Howdy! I'm Justin, from central North Carolina. I've been a member at TFL for a while and I thought i'd come check this place out too. I'm 24, and have been shooting since i was big enough to hold a high-standard double-9. I look foward to joining in on the discussions!
Hello, Jim here from N.Cal. I like to hunt/fish and camp. I hunt with a T/C Encore pistol and also bow hunt. I just retired and plan to spend this summer as a camp host at a forest service campground in Nevada.

I have been target shooting for about 20 years, and learned about this forum through one of Oleg Volk's sites.

For now I hail from the People's Republic of California - a decent place formerly, good weather and all, now a Mexican cesspool in the making.

Here illegals and Democrat-voting indigent scum in general are handed entitlements paid for by the shrinking middle class. The leftist tax-dodging elite are thus enjoying a swelling of their voting base at the expense of regular folk.

While many here claim to be champions of tolerance, make no mistake -- this extends not at all toward anyone whose views diverge from the radical left. Should you utter anything sensible in public, a throng of unwashed in-duh-viduals will rudely get in your face with rabid spittle dribbling down their 'soul patches'.

In other words, banish any thought of moving here, and consider getting the heck out before nortenos or surenos move into your neighborhood.
New guy

Hello everyone. I'm new to reloading and new to serious target shooting. I will be new to hunting this fall too. I live in Montana and hunting was one of the reasons I moved here. I have a Winchester m70 in 30-06 that I've had for about 3 yrs that I plan to hunt with.
New Member says hello from Iowa

Hello there! I just discovered this awsome website today and had to sign up. The information and input from fellow shooters and gun enthusiasts is almost endless! I'm an old Iowa farmboy that has lived in the city for almost 40 years and appliance service manager is one of the several hats I wear at a home department store. The great outdoors, running and fitness, collecting and dealing in antiques, and a renewed interest in pistols/shooting are among my leisure activities.

I have owned several pistols for years and used to enjoy target shooting with my son, but for personal reasons had to abandon this great pastime until now. Since I haven't handled the pistols or shot them in years, it is like starting over and I need all the education and help I can get! So thus the name PistolNewbie. I may even get my wife of 33 years interested; she went with us to the range once, shot twice and a bullseye both times! (I never did get over that:eek: .)

I own a couple of Ruger 22s, a S&W 357 magnum and also a couple of novelty mouseguns ( I'll probably never shoot them but they are so cool:cool: ). I attended several gun shows this winter to renew my enthusuiasm and see what's new and even purchased a limited edition Browning Buckmark. I have found the 22's are fun and inexpensive to shoot, but I plan to buy a 9mm and I have always fantasized about owing a 44 magnum. I have never fired a 44 magnum and I don't know how the recoil compares to the 357 magnum:fire: .

If anyone can advise me as to what to buy/look for in a 9mm or comment on the 44 magnum recoil I would welcome your opinion.
An introduction is in order -

Chuck here.
Just signed up and have been lookin' around at some of the many, many threads. Found a lot of interesting items from some folks who obviously know what they'e talkin' 'bout (+ some BS and highly opinionated comments which we're all guilty of on occasion).
I retired - a' la bonne heurea - 4 years ago from a great job as a surveyor. Not everyone can say that they loved their job during most of their career... unless your 'job' was testing the accuracy of just about every rifle, pistol and shotgun known to the editors of 'The Shooter's Bible' like some shooting magazine columnists.
My dad taught me (starting at age 5) to 1.) Handle guns VERY safely 2.) shoot straight 3.) hunt with lots of respect for what I'm hunting and lastly.) to have some fun with the shooting sports. Most of my relatives worked for Federal Cartridge in Anoka, MN so guess what I got for every B-Day and Christmas??? My gifts all weighed 15 - 25 lbs and we ended up shooting lots of rounds!
I don't think that I'll list my guns on an open forum but I will mention one of my more recent acquisions. It's Savage's fairly-new Model 12 Long Range Precision Varminter. I choose it in .22-250Rem for reloading ease as I shoot longer distances with my son who already owned that caliber in the T/C Encore. I stuck an inexpensive Tasco 6-24x42 scope (Mil Dot) on to see if Tasco was still a good scope in spite of it's super-low price. I've not been disappointed, either at the range or trying to rid a N. Dakota expanse of those pesky little P.D.s. Our 1st 2-day excursion saw hits at 435 yds with the .22-250s and 385 yds with an AR-15 (.223 off-the-shelf cartridges... the cheap stuff). We got a bit better by our second trip and popped several at 600 - 637 yds and 450 yds with the same, respective weapons. Can't wait to see what they'll do with my new hand-loads!
This should be an enjoyable and educational chat site. Lookin' forward to reading more.

P.S. As my handle infers.... I'm a pilot in Minnesota and fly a Mooney. My Eng. Setter is named 'Pilot'.

