New: Dept of Peace and Non-violence

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Apr 12, 2007
Have you heard about this one?

From the new, improved, Democrat party-dominated U.S. Congress: A bill to create a "Department of Peace and Nonviolence." George Orwell saw it coming. Don't miss Section 102, which includes: "(5) analyze existing policies, employ successful, field-tested programs, and develop new approaches for dealing with the implements of violence, including gun-related violence and the overwhelming presence of handguns" Gee, I always thought that handguns could also be used as "implements of self-defense" and "implements of target shooting" too, but I guess I'm one of those conservative dinosaurs who is not properly conversant in the subtleties of Newspeak.
What shocks me about liberals is their utter stupidity.

We have a Department of Energy, and I'm paying $3.25 for a gallon of gas. We have a Department of Education, and more and more of our kids are illiterate. We have a Department of Defense, and we're mired in Iraq.

A Federal Department of Peace and Nonviolence would all but guarantee a future filled with more war, and more violence. This comes simply from our experience as a nation.
Next,it will be regular doses of mind control drugs,that will be compulsary,by law, to take,on a daily bases.Welcome to the Ministry Of Love.This sounds very strange to me and it gives me the creeps.(It's like something out of a political satirical show.)Im used to to awful rules and regulations,because we have enough of them over here,in the UK.Typical bloody liberals,they are all the same,no matter where they are,in the world.
BTW, to all those high-minded THR members who advocated voting for the Democrats because the Republican sucked, note that the Democrats have shown themselves to be everything that we "hold our nose and vote for the lesser evil" types said they'd be.

Hell, even we didn't think Damascus Nancy would go and do a John Kerry in Syria with a headscarf on.
On the surface, this doesn't sound like a bad idea.

Reduce Gang violence, Domestic violence, Abuse, Teaching kids conflict resolution. Sounds good.

HOWEVER, There are programs already in place to address these issues. Both on the state and federal level. Its called Social Work and it's monitered by the federal and state govt.

I think that implementing this department will be redundant, expensive, and it's operation will border incompetent. Why you say...lets look at the following:

Department of Homeland security...the borders are still not secure!
Deparment of Education...still not enough teachers, not enough pay for teachers. NO child left behind a miserable failure.

Also the Deparment of peace WILL focus on banning guns which in my opinion will be its main reasoning for it's existance.

I have a bad feeling about this new department.
Unlike 1984, this would actually promote piece. If they do it right, it would be a great idea. Consider it a branch of the military, but instead of breaking things for a living, they would be trained in occupation, stabilization, working with the locals, and rebuilding of infrastructures. Like those guys with the blue helmets, except that they actually do something.

Of course I have no faith in the government to get this right at all.:scrutiny:
Great! more taxes and less freedom!:banghead:

Me: (Cleaning Shotgun on porch)

Peace & Non-violence Agent:Is that a gun? Those are not conducive to peace.(Agent pulls out Micro Uzi) SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS!


How similar does this sound to the Committee of Public Safety during the French Revolution....that was effective.....
Those who beat their swords into plowshares end up plowing the fields of those who don't.

No idea who to attribute the above quote to, but it fits. Molon Labe...
Are you sure they didn't say Department of Pissed-off Nuns with Violins?

Maybe THAT would be a good idea.

Gee, maybe a totalitarian state won't be as bad as we think it will be. I've heard some of the re-education camps are going to be nice.

This is seriously the creepiest thing I've seen from the left yet.
Paula Abdul is supporting the department of peace! So is Willie Nelson. Thats enough to convince me it's the best idea in the history of the existence of mankind. I better email Rosie O'Donnell and make sure she knows about this.
This fills me with the urge to eat great slabs of raw, red meat.

I don't think that in all my days I will ever understand what motivates the possessors of undeserved wealth to convince the less wealthy to part with time and money they worked hard to obtain, so that they may be forced to work harder to obtain less.

That is simply the most diabolical thing I can think of that people regularly get away with.

"...and in one bloody night, the oppressors and usurpers were eliminated by their would-be slaves and protectors. Hope flourished in the vacuum of power."
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