Nitrating my own paper.

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Haven't followed up in a while, but have been making slow progress.

A couple of weeks ago I got an aluminum painters pan with the idea of making a solution and pouring it in the bottom of the pan and then dredging the papers and leaving them on the slope to dry. However, the thermoconductivity of the aluminum caused the solution to cool really quickly and the powder crystallized on the pan before I could soak very many of the papers. So I made more of the solution and went back to just dipping the papers in a glass cup and swirling it around.

Mixing the solution.


Drying pan.


Yesterday I took the dried papers and started experimenting to find out how much of the dowel to whittle down to roll a proper diameter cartridge. Then got to work.


Finally, four full cylinders and one test round.


Almost went to try them out today, but life got in the way.
I bought Spectracide and made several papers allowing them to dry on an unused portion of a BBQ rack. But all of the crystalized particles easily came off, and I lost a bit of interest. They've just been sitting there for months now, especially since I've turned the corner and bought some speed loader tubes for both my pistol and rifle.

It seemed to become a bit more tedious to me to do such, and the crystal stuff flaking off didn't sit well with me. I also didn't like licking the stuff, which is easy enough to bypass by using a little dish of water and a finger. It wasn't as much fun as just making them with dry papers.

Please do go into how it works for you, especially if there is a delay in firing.
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