"Life's too short for cheap ammo or expensive women. Better to try expensive ammo and .......... well, you get the idea"
Welcome to Our World

Welcome to all the newcomers. We're glad you're here and we hope that you'll contribute your thoughts, suggestions and ideas to the discussions. You'll find you're in good company with good people.

My name is Chris and I am very active with the Ohio based group, the Buckeye Firearms Association. I am mostly interested in handguns, but I am now looking into various rifles.
A new member from NC here.

My tiny collection:

- Smith & Wesson 686, 6" barrel

- KelTek P3-AT (HC)

- Yugo SKS

My next weapon purchase will be a pistol-grip shotgun.
Hello from Wikieup AZ

Hello all!
I'm new here, but not to shooting.
I have a fair arsenal at my disposal. From .22 up to .44 mag.
Just entered the world of reloading and am enjoying it greatly.
I am also looking forward to learning new things here.

See you in the forums!
Another new guy from Alaska on a learning quest. I have been around several forums, and have yet been able to visit everyday, but I keep trying. I like the format and the site/members have a welcome attitude. Keep it up!
Dan from minneapolis mn. have interest in rifles, pistols and shotguns and have a bit of all and love to shoot all firearms. thank you for any info and opinions on questions and products
Fairly new to the gun world. Bought my Hi-point .40 in January and now I can't stop. just bought myself a Glock 36 and hoping to have tritium sight put on in the next few weeks. Planning on buying a 12 gauge for hunting and an AR-15 for fun at the range. Hope to talk you guys soon. Im in the Austin, TX area if anyone would like to meet up and shoot sometime
Welcome new folks.
This is one of the most informative and useful sites on the Internet.
And yes, THR can be addictive. (I speak from experience. :rolleyes: )

Imatt, be sure to check out the 686 club. (See below.)
BBQJoe, I've been through Wikieup (years ago). Amazing country.
ARCQB, check my location. Always interested in learning about AK.

Enjoy your stay, and please help us keep to the high road.

Hi Everyone,

Another Virginia shooter signing on. I've been lurking for a while (2+ years) and figured it was about time to join. Great to be part of such an awesome site. I've been into shooting for a few years and enjoy shooting pistols, rifles, shotguns, and have recently gotten into hunting. Also working on building up my meager collection. So many guns, so little money, sigh.... Oh well, look forward to talking with yall!
Hey all, great site!

Long time lurker. Weekend article in Richmond Times cheesed me off sufficiently to sign up, and do what many others here have already done (e-mail paper, citing reporter's violation of the paper's own privacy policy, reckless endangerment of legal pemit holders, etc.).

About me: I post on under same name.
Beretta PX4
Kahr PM9
....... and shopping for most appropriate .22LR long gun for me.
Hi All

I'm not a lurker. This is a great site. Just found it tonight. I am looking forward to learning a lot more from ya'll. OH yeah Colt 38 super.

I'm new on the forum as of today. We live in the central California mountains where we have a small business. Main interests are modern home defense guns, carry guns for the city, and guns for the woods.

I started off on the forum today by screwing up with a double post. Sorry. How can I fix this? It's on Handguns, General Discussion: "Best Pants for Pocket Carry ??"


A regular on the CG forum, I'm a 16 year old high school student in San Jose, CA, who has for the last 8 months practiced the fine art of paper genocide just about every week and am the proud member of my family to start the tradition of owning and maintaing firearms. An avid history buff (from your Hammurabi to the Cold War), and a moderate gamer/PC builder, one day I figured out that 1: all the gun control videos shown to me in elementary and middle school were propaganda, and 2: owning the weapons that were a part of history and in the games I play would be pretty damn cool. After convincing my dad to get into firearms he himself has been swept up and in the time span of 8 months we've acquired a Russian SKS (first rifle), M9 beretta, SU-16CA, Springfield Armory 1911 Mil-Spec and plans are in the works of building an AR-15. After half a year with firearms, I can confidently say that I can maintain and fire smallarms much more proficently than any Comm-Bloc un-educated peasant. :D

When I get out of HS I plan on attending the ROTC program in college and serve a brief stint as a CO before taking up a buisness oriented job. No matter what though, I'm sticking to my guns and taking an active role in converting my fellow peers towards the light. (more like muzzle flash)

Here is me in all of my mall ninja/communistic glory:
Howdy, All

Another newby from Virginia joining because of :cuss: the mess at The Roanoke Times. I've been target shooting for most of my adult life. I've enjoyed teaching Hunter Education for a number of years. I used to enjoy deer hunting but that got to be too hard with Fibromyalgia. I love competition whether it was shooting, 3-D Archery, or Dressage. I really like the .357 Magnum revolver my father gave me one year at Christmas. It's the best.
New Member, Hello

Hi, I've been lurking for a while and decided to join.

Great site.
