Welcome, Cody! As you likely learned before signing up, we try to maximize information transfer and minimize antagonism. Still, no amount of moderation can avert thoughtless comments that can hurt folks needlessly. I expect that you will fit in well, but suggest that you peruse the THR primer and get a good feel for the place before diving in with a big splash. :D We do have our self-appointed experts, but they generally settle down or wander off after awhile.
Welcome, Cody! As you likely learned before signing up, we try to maximize information transfer and minimize antagonism. Still, no amount of moderation can avert thoughtless comments that can hurt folks needlessly. I expect that you will fit in well, but suggest that you peruse the THR primer and get a good feel for the place before diving in with a big splash. :D We do have our self-appointed experts, but they generally settle down or wander off after awhile.

Self appointed expert? He must be talking about me! For the record, MY expertise on all subject matter known to man is NOT or ever has been "self-appointed" I get my info either through divine intervention or the INTERNET! Either source is indisputable and backed by internet experts !
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We are glad you signed on, 1775! We hope you like it here. I was never an iron butt rider, but still enjoy short trips on my 250 and even a scooter on occasion.
Please check out THR primer when you have a chance. We like to keep things calm and respectful so the information can flow more efficiently.
We are glad you signed on, 1775! We hope you like it here. I was never an iron butt rider, but still enjoy short trips on my 250 and even a scooter on occasion.
Please check out THR primer when you have a chance. We like to keep things calm and respectful so the information can flow more efficiently.
Thank You for the invite. Just got back from gym. Nice brisk ride.
This thread is a place for new THR members to introduce themselves.

Tell us a little about who you are and what kind of gun stuff you're interested in!
Hey I’m knew you this sight. I live in Oregon and I love plinking and coyote hunting pretty much it. Look forward to some gun talk.
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Welcome, Csinn! We can always use more expertise and wisdom. We try to keep a low profile and respectful demeanor, but that doesn't mean we don't have fun. Please read the THR primer and settle on in.
Good day, all. I have left several other gun forums due to childish behavior (even by moderators). Have been watching this one for a while and it looks like a good culture with much less drama than I have seen elsewhere. Due to my experience as an LEO and firearms instructor of many years, others consider me a firearms "expert" in my little pond. I do not consider myself as such and I look forward to learning much more from the sea of knowledge here on The Highroad!

As my moniker implies, I believe that there is often much ado about nothing in the world of firearms and self defense, leading to long arguments about things that, in retrospect, don't really make a difference. My main belief system pertaining to firearms and their use is pretty simple:
  1. There is no appreciable difference between 9mm, .40S&W, and .45ACP so quit asking me. Find one you like and practice with it.
  2. A plain old AR will kill you just as dead as one with 12 feet of rail and 19 accessories on it.
  3. No. I do not like Glocks. Yes. I have shot them. If you like Glock, then by all means go buy one; I certainly will not judge you. Just leave me, my 1911's, and my Sig P229SAO alone.
  4. Die Hard is a Christmas movie, no matter what my wife says.
Welcome, Simple Shooter! Thank you for sharing your background and philosophy enough to assure us that compatibility is not likely to be a problem. There are fanbois in every group, but to each their own. Many of us have figured out that latest =/= greatest. We can certainly benefit from your experience and hope you will enjoy your time here.
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Welcome, LimaCharlie! We are glad you found us and happy to have you on board. Please check out the THR primer section, then handgun general, revolver and autoloader. We encourage civil discourse and try to stay focused on firearms, so we can learn from each other. Thanks for checking in!
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Welcome aboard g2precision and happy holidays to you. You didn't mention your interests, but from your avatar I'm guessing you like high end Ar-15's?
Be sure to read a few posts prior to this one where there's some good advice for interacting on the forum.:)
Hello g2precision, and welcome. Please check out THR primer. If you plan to advertise or direct traffic to your site, please clear with an administrator before doing so. If you just want to hang out, we are glad to have you.
Thanks for the add. New member here from just outside of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. My interests include many things such as woodworking, welding and wrenching in the shop. During the infrequent times its to cold to do those things, i work on getting caught up on brass prep if im not in the woods napping i mean deer hunting. While i do have an affection for glock pistols i also have a well rounded collection of 1911s and revolvers as well.
Welcome sksshooter! You have a lot of company here. Please read the THR primer when you get a chance, and make yourself at home here. The board is gun-centric and nonpolitical, so we tend to get along pretty well. Stay warm!