that they are not allowed to bring their firearms in should they choose this establishment for their societally deviant behavior.

I for one would feel grateful that the management was so concerned for my safety that they purchased this powerful $2.00 law enforcement tool.

Good golly - I'm so moved by this show of passive defense that I think I'll have one made for my car stating "No Slim-jims" and "no slide-hammers" then I can throw away my "CLUB" and finally disconnect that pesky alarm.
good point mrvco

I own tools not weapons. I probably slip from time to time and call them such, but they are tools with a purpose (some of their purpose is to be shiny, hey it is still a purpose).
Where's the confusion? They simply want potential criminals to know that they are not allowed to bring their firearms in should they choose this establishment for their societally deviant behavior.

Just like any other place that posts such foolishness, they lost my business.

BlueRays are better. No idiots talking, coughing and sneezing on you, or releasing odors, no cell phones ringing, no tooth suckers. I prefer my home made popcorn and drinks to their $12 price anyway...
On a side note, when I saw The Avengers with my son, I was shocked to see a Vickers commercial just before the movie.
A no gun sign seems a bit redundant for IL. In Indiana, signs do not hold the "authority of the law", but if asked to leave you must do so or you could be charged with trespass.
I'm actually wondering if this is in response to the story a few years back where someone was talking during a movie, and the man in front of him got up, shot him, and sat back down to enjoy the rest of the film.
I'm not sure which theater we used to go to that has the sign (which does carry the force of law here), but I know our local "Rave" theater does not have any signs. I've taken my kids to 4 movies this month there to support them.
Call the theater and tell them why you and your kids are not coming back. Get a few buddies to do the same. If they get enough calls the sign will come down.
Could be corporate policy and all theaters across the country got a sign, not just IL.

Time for a letter writing campaign and boycott.
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