Need a quick recomendation on a defence pistol for a woman.

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What ever she gets, make sure she tries it first. I bought an LCP a few weeks ago, took the YL out to the back yard range and let her try it. She put the first two shots in the bull at 10yards, but the gun pinched her trigger finger so hard she didn't want to shot it after that. I would strongly suggest that she become familiar with any pistol/gun/rifle before she decides to own it.
I may be a little late, but if you can, have her try a Taurus M85 SS 3inch bbl. I got one and in a straight up comparison with a friends M85 2inch it was much more accurate, easier to sight, and the SS weight was able to handle the recoil of +P rounds quite well.

I added a set of Crimson Trace LG-385 grips and this thing is Accurate!! (within snub nose range of course, 50ft).

I'm sorry she has been put into this situation, but I'm happy she agrees that she needs to acquire self defense skills and a handgun she can shoot competently.

BUT-Please make sure she has done absolutely everything possible regarding home and vehicle security which will minimize the chance that she will ever have to resort to her training and firearm. I'm talking about an alarm, good locks on doors and windows, good exterior lighting and the like.

I also would include getting familiar with neighbors, hopefully to the point where they can be trusted with the knowledge of her unique needs. Also do not neglect talking with her daughter (depending on her age of course) about what she can do to help Mom be on her guard too, along with a family plan for what to do if the nightmare should return.

Man, what a weak sentence if the jerk is out after only a few months.........
michaelmcgo it sounds like your lady friend needs to be speaking to some real experts with her situation not just well meaning amateurs , but as one I would suggest she , 1 get a restraining order against this guy B4 he is let loose or , 2 try to relocate to where he doesn't know where she is .

She should also become very knowledgeable in her states and local laws regarding deadly force .

Just because she has been his victim in the past I doubt she has the legal grounds to start shooting if she sees him or even if he is simply walking towards her etc. . In todays twisted world preparing for something bad in a situation like this might be construded as planning to try to kill him for revenge .

Sad bad situation and I wish her the best of luck hope nothing more happens to her or anything to her child .
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