New Gun Store

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Put in a cigar bar on one side and call it "ATF"--Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. Now, THAT'S a one stop shop!

On Target

Taken. Awesome shop in St. Louis.

How about something professional instead of "catchy"? I don't know about others, but when I shop for guns, a cutesy name doesn't mean a thing to me. If I were looking through a phone book and saw two ads next to each other in the yellow pages, I will choose "John's Professional Firearms Sales and Service" over "TeH KooLest GunZ StoRe" EVERY TIME.

Heck. How about "Professional Firearms"?

Just my 2 cents.

BTW: If you're going to name a store this, you might want to follow through.
Malcolm Arms or YOUR NAME HERE Arms/Guns/Gun and Knife etc. - because building a business/brand is about differentiating yourself from competitors, being unique and standing apart. What will get people in the door is seeing that you're different from the other stores they have to choose from. If you have a name that sounds like "just another gun shop." that's what people will think of you if they remember you at all.

Your name is often the best way to differentiate yourself - unless you have a ubiquitous name.

Read "The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding"
Yes the Plans for the Shop would be in my City. After planning and Planning it seems so hard to find that right name to go with. I am still up in the air as what name I shoud go with.....
Malcolm... the name might bring them in but it won't bring them back.

Your success, as with any business, will be your ability to supply a product and/or provide a service that is desired and/or needed by the consumer. The name should be something that is personal to you, because in the long run, it will have no effect on the success or demise of your business. (Does "Wendy's" sound like a good name for a burger joint?)

This usually involves competitive prices and/or great customer service, or BOTH.

I am willing to pay extra for convenience and good customer service. I am willing to accept less customer service for a great price. If you can't do either of these... then your fancy store name will become your enemy.
Some of the ideas in this thread are kinda witty (on paper), but won't bring in customers. A name has to grab, literally GRAB, the mind of the viewer, and it can't be too long OR something that only gunnies will pay attention to. I suggest this:

I have the absolute, #1, perfect name for your gun store. It is guaranteed to be exactly what you are looking for. Trouble is I have a copyright on it, so it's gonna cost you bigtime.;)
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