NRA Life Membership, is it worth it?

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If the object is to put money into the fight then a Lifetime Membership or using any discounts is counterproductive. However, it is my understanding that the NRA and NRA-ILA have separate funding so money given to the NRA through memberships does not go to the ILA for lobbying.
I signed up for the Easy Pay Life for $25 a month at their $500 discounted rate. I'll be a full blown Life Member by the end of 2017.

Worth it for sure, I'd say!
I plan on renewing every two years as that way I am spurred to keep giving them money. I fear as a life member I would be a financial liability for the organization as despite intentions I might not always write them a voluntary check if I already had life membership.

Never fear! If you upgrade to a Life membership, they'll send you frequent offers to upgrade to Endowment, Patron, and Benefactor levels. That will allow you to continue to contribute money for several years, at which point you can't really consider yourself to be a financial liability to them.

I'm working on the Benefactor level. I don't do much charity contribution, so I figured why not. They'll break the payments down to $25 a month if you like.
. Is it worth it to be a life member? I do not see any special benefits for life members, is there any?
Yes - the benefit of always being counted among the foes of the anti-RKBA lobby. That alone is worth it.
Any money you send the NRA whether through a Life Membership or other can be seen as a donation. Being made a member is just a side benefit to me, but the money I've sent to them to fight anti-gunners on my behalf is well worth it.
Never fear! If you upgrade to a Life membership, they'll send you frequent offers to upgrade to Endowment, Patron, and Benefactor levels. That will allow you to continue to contribute money for several years, at which point you can't really consider yourself to be a financial liability to them.

Yep! I'm staying at Life Member for a while. I dole out extra money on occasion to the NRA-ILA. The NRA will always take donations on top of any membership money one sends in.
The NRA scares the Hell out of gun grabbers. Think how much more scared they'd be if every gun owner in America joined?
I've been on the rolls for 12 years and would like to upgrade to a life membership, but I've never been offered a discounted rate by the NRA.
The NRA site only offers 1k life memberships on several different plans, where do you access the discount?
I had the same questions in 1975, and am really glad now that I decided in the affirmative then!
The NRA site only offers 1k life memberships on several different plans, where do you access the discount?
Try The offers are specific to you so put in your member ID, zip code and email and it will have several special offers for you.

Not sure if they're still making the $500 Life though. Check it out and let us know.
Here's what I do.

I have the NRA lifetime membership payment plan. The NRA doesn't get too snooty with you if you don't pay regularly. So, every election year I send money in to the NRA because that's when they need it, and that's when I'm motivated to do so.

The NRA gets my money. I get the benefit of a lifetime membership.
Thanks Candyman87

Try The offers are specific to you so put in your member ID, zip code and email and it will have several special offers for you.

The NRA has a new $500 life member.
YES. I count it a badge of honor to be listed as one of Obama's and Clinton's enemies. But, don't forget that the NRA-ILA is where your contributions go directly and purposefully toward legislative defense and positive changes.
Yes. Do it. When I signed up for Life it was $750. I started with the easy pay plan, $25 per quarter. After a couple years I just paid the remainder off. If money is an issue, look for deals they offer. My father got his Life Membership for $300 a couple years ago.
I just went to and upgraded to Endowment Life Member for $200. It is worth every penny.
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I bought Life in1968, and subsequently went through the next three to my Benefactor level. Never regretted a single dollar. They periodically offer specials. If I wasn't approaching late middle age I would get an ISRA life membership. They are the voice for IL gun owners.
fouled bore - like so many others have said, it IS worth it.
You may never need most of the benefits, but they are there "JiC". At its most basic, think of the annual dues. Then think of 2/3 of that going for the magazine you choose, so how much will you save right there?
I took the "EZ Pay" method for life membership 25 years ago and upgraded to Endowment for half price ($250) about 10 years later.
While there are other national groups (GOA, SAF, NAGR), the NRA is the proverbial "800 lb. gorilla" in terms of its lobbying ability. Anything we can do to help those efforts go further or be more effective is what we SHOULD do.

Stay safe!
Well if you intend on not giving any more money after you get the life membership, then yeah, it's probably worth it.
But that begs the question, why give them any money?

I give them more money now than I ever did as an annual member. So was it worth it for me? No and yes.
NRA Life membership.

NRA fights for gun ownership. Needed to shoot competition. Great magazine. Insurance. Yes,worth it, but may depend on your age. If you have one foot in the
grave, maybe not? Price$ only go up.
It is to me, absolutely! I upgraded to Life for half price at the last annual meeting in Nashville. Then upgraded to Patron and then Benefactor during the recent drive. All for the cost of a regular Life membership.
I became a life member in 1976 when I think it was maybe $100. I'm a life member of every organization that I like that offers life memberships. I send in annual contributions to ILA every year because no other organization does as much for gun owners as the NRA and ILA. Two years ago I bought my son a life membership for $300 and now he's also making annual contributions to ILA as well.

Worth it? My dues 40 years ago now average about $2 a year over that time so only on that point, heck yes it's worth it. But continue to give to ILA if you do become a lifer.
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