NRA membership renewal

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May 16, 2009
Just got a renewal offer from the nra. $25.00 FOR 1 YEAR OR $85.00 FOR 3 Years. What gives?:confused:
I suspect it is only the 1st year for $25; additional years for $30 each. Still a discount, but they could have explained it better.
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I got 5 years for $125,
Lifetime veterans membership is $350
Call them they will give you a deal.
When I renewed my membership the girl wanted my phone number (I've heard enough about how much they call) and told her no thanks, she said the system wouldn't let her process my renewal without it. I told her I guess I wasn't going to be a member any longer, then suddenly "the system" let it go through without issue. Miracles do happen. :)

But hey, at least you get an American when you call up. Unless they recently moved the South to India :D
Ya think they would let me get 3 one year memberships and save 10 bucks?
When I renewed my membership the girl wanted my phone number (I've heard enough about how much they call) and told her no thanks, she said the system wouldn't let her process my renewal without it. I told her I guess I wasn't going to be a member any longer, then suddenly "the system" let it go through without issue. Miracles do happen. :)

But hey, at least you get an American when you call up. Unless they recently moved the South to India :D
I HAVE NEVER EVER received a phone call from the NRA !!!
I am a PATRON LIFE MEMBER and have been a member since 1958.
I recently re upped for 3 years and have been receiving renewal notices for additional years every since. Sometimes it gets annoying when they want more money. I am all about supporting gun rights and even donating alittle money. But who is watching the ship to cut down mailing costs? Good Grief!
The NRA has plea barganed away too much of the 2nd amendment to receive my support.
The NRA has plea barganed away too much of the 2nd amendment to receive my support.
Oh, so what organization that you do support is doing a better job of protecting our 2A Rights?

Wil Terry - count yourself lucky. I've heard from many, many people about continuous phone calls, members and non members alike. Hey it gets us (the NRA) money so I'm not going to complain but I'll try to keep my own number off the list. (And yes I donate regularly beyond my regular membership, usually to the NRA-ILA)
Last time I renewed my membership the NRA compromised my 30 round mags traded away my gun rights for nothing but lobby power of some such . screw em Jion GOA
I'm not happy with the NRa, but what choice do we have but support them. Without them many of us would already be non law abiding citizens. Yes they will get my support again.
My friends who run the NRA yearly dinner and raffles are top notch. I'll keep supporting them.
My dad has a lifetime membership and is actually considering canceling it for the same reason that I, a responsible gun owner, will never join that irrational group of vociferous right-wingnuts.
I don't like everything the NRA does either but they're all we've got right now. Win lose or draw they're the most powerful lobbying organization for gun rights around.
Looks like we are falling right into the trap of the lefties. Create enough splits and capitalize on the wrangling among the ranks. I have to belong to NRA to join my range but even if I didn't I would join. they are the only group that has organized and powerful enough to get people's attention on our gun rights. I get plenty of junk mail, emails but NO phone calls. I picked up a heck of a long term membership in St. Louis a couple years ago. Once NRA goes, kiss a lot of things goodbye in my humble opinion.
My dad has a lifetime membership and is actually considering canceling it for the same reason that I, a responsible gun owner, will never join that irrational group of vociferous right-wingnuts.
There is always the Communist party for left wing fanatical wing nuts.
By PistolPete45 Last time I renewed my membership the NRA compromised my 30 round mags traded away my gun rights for nothing but lobby power of some such . screw em Jion GOA
I'm a member of GOA too and thinking about joining SAF. I hear they're good too.
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