Need list of why guns are better than women.

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You go Tamara!!! ^5

Now if this thread was titled "How guns are better/easier to get along with/more valuable than Mouth-breathing, knuckle dragging troglodytic men..." but that's just as sexist.

And yes I DO too have a sense of humor, I married a Man, didn't I?

That was mine. Reposting...

I read the other thread, and dreamed this up in about five minutes when I was on "hold" with S&W:


1. You can easily get any barrel length you want, from 1 7/8" to 14â€.
2. If you decide your handgun’s barrel is too short, you or the factory can replace it with a longer one.
2. If you wear your handgun’s barrel out entirely, you can fit it with a new one but keep the same gun.
3. A handgun does exactly what you direct it to do.
4. You can grip a handgun any way you want and it won’t mind.
5. Handguns almost never stop working, even after a hundred years.
6. A handgun won’t get dirtier or more broken down between the time you saw it last and today.
7. A handgun will always be there when you need it.
8. Handguns don’t hog the remote.
9. A handgun will always listen to you, and speak whenever you want it to.
10. A handgun is perfectly happy being used all the time, not at all, or anything in between.

Why are guns superior to women...

There's no social stigma or health issues involved with 'crew served' weapons.

If either is high maintenance then they're a pain in the butt.

With weapons, there is no shame in being 'half cocked'.

A gun will not complain if you need to load and fire as quickly as possible.

Hoppes is cheaper than Chanel.

Even troglodytes knew that a spear thrown at a bison was more effective than nagging it to death. :D
oh,,,i see,,,i thought a troglodyte was one of them armadillo bug crawl in the mud looking things they find as fossils,,,

but that would be a trilobyte?

I hate to jump in with on this duscussion but I couldn't resist.

In relation to why guns are better then men.

Most guns will shoot more then once, and need no downtime in between shots.
Main Entry: trog·lo·dyte
Pronunciation: 'trä-gl&-"dIt
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin troglodytae, plural, from Greek trOglodytai, from trOglE hole, cave (akin to Greek trOgein to gnaw, Armenian aracem I lead to pasture, graze) + dyein to enter
1 : a member of a primitive people dwelling in caves
2 : a person resembling a troglodyte (as in reclusive habits or outmoded or reactionary attitudes)
3 : click here :D
- trog·lo·dyt·ic /"trä-gl&-'di-tik/ adjective
Sean Smith noted:

Guns won't take your girl, no matter how nice she is, but your girl might want to take your guns, if they are really nice.
Funny how that works: In the past year, two Kel Tecs, a Buckmark, and an M1 carbine have become "HERS." And recently, a Colt OACP and a Browning HP appear to be out of circulation. Oh, well - - We all still live in the same house. :D

You can TAP, RACK, BANG you gun all you want without having to cuddle

You can legally go to an establishment, rent as many guns as you want, and you gun will never mind

You gun will never mind if you dry fire

Gburner: like we used to say in the Marines, she's not fat, she's crew served

(ladies, don't get me wrong, this is all in good humor, i'm really a nice guy ;)
As a woman no offense is taken seeing as a list of why a gun is better than a man is probably just as easy to come up with (some of which have been mentioned and some of which are the same as the ones for women, just changed woman to man. ) ;)
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