Never thought "firearm" and "adult novelty" would be used in the same sentence.

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The Humane Society should do the same thing! Bring in your gun(s) get a puppy! THAT would be a huge "win-win" scenario.

As an animal lover, I think it is a great way to save some lives from being put down. The only issue is many animals might end up in a bad environment and become abused (again) or end up back in shelters. However, it might also attract responsible persons who seriously want a dog or cat (or possibly some farm animals) and cannot afford them. I like to be optimistic, so I think it would be a great idea! Plus, If one had to be given up eventually, at least it would give them a chance and prevent (or prolong) their euthanasia (hoping that they weren't put into an abusive environment).

I wish every pittie would be rescued...oh dreams...
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